Is anarcho-primitivism a real political ideology, or is it just a meme for schizotypal people?
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as much as I hate the anarchy meme, anarcho-primitivism is the only one that has no interest groups behind them and is entirely organic with no hypocrite ideas
>Is anarcho-primitivism a real political ideology, or is it just a meme for schizotypal people?
meet your comrades
no its a real thing and a valid philosophy. 'primitivism' implies neolithic, but an anarcho primativist society would be more like the bucolic peasant life of medieval Europe, before the centralisation of authority and the aristocrats enclosing the land.
you can be quite sure there is no interest group behind it, because there is literally nothing to gain from them, it's also why "real" communism has no (((backers))) but big government socialism does.
"real" communism, IE finding a plot of land somewhere, living off the land with your commune has been done quite succesfully numerous times. state-enforced socialism not
I think it's an ideal society imo , buy eventually you will get displaced by technological societies unless every single nation is with you
>finding a plot of land somewhere, living off the land with your commune has been done quite successfully numerous times
put like that, 'communism' was clearly the default mode of human life for at least 6000 years.
Anarchy is just a way to reset progress. End result would still be the same - white communism.
Anarchy is just a way to reset progress
Not necessarily: there are very many anarchist scientists and scholars. Academia and the scientific method, have much in common with peer to peer networks, and are anti-hierarchical.
Furthermore, when we think there were syndicalist factories in revolutionary Spain, it makes it easy to imagine syndicalist laboratories and research facilities.
There would be nothing stopping a group of guys getting together and investigating a natural phenomena, or a disease or whatever.
Again, Anarcho-primitivism denotes rejecting the industrial revolution, not adopting savagery.
>when you die to a blur because you can't see with your natural form
thumbs up
real ideology
Its more of a by default state that we should always respect
If you have a tribe of 3 dudes and 4 whamen
Theres no way in hell you'll let these bitches pretend they are lesbioness
Therefore, homosexuality for beta is meeeh and homosexuality for whamen, other than for entertainment purposes, is unethical in any kind of society.
It also applies to the question of keeping the weak or not and many other questions that we seem unable to awnser from an objective point of view.
Anarcho primitivism couldnt work as we hear it, but we must inspire ourselves from it to maintain ourselves.
I was a primitivist for a time. it is a real ideology and in my day we had several publications and relatively high profile proponents: John Zerzan, Derrick Jensen, some other. It was a good time. I learned a lot about native edible plants, anthropology and got good at archery. Recommend. It was pretty bro'd out. Sucks that those people are still leftists. If you want a real and brutal critique of them read Kaczynski's Anti-Tech Revolution.
>puts two colors on a flag
>new ideology
Humans were a mistake
See Marx's 'primitive communism.' But actual communism a Marx terms it is a likely outcome of capitalism's demise and internal contradictions.
>Anarcho-primitivism denotes rejecting the industrial revolution, not adopting savagery.
That depends who you ask. Most primmies I knew thought hunter-gatherer was the ideal mode of human existence. Zerzan says man's original sin was symbolic thought (!!!!!) which sort of implies that we ought to do away with that.
That said, the more erudite among them realize that 'going backward' is not possible and that what comes is untellable. He wrote abook called Future Primitive where he elucidates this. What comes after the 'collapse' will necessarily be unlike anything that came before. you can't stand in the same river twice and all that.
Sort of true. Back in the 2000s people like John Zerzan would be attacked by the industrialists/syndicalists. He even got punched at one event, so you know the leftists and anarcommies hate them as much as the far-right.
There is some lingering leftism though. A bit hard to explain, but many of them have a very organisationalist and modern perspective on primitive life. Probably due to anthropology influence as well as feminism and the ecology movement.
Critique of abstract thought is a primitivist theory.
>Is anarcho-primitivism a real political ideology, or is it just a meme for schizotypal people?
The idea behind anarcho primitivism, is that at anarcho capitalism, you have freedom from government but not from institutions. If you use cars, you will be a slave of oil companies or energy production companies (this dont apply to solar powered cars), if you use computers its evne worse, some programs only work at windows, some os only work at specific cpu architectures, some motherboards only support certain type of cpus and, rams and graphics cards and this goes on and on......
With anarcho primitivism you have total freedom from everyone else (by isolating yourself to get it), at the cost of having to do almost everything by yourself. Unlike capitalism that you are suposed to do what you like to get money to pay for what you hate.
PS: At anarcho individualism (not to be confused with anarcho egoism), you still have companies, they are companies with a single worker and owner where they are the same person (imagine a guy selling popcorn at the street, a street prostitute, taxi driver, for real life examples of this kind of thing)
kind of
Meme umberella term for people like Kaczynski, Linkola and pol pot.
Generic term like "nazi" or "libtard" that has slight direction, but actually doesn't mean anything and is used by those who don't actually know about it.
Brehon Law is the oldest European Law.
2nd oldest in the world.
It doesn't need any institutions to function.