ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery,

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Femanons, how do girls' sexuality works?
I have a GF for 7 years now and I still can't figure it out. My GF is horny all the time, wants to have sex with me all the time, when she drinks alcohol she gets super wet instantly. I am not complaining about it at all, I just want to ask, why I can't seem to notice that in other women? I know some girls who occasionally watch porn, but for instance my GF doesn't at all. I knew my sister for 20+ years, we were very close as siblings, and I literally NEVER noticed her doing anything even closely related to sexual stuff (browsing something, talking to someone, doing anything). Literally nothing.

We, men, are all similar. We all want to score as many women as possible, but we want to settle down with that one and special love. We like blonde hair, big boobs, nice asses, white females etc. We are simple.
I still can't crack what are women interested in, even after literally years with my GF. I heard some girls get sexually aroused when men shout on them. What the fuck? Is it true to anybody?

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Some girls are just more horny than others. Maybe you really do it for her. Idk, don't try to understand women

>We, men, are all similar. We all want to score as many women as possible, but we want to settle down with that one and special love. We like blonde hair, big boobs, nice asses, white females etc. We are simple.

Not true. Personally I was abstinent until 24, waiting for the “right” person. Eventually thought I met her, but it didn’t work out, so I kinda just said “eh... fuck it” and did the next girl who wanted to, mostly to see what all the hubbub was about.

I felt like shit. Kind of just confirmed what I already knew, I couldn’t just sleep with *anyone*, sex had to have *some* meaning to me for it to be enjoyable.

Hell, my next partner turned out to be my best friend, it was still pretty “meh” because it was always a “we’re both drunk, Horny, And alone. Why not” type scenario and while I liked her as a person and did think she was attractive, It wasn’t intimate in the way I needed.

It wasn’t until the next partner (a one night stand that I really connected with, but lived hundreds of miles apart) that I found that intimacy and actually enjoyed sex.

It’s not even like I have a low sex drive or anything (I once spent 4 days and nights in a row straight with my gf, basically only stopping for the bare necessities). At the end of the day not everyone’s got the same needs and wants broski. I’m more than sure the same shit applies for women.

People are different. All women aren't like your girlfriend. Some people have higher sex drives, some people have lower sex drives. That's true for men, too, but if all your friend are talking about "blond hair, big boobs, nice asses, and white females" I'd imagine that some of them are playing up their horniness just to fit in.

Plus, I'd imagine that your girlfriend isn't a horny pervert to everyone she talks to.

Hell, I have a higher sex drive than most, but I certainly don't go around hitting on guys or telling my male friends about my porn habits, or whatever. I just fuck my boyfriend and masturbate in the privacy of my own home.

I certainly would never let MY BROTHER know anything about my sexuality.

Everybody is different. Men and women. No two people have the same sexuality or express their sexuality in the same way.

Be careful. You might be with a succubus.

>We, men, are all similar. We all want to score as many women as possible, but we want to settle down with that one and special love. We like blonde hair, big boobs, nice asses, white females etc. We are simple.
The issue isn't that you don't understand girls' sexuality, it's that you don't understand anything beyond yours.

Of course my GF isn't hitting on everybody around and of course my sister was hiding that stuff from me.

I'll try to explain myself a little bit better this time:
Is there any "thing" that can objectively drive every woman crazy turned on?
To repeat that again, men are simple. Once we see semi-naked lady that fits into our likes (even if she's 5/10) we want to put our peepees inside of her veevee.
Not all women are interested purely in male bodies, the same as not all women want the same "type" of bf. Some want gentlemen, some want bad boys, some want just wealthy old men etc.
I know my GF very well and I know what her likes are (I am very happy that I fit quite nicely into that).
Are all women really that different? Are you girls like a literal RNG in terms of likes and preferences when it comes to sexual stuff, or are there any patterns that can be seen or/and followed?

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I have a weird neurosis where every time I get interested in someone, after hanging out a few times I relentlessly try to talk myself out of liking them, until my attraction eventually goes away. I can't tell if my thoughts are "real" or the doubt when it gets this way.

Has anyone dealt with this before? How can I get over it? I've been working on forcing through the doubt, but it obviously easier said than done.

>tfw no gf to cuddle, caress and call "princess" sometimes

What should I do given the situation?

