Why do white women ever do this?

Why do white women ever do this?

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because when they can't find a good man they default to looking for animals to compensate for that lack.
>gay best friends

All good looking black girls go for Asian.

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white women are enemy #1

this is literally an insult to the majority of white men lol. just goes to show how many white women see white men as insufficient.

why do black people call other women and men cats?

no other race of women hate their men like white women do

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yeah it's because most white men are weak in every single sense.

Keep telling yourself that white fuck

Blacks get to fuck our women because the left and the jews have had control over our societites for the past 50 years at least

*white cuck

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Muh dik

top kek, every woman I know who fucks niggers only started to do so after they became tired of weak white boys or had their heart broken by a white boy.

it's partly conditioning yes, but it's also because white men in general are so weak and virtueless that they disgust most white women to some degree.

the "blacks get to fuck our women" is mostly a meme btw. it's not nearly as bad as people make out. it does happen, just not that much. it's more common that women weaponise their disdain for us and use it against us to get what they want.

Why are white women the most miscegenistic people?

Black man can't handle strong black woman.
Only Asian man are CHAD enough to show them discipline.

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It's the same reason men are going for Eastern European woman and Asians


This. Blackoids can't compete with SUPERIOR Asian seed

Except literally the opposite is true. Coalburners are deviants whereas white-chasing women are fulfilling their biological functions. Coalburning is as anti-nature as homosexuality, it's a fetish for degrading your body and the act of procreation

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It's sad how he describes white women as trad which might be the case for him, but for us white men they're total whores. It shows that a strong man makes women submissive automatically because they respect him and that white men have just lost it all, they'd rather play video games or watch cat videos on YouTube than anything else.

>some thots on twitter

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