Climate change deniers are literally flat earther tier

Climate change deniers are literally flat earther tier.

Attached: Temperature-change-and-carbon-dioxide-change-measured-from-the-EPICA-Dome-C-ice-core-in-Antarctica-v (582x242, 37K)

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Germans are literally cuck tier

Nice canned response, burger.

Then that makes 96% of America that tier because we all know it's a bullshit hoax meant to run our lives, kys.

Get your asses beat again for your immoral stupidity, cuck

Notice how when the temperature drops the CO2 levels does too afterwards(look at your graph again). That's because CO2 is dissolved in the oceans and a function of temperature.

Well according to your chart, it looks like the BEST course of action for humanity is to pump out as much CO2 as possible to stop the glaciers from coming back.

Attached: Global Warming Explained.png (2080x1456, 523K)

They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to fight over the limited land so only the strongest society comes out on top to join the ice wall society

Admiral Byrd, Antarctic Treaty, Nazi bases in Antarctictica, fucked up flight paths, Navy missile lasers staying level on water for over 100 miles, NASA fakery.

The sun and Moon are exactly the same size. Tides do not correspond to any model of gravity currently on the table. We only ever see one face of the moon. THERE IS NO SOUTHERN POLE STAR. THE STARS SWEEP ACROSS THE SKY. GOD IS REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! SPREAD LOVE!!

The Earth is flat
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

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I don't agree with you OP, but if you expect to get traction on this thread, you better hope all the paid shills decide to reply to it. I've become convinced that pol is driven 90% by government shills, glow in the dark types or other paid operatives. I have started numerous threads before that got zero traction, despite the fact the topics were interesting and worthy of discussion. But on pol, the endless "thot" threads, and elsewise go on forever. It's a pity.

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>I don't listen to reason presented, my brain only functions as labeling ad hom to anyone who disagrees with me

>changes in CO2 follow changes in temperature
really makes you think, but only if you put science before politics

Attached: Image 2018-09-18 at 6.43.42 PM.png (1298x966, 1.34M)

Good because earth is flat and human caused climate change is a meme unless you are ready to talk about geoengineering and weather weapons

Attached: Image 2018-09-18 at 7.05.28 PM.png (726x894, 1.07M)

Attached: temp global warming LOL weather.jpg (975x630, 136K)

Climate change isn’t the debate. Man made is the debate.
>100,000 yrs ago it was hot then it got cold see?!
I guess those dinosaurs really should have stopped driving trucks and bought Priuses.
>inb4 dino farts caused global warming 1.0

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said. What are you on about?

Attached: Image 2018-11-22 at 8.45.35 AM.png (783x537, 129K)

this graph is probably the worst proof for mad mad made climate climate.
did we have an industrial age multiple times over the past 400,000 years?

what caused the last peaks?, why do the peaks and troughs look so evenly spaced out almost as if they were following some kind of cycle

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Attached: Image 2018-11-16 at 2.52.08 PM.png (714x798, 174K)


everybody needs to read this

the "science" is totally "settled"
just shut up and pay your carbon tax

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>and no one heard from OP ever again...

>unnecessary use of "literally" for dramatic impact

Yeah it's a liberal.

the data is in, the trends show it

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>Climate change deniers are literally flat earther tier.
Absolutely, climate has been changing for billions of years

Attached: blog4_temp.png (1024x458, 146K)

mutts are the worst posters

>did we have an industrial age multiple times over the past 400,000 years?

There's no way of telling, it's not like the glaciers would leave any trace of it intact

>woops sorry we were wrong h-haha
>woops we were maybe exaggerating h-haha

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Looks like a goddamn crypto trading chart to me, same up and down bullshit for centuries.