Basically late last year this girl and I were sorta a thing. Stuff happened and we drifted apart. A few months later we reconnected and hung out. We tried meeting up twice since. First time she had to help her sis with stuff (this putting was always just a possibility, not guaranteed.) then two weeks later we were supposed to get drinks. She completely bailed. I kinda told her off, but didn't curse her out.

I then found out a week or so later that she ran into an actuaintence of ours, and they spoke. The girl did tell her that we were probably gonna do something soon. (this was the day before we were supposed to go out.)

I messaged her like 13 days ago, and nothing. But she is known to take a while. She's taken upto 9days before. And has told me how she left a friend of hers on read for a while and felt weird going to the bar where the friend works, for obvious reasons

Yeah all the time.

I watch porn pretty much almost every day/every other day and masturbate 1-3 times daily. But I’m an 18 yr old virgin so it might be different for other femanons.

Semen demon detected!

If your boyfriend killed himself without warning, how would it affect you?

I am a pure and chaste maiden! >:(

You know the answer to that.

So you aren't horny tonight, huh?

No I ate too much sugar at my friend’s house for our hs graduation party just feel sick rn lol.

im on a bit of a weird situation right now, recently i have started to accept that the girl i like is just to far away for me to be able to start the kind of relationship i want wiith the limited time i have to see her

So, i started fooling around a bit with a girl from my college, things seem to be going great , somehow it is really easy for me to start conversations with her and always keep her attention on me

i have this friend i made recently who is always behind us, he always tries really hard to get the attention of the girl i mentioned, he keeps prsaising her and being overly nice to her, in the end i always find it funny because i always get her attention back easily and sometimes she just wants to start conversations with me while the other guy has a harder time

So today i was hanging out with this guy and he told me that last weekend he told the girl he liked her by phone,,,

The girl rejected him in the nicest way possible she said she isn't looking for a relationship because she broke up with her ex 2 months ago

But the dude is still really happy, he thinks it's only a matter of time for something to happen between them

I mean, this guy probably has a way bigger crush on her than the atracction i feel for her at the moment... but i already have plans with this girl next weekend ... soo

should i keep getting closer to her? i mean the dude was already rejected, and things are going well for me so i shouldn't miss a good opportunity just because the guy is a bit delusional ,it could hurt him but i need to at least give this a try right?

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My girlfriend is the type of girl who is afraid of long term commitments. She never wants to get married or have kids. She's basically a tom boy and her last couple relationships have been abusive.

At first when we started seeing each other she kept telling me how perfect I was, how I said the right things and acted the right way because people don't often treat her very well. My question to you is if it's possible that someone like her might eventually get turned off by the way I treat her.

I absolutely love her. I never want to lose her and I've been on my best behavior trying to impress her. It's been amazing for the last couple months but I've noticed she's responding less and less to my affection and her body language has changed from being totally comfortable with me to being somewhat nervous and almost remorseful like she can't tell me something.

Am I reading too much into it or is it possible she's getting tired of me?

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No, I don't.

Okay, stupid shit aside from people with not cognitive abilities,

What would you do if your boyfriend killed himself, without you even knowing how depressed and fucked up he was, and what if, in the end, you got a box of items but none of them are his personal affects he carries with him. It is a box of various gear with instructions and/or GPS coordinates written on a note? Would you, the bereaved female, be capable of prying further down the rabbit hole or would you just sit there and be like "wut? why did he leave me this box?" and give up?

I wish I could take care of a sick semen demon. I'd give mich semen for you to heal faster.


Girls, I was just cat fished recently.

In future endeavors, is it okay to ask for a time stamp picture before going out to meet you or is that going into "you're crazy" territory?

Oof, that’s gotta suck. If I was going to meet you then yeah no problem so long as you’re not asking for nudes.

Yeah it did suck but nothing else to do but move on. You see these stories online and just think only a minority lie about who they are but then it's embarrassing when you're a victim of it.

What is the best way to approach a girl at her work? Is work the worst moment to try hit on someone? This girl sells phone cases, any advice is appreciated.

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During break time would be best. Invite her to lunch by coordinating lunch breaks together.

