How to stop being bitter about life?

Went to Comic Con yesterday, didn't wanna go but my wageslave workgroup wanted to.

Being there kinda left me in a depressed mood cos seeing all the stuff there felt like I missed out on a entire lifetime, as in the social side, not the consuming cheap plastic crap side.

All these groups of friends in good/bad cosplay, pastel-haired qts, even a couple of furry qts (so many more furries than I was expecting), some dude wearing a tentacle rape t-shirt with "move to japan and fuck everything" and people telling him it's a cool shirt, regular people buying body pillows and hentai comics un/ironically, etc. I even saw a couple of chavs sneak in through the back exit to get in without paying, something I would never would've thought seen happen.

I'm nearly a wizard with barely anyone I can call a friend, and I never got to experience of this (just geeking out in general) with anyone else because growing up no one gave a shit about vidya or anime to the extent I did, so I've never been to D&D games or anything like that.

How the hell do I cope with this? How do I not feel bitter about this?

Pic related. The only photo I took of some Funko Pop store. (Also I get the feeling I missed out on what older cons used to have since Comic Con mostly felt like a bunch of stalls selling crap.)

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you're poisoning your mind by comparing your life to what you imagine other people's lives to be and letting resentment and jealousy take hold

How old are you, OP?

And before you ask my life consists of wageslavery and sleep.

Was there a point to you asking me my age?

Well then you probably grew up thinking it's lame to be passionate about things and you had difficulty being open about your interests. I'm going off my own experience here, but it's okay if you are feeling depressed here. That bitterness is coming from having hid away yourself this whole time.

You probably hid your power level to seem normal but you ended up without friends anyways. You might as well open up earnestly to "geekdom" and embrace it. Being more open and honest about yourself feels very liberating, even though it might be awkward at first.

>just geeking out in general
people dont behave like they normally do in conventions
still i know what you are talking about, you will never get a normie to even entretain the idea that you can be fucked early on for circumstances outside of your control and that can hurt you a lot and leave lacking and in pain forever because in their minds aknowledging it makes them a little less perfect so it must be your fault for not being yourself
>How the hell do I cope with this?
regardless of what you do and how much you accomplish you will never be able to go back in time and fix shit, i have seen incredibly successful people who have everything in life and built themselves from nothing talk about their childhoods with a lot of pain, nobody that tells you they are completely over it is teling you the truth
the only thing you can do is learn to live with it

its not resentment and jealousy you moron, its pain
its looking at normal, happy young people and realizing damn, i truly had a miderable life, i wish i could have been one of them when i was that age

>I'm nearly a wizard with barely anyone I can call a friend, and I never got to experience of this (just geeking out in general) with anyone else because growing up no one gave a shit about vidya or anime to the extent I did, so I've never been to D&D games or anything like that.

yeah you can just go out there and experience it today, people in their 40s still do all that.

this. literally me ages 18 to like 27.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and sincerely being willing to change.

not op but i cant afford therapy beyond the basic shit that my medical insurance povides

>its not jealousy
>damn, i wish i could have been one of them


but anyways you're better working on having a normal life today/tomorrow instead of wishing that time travel existed. time only moves forward.

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>How the hell do I cope with this? How do I not feel bitter about this?


If you have savings (and if your life consists of wageslavery and sleep then hopefully you have some), then:
1. go back to school
2. go travel around the world
3. move to a new area, force yourself to do something new

thats not jealousy you moron, its fucking sadness and pain
jealousy means you are angry or resentful at them for having something you dont
you can be just sad and hurt about it without having any animosity towards them

it's technically envy. You wish you had lives like them.

Jealousy is when you feel like you can have something or someone take away from you

no its not, otherwise every time you want something you dont have you are being envious and thats not the case
Its not like i want to take their place, im just sad that i never got those awesome experiences and happy memories and im glad they get to
but im still sad that nno matter what i do in life i will always carry that pain
and trust me, i have people in my life that i resent and hate for very legitimate reasons

Can you not take over my thread?

It *is* envy, I was absolutely fucking envious of them.

im sorry, you seem to belive that you own a thread jhust because you started it, thats not how it works

watch out alpha male has entered the thread

> Being there kinda left me in a depressed mood cos seeing all the stuff there felt like I missed out on a entire lifetime, as in the social side, not the consuming cheap plastic crap side.

At a comiccon? jesus... wait until you see what's going on in the rest of life.

Should you feel bitter? no you should probably get your life to a stable position and join in. Probably not in a geek-fest because there's so much better stuff out there. You're looking for a good atmosphere and you'll find it all over the place. The fact that good atmospheres exist isn't something to cry about, it's something good about life, if they didn't exist then maybe you could cry.

