America and Europe will be niggerified and Muslimified in 100 years, become third world countries ripe for conquest by the only white countries remaining, which will be all Slavic.
China will take over Africa and Asia, the United Slavic Federation will take over the Americas and Europe.
>that dude trying to squeeze to catch a ride in the elevator while all that shit is going on
Juan Thomas
just sheer aggressiveness, wouldnt surprise me if he had some boxing training aswell they probably shittalked him and it looks like they were going to follow him out of the elevator
It would have been pretty funny if the doors closed and he was stuck in there with him until the next floor.
Juan Cook
yeah you can tell the guy in OP post had at the very least been in a lot of fights because he had some fast hands and wasn't missing. My webm I think is some based slav beating up a drunk, a pussy ass dude, and I'm pretty sure a girl. Look like gypsies to me.