There is this girl that snaps me a lot while she is topless. She doesn't show nipple or anything but a considerate amount of cleavage. Sometimes I wonder what goes through her head when she takes these pictures. Why is she showing so much and why does she snap me after she takes a shower or is topless before she goes to sleep? (not asking for answers to those questions, that's just what I ask in my head)

I am curious to know if this is typical. Like is it a "no big deal" mindset girls are in when they take these pictures? Just more convenient maybe?
She is an old ex of mine and currently has a girlfriend. I don't want to read too much into it if I can help it. Sometimes she will send pics like this with no text or commenting on her appearance ("I'm a mess") as to draw attention to it maybe idk. Or just her making a silly face

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A question for both guys and girls.
Do you think similar interest are necessary for a relationship? And to what degree do they need to align in your opinion?

Personally i think i don't think it's 100% necessary, that you can like and click with a person with no common interests. But in practice i've never been interested in a girl unless she had at least one interest in common.
I've turned down only one girl, because i was really grasping at straws to find something we have in common other than a mutual friend. I still don't get why she was interested in me, yeah she said i'm "nice, kind, smart and calm", but

She wants your attention

If there's nothing to talk about then it just becomes a fuck buddy. Nothing wrong with fuck buddies though but even that relationship will deteriorate once one party gets tired of the sex.

Similar enough to enjoy things together
Different enough so you can still have your own hobbies you do and so you don't get bored with one another
Politics depends on just how passionate they are. If they are a bit radical in their thinking then I am sure it could lead to some toxic arguments. I feel like it is a bit more fuzzy and relies on your own judgement if it'll get in the way of the relationship. You could have opposing views but as long as you are mature about it I'm sure it wouldn't get in the way but if you are constantly trying to convert one another then it isn't healthy ya know? Use your judgement

Personally I'd just like a female clone of myself but that is silly and unrealistic and she probably wouldn't like me anyway

>Personally I'd just like a female clone of myself but that is silly and unrealistic and she probably wouldn't like me anyway
Honestly this

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I'm not entirely sure what kind of attention she wants. I wouldn't think any person would seek out flirtation if they are in a relationship. No point in speculating though. At this point I'm just rambling in hopes I can convince myself I know what is going through her head and it isn't good to do that.

is it worth it to like a guy who is more attractive than myself? is there any point in pursuing?

Pretty much all my boyfriend and I have in common is that we come from big families and like movies. Not even the same kinds of movies. Other than that, we’re as different as night and day. If anything, it’s a huge benefit to the relationship. We’ve both pushed each other to try new and interesting things, neither of us gets but hurt when the other goes off to do something on their own, and we balance each other out. I think it truly depends on who each of you are as people.

We are 100% aware of what we’re doing with this, it’s not “just easier”. She’s either just really comfortable with you and has some sort of reliance on your approval/compliments/attention on a small scale, or she’s insecure in her current relationship and, once again, relies on an old relationship for comfort.

Use it as an anecdote! Make fun of yourself if you have to, “I know this is crazy but it’s just my like, I’ve been catfishes once before— could we FaceTime real quick or could you send me a pic holding up a fork? I know it’s a goofy request so feel free to make it as goofy as you like!”

It could have something to do with the amount of time she has spent in those previous relationships. When you come from an abusive background, any good thing that happens seems too good to be true, and you not only prepare for the worst— you expect it, and don’t even bother hoping for the best. She may be getting defensive to protect herself— maybe you guys have been together just long enough that she feels if something bad is going to happen and your “true colors” will show, it will be now. She may be pushing you away to prevent that possibility entirely to avoid further disappointment. It’s a hard feeling to get over. The best thing you can do is continue being your sweet self, let her know you are there for her should she need you but don’t pry, and make her feel safe.

In my personal situation, the box thing is something my boyfriend would totally do because he knows I would further investigate. I would absolutely do everything in the instructions.

Yeah go for it you never know what he finds attractive you might be at 10 for him who knows

Good idea, I guess I just feel burned right now still but I'll probably laugh about it later. See, this "girl" I was catfished used every excuse she could think of when I ask for pics and would only deliver pics on at her convenience (obviously cherry picked). Idiot me thinking she's just "shy" for taking so long to finally deliver pics.

Your scale of attractiveness is entirely individual to you. The guy may very well consider you to be more attractive than himself just as you do him. Don’t ever base your choices on some man-made psychological “scale” that doesn’t actually exist other than in dramatic movies.

I had a random thought pop up in my head but how do girls in wheelchairs have sex? Would they even feel it? Or is it more of an emotional thing?

