Why would anyone want to take any advice from anyone here?
How do I convince people to stop using Jow Forums?
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most people dont
at least jp doesnt come here to roleplay their favourite anime anymore
Why out of curiosity? Besides the suicide neets people give good advice
Most people on Jow Forums do not live well-adjusted lives.
1) people here are more likely to be similar enough to other /b/tards to relate
2) we'll be honest, if you're smart enough to smell the trolls
3) once every three months or so I get drunk and bored enough to come here, and I give epic advice sometimes
I just need a release. The advice I get from my friends and therapists doesn't help much either, honestly.
So I figure if I scream (read: type) loudly enough I feel better about myself once in a while.
1) /b/ hasn't been the most popular board in a long time, Jow Forums is. /b/'s relevance to the site continues to fade and it's not suitable to use that here.
2) Unlikely
3) Doubtful
Catharsis is only a short-term help at best.
It's not like anything else helps.
/b/ gets far more posts, they're still more popular. And if you take away the spambots on Jow Forums, the gap widens even more.
It's for us normies
I just shit on people's pathetic problems, hoping they'll go away or kill themselves.
That sounds awful. This anime came out before Jow Forums was created I think, but there was an episode where they used 2chan or 2channel for advice. It was kinda cute.
>be person you're replying to
Well, I was mostly here in the early days, so it makes sense that I'm out of date, and since I have a semi-successful life now I feel like my advice might occasionally be non-awful. Sounds like you could use some of it, something got you down, user? Spending too much time thinking about Jow Forumsitics? ;)
You're wrong.
It isn't.
As expected.
It sounds like your problem is being a real jackass, would you like advice on being a real jackass? ;)
Yes, please explain to me.
It must be a minimum of 10,000 words.
Well, let's start with the superiority complex. I'm not accusing you of it, but just as a case study. It almost always goes hand in hand with an inferiority complex. Flat earther's cling to an insane myth because they're so terrified of being a stupid "basic bitch" of a human being that they let themselves live in a fantasy where THEY know the truth, and everyone else is an idiot.
Most negative behaviors function like this. They feed a psychological need or evolutionary urge. They accomplish something. But they end up fucking you over in the long run.
It could also be that you are just feeling pissy and drank too many beers. We all do that.
But if it's the former, then the answer is pretty simple: you watch. You objectively step back, and next time you're in traffic cursing someone out, you should watch the thought. Then think "is this helping me?" "is this rational?" "what WOULD be rational?"
Get my drift?
Should've just said, "no," you dipshit. Now this asshole is going to keep responding.
It's my intention to keep him responding.
Yes, please continue on.
I'm learning so much from your advice.
I have received loads and I mean fucking tons of great advice from this board. I have saved myself from potentially dangerous situations thanks to this board. I'm eternally thankful for this website.
>hopes people will kill themselves
>watches anime
kys fag... for the watching anime part.
Do you have autism?
Samefag? ;)
I'm here all night, but you have to give me more than that ;)
Sorry, I'm trying to get as much as possible while giving as little as possible.
(No You)
a second opinion from some user, why not?