Went to Comic Con yesterday, didn't wanna go but my wageslave workgroup wanted to.
Being there kinda left me in a depressed mood cos seeing all the stuff there felt like I missed out on a entire lifetime, as in the social side, not the consuming cheap plastic crap side.
All these groups of friends in good/bad cosplay, pastel-haired qts, even a couple of furry qts (so many more furries than I was expecting), some dude wearing a tentacle rape t-shirt with "move to japan and fuck everything" and people telling him it's a cool shirt, regular people buying body pillows and hentai comics un/ironically, etc. I even saw a couple of chavs sneak in through the back exit to get in without paying, something I would never would've thought seen happen.
I'm nearly a wizard with barely anyone I can call a friend, and I never got to experience of this (just geeking out in general) with anyone else because growing up no one gave a shit about vidya or anime to the extent I did, so I've never been to D&D games or anything like that.
How the hell do I cope with this? How do I not feel bitter about this?
Pic related. The only photo I took of some Funko Pop store. (Also I get the feeling I missed out on what older cons used to have since Comic Con mostly felt like a bunch of stalls selling crap.)