It’s definitely a difficult situation and I can totally see why you would assume that— anyone would, some girls just truly aren’t big on selfies and don’t do the “pics” thing very often or at all. I think if a girl gives you any hell over asking for a pic, with your added anecdote or explanation, they probably aren’t worth the time if they can’t empathize with your situation.

To be fair, I would never share my picture with someone on the internet, not even an "innocent" one of my hand. Apparently a photo has a lot more information than meets the eye, and I have once had issue with a stalker who somehow found my location due to a picture I send him of my cat. Something about GPS data being hidden somewhere in a picture or something.

I don’t ever post pics of myself online because stuff like scares me plus I have self-confidence issues which don’t help.

Depends on why she is in a wheelchair. Speaking as a nurse, most times where a wheelchair is needed, it is because the individual has muscle issues or has suffered temporary severe trauma to the legs, but in cases where the entire lower body is just out, she will feel nothing, just like a guy wouldn't.

It is in the metadata I think. I'm pretty sure images posted to Jow Forums get scrubbed of this information. Don't take my word for it though

Really, you shouldn't be worried when she isn't sending pictures, the red lights should only start flashing when she SOMETIMES want to send pictures, and never a your request.

That's what I gathered too. I just stopped taking pictures altogether. No risk of sharing something I don't have. Not exactly photogenic anyway, so it hardly matters.'re right actually. Most of the pics I got from her was when she was "in the mood" to send pics. I think I only overlooked that because the first pic was the one I requested.

btw to everyone else just a little bit of information to help against catfishing: Photos from instagram are not google reverse searchable. The way I found my catfish was key items in the pics and looking at matching hashtags. Well a friend of mine did that actually. Still, it's a good tid bit of info.

Will therapy really make it possible to have normal, healthy relationships with women and not feel like my sexuality is being wielded against me when they try to hit in me?

I think we need more information here.

But generally therapy can be a huge help for a lot of anxiety issues, and being worried that anything is used against you, falls into that category. But how to deal with the worry of it, and how to react if it does happen. I can deal with guys just fine, and I was raped when I was younger. It can always get better.

>I literally NEVER noticed her doing anything even closely related to sexual stuff

a lot of women are afraid of judgement and will hide this stuff.

>Do you think similar interest are necessary for a relationship?
I don't realistically expect to find a woman with my interests, so I basically have to work under the idea that they arent.

Geotags are actually a feature you can turn on and off on your phone/camera. Look through the menus. It’s not a hidden feature and usually it’s right there if you bother to look.

Other random thins you may want to consider:

By default, Google maps keeps a record of everywhere you’ve been, ever.
It’s not a bad idea to disable the history in case one day you lose your phone/lend it to someone so they don’t have access to every single movement you’ve made, of every single minute of your day since you’ve had your phone.

Don’t use public WiFi to do important shit, switch to your personal data. *anything* you do on public WiFi, including search history, usernames, passwords, bank account info, etc is visible and accessible to other people.

Is there a polite way to tell a friend you don't want to hang out with them because they always bring their boyfriend who they're always way too flirty with? Like I don't mind the guy but I end up feeling like a third wheel on their date night when I was the one who wanted to go to the sports bar to begin with.

guys, how long does it take to get over falling in love if you dont want it?

I fell for a happily married woman with 1 brand new baby.

I don't want these feelings. There is nothing I can do with them. At the very least, we're talking years before the new rubs off that baby and she even starts to think about a divorce. So you know, these feelings are absolutely useless to me.

Can someone weigh in on this sexual situation with me and my gf

My gf doesn't like to give blowjobs, but she's never really given one. She never liked the idea, always said it "grossed her out" but she eventually tried her first bj with me. She didn't like it, said she couldn't breathe and didn't like the feeling of suffocation (I swear I wasn't shoving it in her)

I don't really care, I mean I'm pretty satisfied with everything else and once I cum I can't give a crap. She's also not vanilla, she's asked to try anal a couple times (hurt a lot so we need to prep more, but she doesn't seem opposed to trying again) and she likes being rough fucked and tied down.