You didn't have the decency to say "Not OP but", and instead continued to a dialogue as if you're me.

>You probably hid your power level to seem normal but you ended up without friends anyways. You might as well open up earnestly to "geekdom" and embrace it.
Yeah, but now it's me trying to get into *their* world. Everybody in geekdom have levelled up in social skills.

nobody writes not op but, are you new here? people can tell who they are talking with, otherwise this website would be a mess

That sucks man, I'm in the same boat. Go to anime expo, I'll be there wearing a guro shirt. Probably alone. Not even that big into anime.

>I'll be there wearing a guro shirt.
There are "relatively" normal people wearing jackets ahegao jackets these days. Ironically or unironically, I don't know but they're wearing them.

Sometimes I wonder if I should've sought out the furry fandom early on when I had the chance, cos the majority I saw at the con were pretty girls with maybe one too many piercings.

SUPREME just came out with a line of anime inspired clothes. Anime has never been more normal and accepted, kinda weird since I had to hide the fact I watched it when I was in highschool (graduated 2008) or else I'd be shunned by my metalhead friends. Never brought anime up, except once to recommend the Vinlandsaga manga to a friend.

Oh well. Maybe I'm just in a good mood right now, but I'm not bitter about it. I did what I had to do in order to keep a friend group.

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>I did what I had to do in order to keep a friend group.

Yeah, well I never really had a friend group, so I lost either way.

As someone who is avidly into street wear, and currently has a Supreme x Akira plate sitting on my desk, I can tell you right now that you need to already look good to pull off anime themed clothes. If you don't, people will ostracize you.

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>As someone who is avidly into street wear

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>I can tell you right now that you need to already look good to pull off anime themed clothes.
The new generation (generation z?) seems to have more better looking or at least more stylish people than my generation. Guess all those lifehacks were beneficial. kek.

>the only thing you can do is learn to live with it
That's a lotta years.

Same. I went on occasion but didn't have a regular group of people for this stuff. I was often shamed for my interests by other people I knew, most thought it was pretty stupid or that I went overboard.

I always always always wanted to go cosplaying or to the local anime convention. But again, the opportunities were very few and far between and so it never happened. Shit sucks famalam.

>I was often shamed for my interests by other people I knew, most thought it was pretty stupid or that I went overboard.
Fear and doubt held us back.

Has anyone here been able to move from missed opportunities?

Yes, stupid.

Feels like those point-and-click games where you can miss one important item at one point and you end up with an unwinable game.

Yeah but it's not. Your feelings on this matter are dumb.

lol, i was responsible for the first post, buckaroo, then I left. this is my second and last post in this thread. all the rest are others that have chimed in.


>Cognitive behavioral therapy
Is it free on the NHS?

>sincerely being willing to change.
Change to what?

I went to an anime convention and it had the opposite effect on me, I felt alive. I felt like I was among my people, I was extremely social with total strangers during the event, it was awesome. Everyone was nice and no one reacting badly or off if I asked to take a pic with them. Being in a place you really feel like you belong in is a nice feel, will definitely be going again this year.

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>didn't wanna go but my wageslave workgroup wanted to.
So basically you exert no influence over your own life and give in to peer pressure, then turn around and whine that you never enjoy anything.
How about get over yourself? Find things you enjoy and pursue them. No, there's no easy checklist to determine what you like. You've been living as yourself for more than a decade now, take some responsibility for your own future and improve it.

Age is not an identity man. Go have fun and make up for it if that's what you feel. You've got a job already and you've got your weekends. There's nothing stopping you economically and time wise. Go learn a fun hobby..a fun sport...whatever man. Most importantly, make a way for that hobby to let you interact with individuals of similar interests. All this shit about being individualistic will get you far academically and in the work environment, but that's literally not the only thing worth in life. Being able to obtain significant and meaningful relationships with other people will always be way more important in determining what a successful life is.

Im retarded and I have no idea what this means, care to explain?

Dunno if it helps, but I only get bitter when I start comparing myself to other people. If you can train yourself to think in terms of your own life, and to catch negative thoughts about others and reframe them positively, you might be able to slowly rewrite your brain to be more positive.

I think that's the basis of CBT, but I've never done it.

I feel you op. I'm extremely bitter as well. I can't seem to stop these thoughts, even a little bit. Everyone is better than me and they have way more fun and interesting lives. I get miserable over how shit I think my life is and get really demotivated. Go right back to square one where I don't leave my apartment for a long time. Then when I do it happens again. I'm really bitter over how much of a failure I think I am and how I'll never be able to change, or how it's too late to change since I'm nearing 30 as well. I'm shit at my job, shit at my life outside at my job, shit at everything I do basically. I'm just hopelessly drifting through life, maybe thinking it might get better but I'm honestly feeling worse and worse every year.

