Reading thread: What books are some must reads?

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zeihan's books (that one and the previous one too)

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The recent Michelle Obama book is not bad. My gf really wanted to read it, and I read parts of it too and it's a book I would recommend to anyone.

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the chapter about transitioning to a woman must have been very powerful

Is this just about his life?

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
Reflections on the Revolution In France by Burke
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
The Aeneid by Virgil
The Volsungs
Morte D’Arthur by Thomas Mallory
King Lear
Paradise Lost by John Milton
The Lord of the Rings
The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray
Confessions by St Augustine
Submission by Michel Houellebecq
The Crusades: A History by Jonathan Riley Smith
A War Like No Other by Victor Davis Hansen


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Fascinating history.

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>Reading anything printed after 1850


one on me by tim huntley
eye opening fiction

You take that back right now

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I dunno, but I'd check out this video of candidate Trump talking about the Fed raising interest rates:



>Not reading Uncle Adolf
What's the matter with you?

Fanboyism? Even more disgusting. I'm turning more mainstream simply by looking at your post. Gross.

The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan (His first book) is by far the best book I have ever listened to. In the Audiobook he personanlly reads it with his own voice and adds tons of intonation and emotion in his voice so it doesn't feel like a robot is reading it to you. It completely changed the way I viewed the world and made me realize that the east coast of the USA and the US in general is the only reason the world has been at peace for the last 70 years. And the USA is the most valuable piece of physical geography on the planet and must be protected at all costs. It's way more important than Europe. Whoever controls America controls the World. Whoever controls Europe at best is the second most powerful force in the world behind America. The question now is who do we want controlling the most powerful geography on planet earth. Whites? Asians? Indians? Mutts? Keeping America white is way more important than keeping Germany white by far. Sorry euros

>Accidental Superpower
Was it really an accident? The current incarnation of the US was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act. That was the moment when it was officially taken over by the Anglo/Kike empire. The same bankers that controlled the UK empire control the US empire.
I agree with the value of the property but does he cover that at all?

He's making a new book, too

He covers how basically the US geography guarantees that the US will be essentially the most powerful force on the planet. It has the largest amount of high quality farmland in the world, overlayed by the largest river Network in the world. This river Network dramatically lowers the cost to transport goods and increases local wealth and trade and specialization massively.

As he mentioned in the book, the US is far and away the world's largest consumer market. And has been since shortly after the civil Way(way before 1913). The US is also the most physically secure location on the planet, and has the most natural harbors of any place on the planet.

Essentially the US geography guarantees it will be a Superpower. I can't do this 1 chapter of his book justice so you have to listen to it yourself.

Yeah I know, can't wait. He has a newsletter that he writes too occasionally about new events in the world on his website zeihan dot com he also has a Twitter where he posts his opinion too from time to time

Infact, the USA has more navigable waterways than the rest of the planet combined. And all of those rivers are in the same network, guanranteeing remarkable political unity over such a large swath of territory. Again you have to listen to the chapter it is fascinating

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Yeah I have listened to his lectures I am aware of his analysis of the geography. I am suggesting the power of the US is by no means an accident. It was built with bankers money and owned now by those very bankers. Those rivers are owned by the kikes, the same kikes that owned the UK