Basically I understand everyone is sexually different and I respect a no for a no, but there was this one particular time my gf wanted to blow me after a long day and I was wearing a dress shirt and pants so I went to shower first (didn't want her to fucking hate BJ's because of sweaty balls) and when I came back she wasn't into it anymore. So I feel like there's something there, some slight curiousity or even enthusiasm to try again but I don't get it.

How do I approach this in a gentle way? Like I said no BJ's are fine but at the same time I'm not opposed to them at all. I just like variety

>I have a weird neurosis where every time I get interested in someone, after hanging out a few times I relentlessly try to talk myself out of liking them,

That’s insecurity. Your so afraid of trying and failing that you self-sabotage and equivocate so you don’t have to take that risk.

The fear of trying and failing, and then confronting that failure is scarier to you than anything, so you preemptively rationalize and tell yourself you never had a chance to begin with, so there’s no point in trying.

Fix your self worth and self confidence. The rest tends to follow naturally.

>Do you think similar interest are necessary for a relationship

Having somewhat similar interests is a necessity, because you need to be able to interact with one another and enjoy each others company in order to bond and keep things healthy.

However, that does not mean you need to be carbon copies of one another. Individuality is important too.

>is it worth it to like a guy who is more attractive than myself? is there any point in pursuing?

Sure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder to begin with. As long as he thinks you're attractive, it’s all good.

>guys, how long does it take to get over falling in love if you dont want it?

It’s kind of impossible to be in love with someone if you’ve not been in a intimate relationship with them long enough to actually know who they are. Anything outside of that is just infatuation: you becoming obsessed with the *idea* of someone rather than the actual person they are—because the truth is, you *dont* know them; not in any real way.

What does it mean if a hotel receptionist says I look young in my passport picture and giggles?

Not necessarily interests, but views, expectations, personality and humor.

Found the perfect match in those regards.

No kidding. It's just the general attitude. Guys want a prude who specifically isn't a prude towards them. They don't exist, but a lot of girls will try to make it seem like they are somehow this magical unicorn the guys are looking for.

Guys have some retarded standards sometimes.

Just say that you don't like third wheeling. Everyone knows that it's shit and a friend with an ounce of interest in the friendship will be okay with that.

That's very helpful information. I am a dumbass with phones, so this really helps. Thanks!

If she suddenly wants to try something she is normally opposed to, don't give her time to reconsider. That's the absolutely worst idea ever.

Don't mistake the effect clothes can have. I always get a bit winded when I have a guy to myself who is wearing nice clothes. If you suddenly take a bath and comes out in a towel, that just doesn't have the same effect.

But it's all preferences. I'll be honest, sometimes I prefer giving a blowjob over actual sex. I am not always in the mood myself, and even then, sometimes it is fun to just go to town while he is trying to concentrate on something else.

what are some subtle ways you girls flirt/try to catch a guy's attention? and I mean subtle, as in something us walking cocks can barely recognize as a flirt

Always seem to be around. It may sound dumb, but I used to pretty much stalk this guy around at work. Always went to lunch at the same time, always went by the coffee machine when he did, sat the same place at parties and company dinners, etc.

If I did anything else, I didn't notice, and neither did he. It worked by the end, simply because... Well, he was a talker, and we had made a lot of small talk. Had he not been interested, it had been quite a lot of wasted time though.

It's not as creepy as it sounds. Open office space, and he was in my line of sight, so it was easy to see whenever he left his desk for any reason.

Laugh at jokes that aren't funny. A girl who is into you will laugh in hopes it will make you interested.

that makes sense. pretty clever way of drawing attention too. ty for ur answer
could be fake laughing tho, depending on the social situation

>could be fake laughing tho
That's the point. The point isn't that you are necessarily super funny, just that she listened, liked you and/or the joke, and wants to draw attention to herself.

yesyes, I know what you mean I just said it wrong. I meant the kind of fake laughing that you sometimes do to avoid awkward situations or shit like that. kinda like just a social, friendly laugh with no deeper meaning behind it.

True enough. But just a reminder: most girls won't confess to being interested in you. Most of the time, you are better off trying to make a move and see what happens. If you are just waiting for her to make a move, none of you will.

>schedule work meeting with female colleague 1
>female colleague 2 says "ohh, so you have a date?"
>we laugh, I ask her if she's jealous
>exaggerated "noooo-ooo!"
So is she jealous, yeah?

seeing a girl, all going well. 1 month into knowning her, we see each other 4-5 days a week, exclusive, shes already booked a holiday for my b-day for us both in two months.