>Age is not an identity man
It is a factor though.

If you cant comprehend what that pic is trying to say, explaining it to you is pointless.

Try reading it very slowly ~3 times and think about what it is trying to say.

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>Age is not an identity man.
Can't remember what thread but there was a post about how certain anons have missed out on a crucial part of their adolescence and are now doomed to play catch up forever.

I don't blame you OP. I started playing videogames in the days that playing games made you a giant nerd and you'd get a swirly for it if you made it clear. So I stayed inside and away from other people and stuck with my crew of four dudes like me and made the rest of my friends over IRC and teamspeak. Still pretty bitter about the fact that plenty of people managed to have relatively normal lives and even relationships while still having interests like mine.

Don't even start with me on that man, I'd kill to be one of those guys. You know the ones, 5'10", 150lbs soaking wet, bowl cut, glasses, chick looks like she could be his sister, both glued at the hip. Happy as can be.
Makes me wanna jump off the roof of the venue.

>even relationships while still having interests like mine
I was really envious of the dorky couples at the con.

Hi, I can help with this.

Meditation is about watching your mind and as it pulls you into something or other, another thought, another thing to do. It teaches you how the mind works and eventually not get taken by it and let it control you. Boredom is aversion to the present moment, this moment just isn't "enough" for your brains expected stimulus. Its very common in the West and society is built upon it (buying, renting, more more more etc). So you CAN learn to defeat boredom by realising its a state of mind, realising it is controlling you, and realising the only way to get out is to meditate.

If you can't get into meditation because its too hard, find a counsellor or teacher, mindfulness, buddhist, person centered therapy. There are many blocks to meditation such as emotions that you consciously chose to run away from. These CAN be dealt with when you learn what their purpose is and why they happen.

Ignorance is unfortunately much of the cause of boredom and a consequence of evolution of our society in the west.

Meditation is powerful, make no mistake, it can give you a body high better than the dankest weed. And its REAL, HEALTHY and the RESULTS are just perfect for you.

It may take years, much more pain and suffering, but once you taste it (that quote about "for once you have tasted flight, your head will always be pointed upwards or something by some famous smarty pants dude) you will naturally want to meditate and shape your life around it.

All that is needed is the realisation you are responsible for your own life, even if that sucks, and without blaming yourself and self-hatred, take a look at compassion focused therapy, cbt, psychology and ask your parents for money to get therapy. Or work.

If you can't do any of this all would say is, accept your life the way it is, smoke some weed, learn about shrooms/lsd, and see that your reality is determined by your own mind.

Evolution. Insight. Knowledge. Practise.

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Since everyone's a geek and the line between geek and non-geek is arguably non-existent, I've noticed that there weren't as nearly as many "ugly" or fat people I expected there to be, even accounting for the people who aren't passionate geeks.

I mean like I mentioned before most of the damn furries I saw were girls and the uncovered ones were all pretty.

Geek culture has been appropriated for the masses in the last 10 years, you won't be judged even if you are a late bloomer, of course if you are into more obscure stuff its best to hide it, but most of it gets a green pass nowadays thanks to wide spread degeneracy really.
Of course it depends on you to actually go out and enjoy yourself, just beware a big amount of the so called geek fandom is normalfag scum that only like it cause their friends like it.

Well there’s your problem. Find something meaningful to do with your life.

>Geek culture has been appropriated for the masses in the last 10 years
>just beware a big amount of the so called geek fandom is normalfag scum
Not really true.
Normies and geek fandoms have merged, so now you have a whole of geeks with social and hygiene skills.

>accept your life the way it is
Probably the only thing I can do I guess.

What powers do I get once I'm a wizard? Not that long now.

>Funko Pop
They still sell this garbage?

Not OP but any suggestions?

That’s unique to each of us.

Make a cup of tea and focus on the leaves, the water, the steam, the cup. Think nothing about the past or the future and just be in that moment with the cup of tea. See what comes to you.

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>fortune cookie advice

You know what I'm sorry asked. I shouldn't have been born, non-existence was better.

Fortune cookie advice is good advice, but its good advice because its knowledge you already know

Im not the original poster of that. Very depressed and lost like you.


>the future
Pfft, nearly 30, practically a wizard, only a couple of parasitic "friends", a wageslave job with no progression and no real sense of belonging to anything, hence being so down after going to comic con.
