Is a girl being prudish a red flag at all?

Is a girl being prudish a red flag at all? Like a warning that she might be asexual or was molested and doesn't like sex? I've gone on a few dates with this girl and while we've pecked a few kisses, when I tried to make out once she backed away and made it clear she didn't want that saying "stop". I've never had a girl do that before. In my experience with other girls, they all love making out.

Could it be not a red flag, but maybe she's just inexperienced or a virgin? After I took her to the movies, she said she's never went to the movies with a boy before.

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She just sounds inexperienced. Give it some more time to see how it plays out.

No. A girl who was molested/has daddy issues will fuck immediately.

She’s probably good relationship material and her saying she’s never been to the movies with a guy before means she probably hasn’t been with anyone/1 or 2 people tops.

That’s prime pair bonding material, so take your time and go with the flow.

try going for it again on the next date, if she still says no, ask her whether it's a personal issue or if she's just leading you on

Any more of the girl in the OP?

Well if you want to have sex with a girl but she doesn't want to have sex that sounds like a problem, yeah.

Every girl I've ever known who has been molested or has daddy issues normally has a BPD diagnosis. Terrible idea to get involved with one.

>the vein on the right titty

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You started out saying prudish and then went on to say asexual due to a history of being molested.

Get your story straight, sperg troll.

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>A girl who was molested/has daddy issues will fuck immediately.

Not at all.

Well sometimes, it's a coin toss.

yes some will actually just pull your dick out on the first date in the middle of McDonalds and ask that you call her 'my special little princess' when you have her bent over a park bench and smashing it from behind and then months later casually make an offhand comment about how they were molested and you're like "wut" and then you go back to having sex in public as if nothing happened

but some of them will also burst into treats if you try to kiss them goodnight on your first date and then go off and tell you their life story about how they were molested and have a hard time being physical at all with men like even holding hands is asking a lot from her etc.

anyways op she could just be a total virgin OR a secret slut who puts on the illusion of being a prude but will actually fuck your dick raw.

>then months later casually make an offhand comment about how they were molested and you're like "wut" and then you go back to having sex in public as if nothing happened

What are you even talking about? Try reading OP's post again

>cant comprehend my post
I hope youre not serious

Who's that girl user?

Tumblr chick who deleted her blog

>burst into treats

Need to find a molested gf to kiss goodnight now

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I can comprehend your post. And by comprehending it, I can tell you did not comprehend OP's post. Prudish means "prude-ISH" or averted to sexual things. It doesn't mean they're a virgin

>why isn't she a slut
Sounds like you two aren't compatible.

>After I took her to the movies, she said she's never went to the movies with a boy before.
That could mean no relationships or only with a "I don't do dates" garbage type guy.

Keep going

If you own a place you could invite her and cook a meal for her with the heads up of the "no sex will happen" so she can trust you.

In my opinion if she doesn't cave on a reasonable time scale then you have to drop it, you will be unfullfilled.

>In my opinion if she doesn't cave on a reasonable time scale then you have to drop it, you will be unfullfilled.

What a reasonable timescale?

I live with my parents and so does she (we're both adults). My parents do go camping once in a while in the Summer so I'll invite her over then. But yeah there's definitely this sort of almost "asexual friction" I feel when I interact with her. She'a also possibly autistic (not even joking). She does and says things often that make me cringe, interrupts me while I talk and talks really fast. But I like that about her a lot, she's not a typical normei girl. Could being autistic or something be related to her acting like this too? It's like there's this almost "asexual friction" in the air. She doesn't talk about sex at all either. I'm not one to bring up sex with girls on early first dates either, but typically sex gets brought up by a girl at least once in a conversation by 3 dates in my experience.

>What a reasonable timescale?

I would say 1 month or 6 to 8 dates for a prudish girl or a very autistic one as you say? Kiss and ass grab/dick touches ass in the bus/train/playing pool etc. should have happened already.

If you are willing to move things forward, if she doesn't trust you (asumming you have good intentions) enough to start being sexual arround you or pasionatelly kissing after, let's say 1 month and a very good stay at home evening with food and a movie then, chances are, it's not going to work... for you (no pun intended) and i would personally get very ofended.
She might totally like it, but if sex is not an option i wouldn't tolerate.

