My boyfriend has been into lucid dreaming for a couple years. He's always kept his dream journal to himself...

My boyfriend has been into lucid dreaming for a couple years. He's always kept his dream journal to himself, and I've always respected his privacy, but today I couldn't resist and decided to take a peek. It turns out he's using lucid dreaming to deliberately have dream sex with other women. I'm not sure how to feel about this... there's no indication that he's cheating on me in real life, but this is... I don't know. We've been together five years, and he's always seemed to be happy with me.

I haven't talked to him about it yet. What should I do? Is this a big deal or am I just freaking out?

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Haha your relationship is ruined because you breached someone's privacy. Fuck you.

Same reason why he'd watch porn, because there's some shit you probably can't/won't do. Congrats on breaching you privacy tho.

That's a tricky one. Depends whether it's people you guys know or not, I reckon. If it's strangers/celebrities etc. then what he's doing is effectively just masturbation to his own custom-made porn - if porn wouldn't bother you then this shouldn't.

You really shouldn't have invaded his privacy out of nothing more than curiosity though. If you'd had reason to be suspicious that's one thing, but what you've done is a big transgression. Frankly you deserve to be in the situation you put yourself in.

At least he's not actually fucking girls in real life.
I have a boyfriend with strange masturbation and other habits too. I'd much rather deal with that if I were in your shoes.
If you wanna get back at him tho make a fake dream journal about all the dudes you've been fucking in your dreams and leave it somewhere he'll be likely to find it. Post results

I sometimes despair of all the young men I see on this site who don't trust or even like women, but when I see posts like yours I can't blame them at all.

damn let a nigga fuck with his anime bitches in peace whore jesus

I get that I messed up by invading his privacy... I didn't know it would be something like this. I thought it was one of those things where you keep it private just so when you're writing you're not thinking of other people reading it.

Several of the ones I read were about a specific coworker of his, the rest were different celebrities, characters, and a couple were of some of our friends or my family members.

That was a joke though...

Fucking kek, this is some quality creative stuff OP. I appreciate the fictive tale you've spun one user to another. You deserve these yous.

dis guy gets it

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>What should I do?
Realize your an ass for breaching his privacy when he doesn't do that to you, but through your child-like curiosity you squandered that. You shouldn't do anything because your already the villain in this plot
>Is this a big deal or am I just freaking out?
You're freaking the fuck out. He is dreaming of it, not actually doing it. This is no harm because if he wants to do that then let him. If he does this and your relationship doesn't suffer then what's the big deal? Sometimes not all S.O. can scratch the itch of their partners 100%, but besides that it's a dream and not reality

lol, this is pretty funny to read.

In one hand, you read the diary of his most intimate dreams, on the other, the dude is consistently and diligently training his brain in order to dream about fucking bitches he fantasises about.

He is a fucking perv, but you are in a worse position.
I would punish him in a funny way, like suggests.
Or ask him to describe in detail what he is dreaming about.

If there is trust and love, this situation lends itself to some fun trolling. Because of how silly this is, and how both are at fault here.

Forget it.

Almost every male animal wants to fuck different things all the time. If you bring one new cow to the farm the bull or the goat will start fucking all the cows like crazy.

You should keep in mind that he wants to fuck everything with a hole in it and APPRECIATE the fact he only actually fucks you because you matter to him.

That's trouble then. Don't expect him to take it well when you bring it up though.


OP, if you freak out about this you'd literally be the Thought Police, let him fucking dream in peace.

As a fellow lucid dreamer, it's much harder to control your urges during a dream vs real life as there's no consequences for your dream actions (other than messy underwear I guess), even in lucid dreams where I specifically set out a goal for a dream (visit a particular place, or manifest some particular situation completely unrelated to sex) I constantly have to fence off sex urges. Don't give it too much thought.

What else did you possibly think anyone would be doing when they lucid dream?
God women are fucking stupid.

Also fuck you for going through his dream journal.

This guy has good things to say

I lucid dream too, and pretty much the immediate thing I do is just fuck whatever is nearby. This isn't because I'm a total horndog in real life that is just holding back from raping everyone. It's because my inhibitions are wacked, and if I'm horny, I want to do something about it. I'm pretty much incapable of thinking "Wait, this is disrespectful to my girlfriend, I should stop." That advanced kind of thinking is impossible in my lucid dreaming.

Plus, I personally can't drum up specific people, I'm just working with whatever is around me. Sure, I'd love to be able to create awesome sex scenes about my girlfriend exclusively in my dreams. But in the nature of lucid dreaming, I can't do that. So I'll make due with whomever I've got. It's often people I would never have sex with IRL, whether I was in a relationship or not.

>If you want to get back at him, gaslight him
What the fuck is wrong with women?

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Men are little children that constantly whine and moan about struggling not to cheat, then turn around and blame women for having the audacity to be insecure about it.
Go gay.

Well when you start lucid dreaming is when you get an erection during your sleep so it only makes sense

Huh. I didn't know that! Thanks for the fun fact.

lmao at all of these people justifying this
your boyfriend's chief hobby is fantasizing about fucking other girls, that's not a good sign for your relationship