> be German > 38 > earning around 75k a year > married > wife needs IVF > no kids > want kids > can´t afford IVF every year (tried already tried 3 times) > which we probably need (chances are bad) > see families with kids > see jobless, poor people with kids > getting kids to get free mojney and not to work
adopt or continue feeling sorry for yourself because you can't parade your narcissism by having a child made up of *your* genes
Liam Jones
>divorce wife he loves >muh genetics shit tier brainlet advice
Jaxson Scott
>implying a man can really love a barren woman Get a new wife, Op
Ian Wright
>barren brainlet admits his advice is archaic
Christian Sullivan
The desire to have your own offspring is far from archaic.
Isaiah Brooks
have you looked into alternative medicine? I know of a TCM specialist in Germany who helped lots of women get pregnant who, by the standards of conventional medicine, had been considered 'hopeless cases'
Elijah Green
nobody here said that it was. I just said your advice is bad and your thoughts are archaic.
William Jenkins
what is tcm?
Chase Hall
traditional Chinese medicine i think
David Evans
>dump your wife >find younger sexier girl made for breeding >fuck her thoroughly >??? >congrats, you're a dad now
Wasting money on IVF was a mistake, your first instinct should be looking for a new wife. Cheaper and much more fun this way!
Benjamin Harris
OP isn’t a nigger
Julian Ortiz
Won´t help tubes are broken.
Except eggs can jump now through space...
Luis Anderson
Maybe not, but (You) are certainly some used-up roastie whore who can't even fulfil her most rudimentary biological imperative.
Nigger move would be cheating on his wife, divorcing her and marrying some young qt who is made for breeding is a fair game
Tyler Howard
all women find you repulsive, but not everyone who finds you repulsive is a woman. eat a roast beef sandwich and kill yourself.
Luis Murphy
Your triggered response just proves that I'm right, and you will never get to experience the joy of real motherhood. I'm sorry, it must feel shitty to fail as a woman on the most basic level.
Henry Martinez
You can >keep trying the same method >try alternative methods >adopt > take a loan and ask for a surrogate mother
Eli Murphy
kill yourself manbaby
Nolan Cooper
Stop shilling pseudoscience. At best it will not help, at worst cause serious problems.
Jeremiah Adams
It must suck to be you, failing at the most basic level. Born in a wealthy country with unlimited possibilities and yet you choose to shut yourself in the basement and spend all your time with vidya and animu and raging on the internet.
Connor Clark
yeah because getting pregnant naturally is dangerous
Logan Reyes
Christian Perry
Alternative medicine is uncontrolled, unreviewed, and unsafe.
Blake Scott
yeah because nonpseudo science is doing such a great job with everyone one's fertility rocketing in the western countries
Anthony Perez
in Germany it's pretty safe, most practitioners have a conventional medical background, many even doctors
Robert Watson
If you have an actual medical degree, you would not go into pseudoscience. It's unfortunate how some complete kooks are considered legit in Germany. Tells you a lot when pharmacies even have homeopathic "medicine".
Adam Hill
Why does the ivf fail? Is it you or her with the fertility issues? My sister had failed ivf twice and they told her a surrogate may be the answer.
Jace Harris
adopt some little Nigerian kid and name it Paul. Your welcome /thread
Owen Cox
You're either an idiot, a teenager, or an american who has no idea of how things are in Germany. I know in other countries you have fake medical degrees and whatnot but here things are pretty well regulated. So yes, lots of people with "actual medical degrees" are into alternative medicine.
Not up to date but shows how common these things have been here for a long time, also how it's correlated with higher socioeconomic status and education: m.huffpost.com/us/entry/402490?guccounter=1 "Sales of homeopathic medicines in Germany were approximately $428 million in 1991, growing at a rate of about 10 percent per year. Evidence of the significant support from the German medical community is the fact that 85 percent of these sales are prescriptions from physicians. Surveys indicate that 98 percent of pharmacies sell homeopathic medicines."
But hey, good luck with your opioid crisis over there.
Noah Nelson
>me pissed and could cry now every day Sorry user Life isn't fair. It should be but it's not
Austin Thomas
>mfw big pharma pushes doctors to misdiagnose ADHD and prescribe adderal and ritalin
>mfw big pharma pushes doctors to perscribe anti depressants
>mfw big pharma pushes doctors to perscribe opiods, to the point where the US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES declared it a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY
>mfw epipen costs 75 cents to produce but costs $600
>mfw drugs are the most expensive in the USA
>mfw own government is trying to repeal what pathetic healthcare program it had
>mfw the average american spends $9600 on healthcare a year, up from $146 per person in 1960 (even adjusted for inflation)
>mfw own government sends 20 million a day to israel (total 7 trillion) but still cant use that money to help its own citizens
>mfw own government sends foreign aid to somalia, which somalia uses to pay for it's free healthcare, literally paying for somalia's free healthcare instead of our own