Alright let's see it in another way, as a indicator to when things are bad when things are really bad.
Things are bad when while there is no sex, you can see the other party is trying or having a hardtime (guilt or presurre) about it, you can tell they want but for X reason can't -for the time being-.

Really bad is when there is no sex at all, the party doesn't show any sign of wanting it and things just straight don't look good, like when you are almost 100% sure she should have kissed you there but she doesn't, and this is common currency

If shes a good girl keep her but be honest with yourself and don't isealise her.

>using women as sex toys
Why the fuck would you do this, OP? You're screwing over both her and yourself, while you have a potential keeper. "Prudish" girls are the ones who are by far the most likely to form long-lasting relationships, they actually know how to control themselves. The only thing you should be worried about is why she's not willing--if it's a result of molestation then are probably many other risks involved, but if it's just a case of her being 'inexperienced' (read: not degenerate), you should be happy you can save that, not ruin it all. Fucking quickly without commitment (practically, marriage) will increase the chances of your relationship failing, and further it will degrade her ability to pair bond in any other relationships. So it's not only selfish, but it's self-defeating. Here are my sources, among others, and please note that my detractors never have any sources of their own to the contrary. All they have are insults for me.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

> (OP)
>but some of them will also burst into treats if you try to kiss them goodnight on your first date and then go off and tell you their life story about how they were molested and have a hard time being physical at all with men like even holding hands is asking a lot from her etc.

they only do that when they somehow think you're one of the "good guys". then they'll want to be in a relationship with you for emotional support but fuck other guys behind your back
they struggle with combining love with sex, it's either one or the other

Thank you, this is all very helpful advice. Anything I could bring up in conversation to "test" her, without directly talking about sex? Like asking about her past dating experience, or something else if thats a bad idea.

A whole lotta words user. I'm not afraid of infrequent sex or waiting a few months of dating for sex. I'm worried that she's totally averted to sex, 100% asexual for one reason or another and will never want to do it no matter how much she likes me. I've dated a lot of girls....I'm not Chad or anything, but she's got an asexual aura about her for sure which is making me a little concerned.

There's no point in conversing with this dude . He has a really dumb agenda that has nothing to do with giving you advice. The unfortunate truth is that none of us know what this girl's deal is or why she has the relationship with sex that she does. The only thing you can do is maybe continue this relationship with her and try to have an honest conversation about your concerns instead of guessing. The only person who is going to have a definite answer for you is her so that is who you should be talking to, not us.

Thanks, good advice. I'll try inviting her over when my parents are out camping next and make the moves then, and talk to her about it if she pushes away from the sex.


It's not really a test, people can't be straightforward so you have to play the game, im sure the girl wants the penis like any other normal person.

You could ask her about her family, her upbringing, if they were strict, if they allowed her to date, with whom spend most of her teenage days (she could say i spend half the day playing vidya and watching anime for all you know). Let the convo flow, tell her about yourself, your parents, your upbringing (highlight values). If you are a gentle type guy, if you are a guy who prefers to be alone at times (the priority on me time)

Thats a good way to know each other standings and from that see if you can build something, you start from the base. You can ask about first kiss and things like that, but nothing sexual, specially because she will expect the question to be more and more personal and we don't want her to feel pressure or cornered, everyone has their own trusting process, being honest with oneself is very important to know your limits when it comes to relationships with women.

I would really recommend talking to her before you make any moves. I don't know what kind of person she is but if she is at all reasonable I think she would appreciate you sitting her down and saying "Listen, I really like you and I'm enjoying our relationship together but I have this anxiety about our sex life and I was wondering if we could talk about it. I would really appreciate your input."

Practice your honesty, user. It'll be a handy skill in the future.

That's not 'prudish,' though. I would start by trying to find out if she has had any nasty experiences or trauma in the past (as going directly to talking about sex, in this case, might set off alarms for her if this is true).

This is what I'm talking about, absolutely nothing addressing the content of the post. Even if I were some kind of shadowy pedophilic overlord planning to destroy the world through sexual frustration, it wouldn't change the data presented.

Thanks anons. I'll talk to her when we have some time alone and my parents are out, before I make any moves. Maybe I'm overthinking and she's just shy. The first time I kissed her on the lips she turned bright red.

>she turned bright red.

She liked it! good luck man!

What's her name ? Lol

Why do you want sex?

I don't have a super high sex drive, but I think having sex once a week minimum is a pretty essential part of a relationship.