I asked her to be my girlfriend last week and she said she doesn't wanna rush in because people will judge her since we both go out of relationships 3 months ago.

when to ask again? her and i's feels keep growing and its getting hard. i wanna say some mushy shit to her but gotta keep up playing hard to get and the chase... :(

need more background on your relationship with her 2bh

Friends for a few years, become more flirty in the past few months. Keeps accidentally touching me. Eye contact that never ends. Calls me her dear. Stuff like that.

why do you care so much about the status of your relationship? as long as you two are spending quality time together and enjoying eachother's company, dont be a fag and wait til she's also ready. you're making it a bigger deal in your head than it really is

There is plenty of variety, myself I can go weeks without release absolutely fine (but if I have the time, sure). You probably don't notice it in other women because it's not happening to others.

i know you're right... :(

i just want to be able to tell her how much i like her and how i feel. i know she is withholding her feelings too and makes slip ups every now and then.

should i just hold off on being mushy with her and still game her like i am, while focusing on having fun and wait for her to cave in?

(a vibrator)

But seriously, I can't speak for everyone but I think I know of some things most women like:
• Presented well (you don't have to necessarily be chiselled with top fashion, just put in some effort)
• Is interesting (for myself it's not really a turn on, but if they aren't interesting it is a turn off)
• Is emotionally developed (don't want to date someone who doesn't feel anything, want empathy, happiness, joy; also a passion of some sort so you have more dimensions)
• Willing to make her feel special, like she's the most important in your world (not the only person and you shouldn't be forced to cut off friends, just most important (if she's stopping you seeing friends then that needs to change))

tl;dr - it's more than just appearances

I mean, you already planned a trip together, and she already confirmed she wants to be in a relationship with you, so things are pretty serious already IMO. I cant see why being mushy would be a problem. let her know what you feel, she's already yours. no need to game her anymore.

Tinder girl said she liked me and thought that I was cool on our first date after I had sex with her. During sex, I noticed her go quiet, shake and twitch for a half dozen seconds or so a few times. I'm guessing these might have been orgasms?

Anyway, as you can tell I'm a major aspie and new to all this. So ladies, do you think I've done enough to get a call back or should I be worried she'll have gotten what she was after and will move on?

First my fiancée is against premarital sex, and I deeply respect that.
This however making me nervous about our first time since she's inexperienced,I've read a woman on top position is good for first time sex, but I don't know how to bring it up or how to lead her into it?
Also any general first time sex tips?

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Like what said, but be willing to forgo a face pic - you can tell if a hand is female or not and everyone is super comfortable sharing face pics and forcing someone to take a pic is a bit odd (even if they have sent face pics).

I've had people request photos of me and I'm just not comfortable taking one straight away, I'm the type of person who gets 1 good photo every 2 months and just uses that - but if someone asked for my hand holding a fork I would have very little issue sending that.

(But generally people find me through Discord and I have all of my accounts linked so they can see more and go "this is completely real or a catfish who has been using this stuff daily for 4 years with information which lines up", so I do avoid being asked every time someone asks me)

How do I start a conversation with a girl when I have nothing in particular to say?

>pretty sure she likes me
>she's turbo-shy and kind of hard to get rolling in a convo

>go on a date with a girl
>it goes well and we spend like 6-7 hours together doing various shit and having basically walked around the whole city
>ask her if we'll meet again
>"sure :)"
>next day text her some shit
>don't get a notification of her texting back so text her again the next day, get a response, text back and no response
>it's been 2 days
>texted her today asking if all's fine
>no response even though I can see she was active
What the fuck is this shit

she was having seizures, bro

On top is definitely the best. If you want, leading with a "I am worried I can't control myself, and this would let you set the pace" might be smart. My first time guy did this, and it put me a lot more at ease. Having heard the term "Smash" too often made me very worried of getting a guy who would just recklessly hammer away, and having the control over the pace really set my mind at ease.

Wait how do you tell the difference then?

youre getting finessed, brother. stop texting her and move on. dont be that guy.

Can girls list the clichéd forms of flirting at parties?


If you bfs penis is short thus making some sex positions don’t feel good, is that a big deal if you can still get orgasm?

Would it be OK?
I mean pain wise to continue after it? or do I need to wait?