>billions of years
>believing evolution
The Evolitic-Jew has many dirty tricks; they all start with denying the bible. Earth is flat and approx. 6k years old. Bible is truth

>"the climate has always been changing argument"
How does the fact that the climate has always been changing, preclude CO2 from being the cause of that change? The ice age 300 mya was caused by a drop in CO2, but then became warm again when millions of tons of CO2 flooded the atmosphere (flood basalt events).

When climate-deniers like to point out that the Earth's temperate has varied in the past, the don't realize that the source of that information came from studies that prove CO2 is the culprit.

global warming is less harmful than global cooling

the only inherent problem with global warming is the effect on property prices in coastal communities

Attached: 81 not even a harm.png (726x958, 1.19M)

You haven't responded to any substance with substance, only stated that disagreement here would be caused by people on a payroll to disagree. Apparently no use explaining this to you.

No. That's not what I was talking about. I meant in general this is what I have witnessed. Thot threads, AJ threads, JP threads go on forever. Interesting threads do not.

>the only inherent problem with global warming is the effect on property prices in coastal communities
But that's not the only issue with global warming. Rising sea levels is bad but not the only issue. The temperatures will keep rising affecting crops and eventually making most places uninhabitable.

>how could the earth warm if not for CO2
as a natural process more CO2 is released when the earth warms, that doesn't mean more CO2 forces warming

if that were the case why would the earth ever cool after past spikes in CO2

Attached: 82 solar forcing.png (615x914, 931K)

>Drought, population displacement, and mass immigration will only effect property prices.

That's patently absurd, thank you.

>that were the case why would the earth ever cool after past spikes in CO2
Lower solar irradiance and CO2 being weathered out of the atmosphere to form limestone.

and places once uninhabitable become inhabitable in the process

90% of the population of canada lives less than 30 miles from the border of the US because the rest is a frozen tundra, if that becomes temperate then you're looking at a huge frontier for agriculture

and what do you mean by uninhabitable just on the basis of an increase in average temp?

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>canned response
>uses food insult
Lederhosen homo

let's take the idea that people need to move away from the coasts

how do you suggest people move without increasing their carbon footprint in the process?

What's your job?

>how do you suggest people move without increasing their carbon footprint in the process?
I'm not going to even offer a suggestion.

why post a pic that proves that (((climate change))) is a natural cycle then?

all it takes is a handful of slimy shills to constantly post
they know this
they are paid to come here and shit up anything that threatens to reveal their criminal conduct to random visitors, casuals, and oldfags who come here.
the msm is locked down, so they can afford to shit up any opposition to be found anywhere.
some shills have solitary or rare agendas, others are more predictable in the sort of slimy fuck that determines their types of attacks and what targets.
you can see more than one faction sending shills here, including the occasional person of interest themselves wanting to get a snarky word in.
we get cult members, schizoid crazies, students looking for help on political assignments for school, and some of these shills stick around the whole time. its their job, they are dedicated but predictably stupid, as sleazy people tend to be.
report any shitty shill slide thread for being off-topic, as they usually are
its the little triangle at the top - there is a drop-down menu
good hunting, fren

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This user gets it. Thanks friendo.

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I don't deny climate change I deny the ability for bureaucrats to meet once a year over lobster risotto and champagne in Copenhagen and essentially attempt to terraform the earth into stopping a warming trend, which they don't understand, by taxing middle class citizens in developed countries and funneling billions into developing countries.

Retard. Temperture going up or down affects the actual number of living organisms on earth. If they die they rot into CO2, Effectively linking the two variables. That does not mean they are causal.

But the climate does change
my above statement has no counters because every counter still admits the climate does change
that being said climate change deniers are due to tribalism which demonrats do and started with

I don't understand your image is seem to show a periodic up and down.

It overlaps the rise and fall of global temperature with the rise and fall of atmospheric CO2, going back 800,000 years ago.

Correlation does not prove causation, but research has shown that solar irradiance, orbital forcing, and deglaciation don't explain average global temperate unless CO2 is the main driving force.

Climate change is a money making tax scheme you stupid kike