I got a new job in an office fresh out of college. When I first got here I marveled at how fat some of these women were...

I got a new job in an office fresh out of college. When I first got here I marveled at how fat some of these women were. Some were pushing 300 and not a one was under 150. As I got to know them I learned they were really nice and I liked to spend time with them, plus I didn't want to be rude. They constantly invited me out to eat and constantly offer me food and being the new girl I accepted. Six months later I went from 120 to 162. I'm 5'7. As I get larger I find that my coworkers want to hang out with me more. How bad is being overweight really and how can I slow my weight down without alienating myself?

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damn can you be my bbw mommy gf

5'10 167lb man here.
I had an "episode" in my life where I had 190lb. I felt alright, I felt pretty. Some people were telling me I am "chubby" but I always thought they are playing with me. I wasn't fucking blind, I saw I wasn't chubby.

4 years fast forward
I had horrible health problems for last few years and got diagnosed with like 20 allergies, including ALL meat. I wanted to fucking die, but to recover my health I had to stop eating meat completely. In a year I lost over 23lb and never felt better in my life. I feel better, I look better, I don't get tired that quickly.

TL;DR - Don't get fat. Your life is easier and better when you are slim.

>How bad is being overweight
If you don't mind getting diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and fatigue, it's pretty comfy

>how can I slow my weight down
Hit the treadmill and stop putting things in your mouth

Read the sticky, disregard everything else from that board.


I don't think there's some conspiracy against me but I have noticed myself becoming lazier and craving junk food more. I just don't have much energy especially after work.

Crabs in a bucket son, they are subconsciously dragging you down without even realizing it.

start exercising and watching your calorie intake
welcome to adulthood

working in an office is a fast track to fatness

They were the ones who told me to upsize my work clothes when they were getting tight and they also ask if I'm going to start running again every once in a while. I don't think they're trying to drag me down
Tell me about it.

One thing to add is I never exercised before except light jogging for a class. I've just been naturally skinny.

But now you probably REALLY don’t exercise. Whats your daily routine like now as compared to when you were in school? Also staying skinny is alot easier before your mid 20’s

Definitely a lot more sedentary. Less walking around and since I actually have disposable income I go out to eat a lot more. I'm not an alcoholic by any means but I usually have a drink or two when I go out.

This is how it starts, user. Leave school, get job, get fat. Partially caused by age (metabolic slowdown) and change in lifestyle

You gotta change it up, lest you become ONE OF THEM

You've become comfortable and friendly with these women, so you're in a great place to change your eating habits without offending them.

Since they offer you food, maybe try making some healthier meals for yourself and offering it to them. Start taking remade healthy meals for yourself and try to stick to it when you can, and if you do end up going out to eat try sticking to the lower calorie meals. Start declining some offers to go out and eat, but make sure you still find time to go out once in a while so you don't alienate yourself.

They most likely will be supportive of you trying to watch your health. Just make sure you get the point across that you're not trying to avoid being fat like them, you're just wanting to watch yourself for the future.

We have some older women in our office who do this thing where they all bring an ingredient and make a healthy lunch a couple times a week. Like one woman will being baked chicken breasts, another spinach, one some other items, and they make a giant salad to split. Sometimes they make veggie heavy fajitas, sometimes a grilled veggie dish, but it's always a really healthy meal they make together with this portable skillet or a portable griddle they share. Maybe try something like this if you think it would interest them, so you can watch your weight and still have delicious food together.

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after i got my first office job i went from 160 to 210. it was fucking disgusting. i started exercising regularly and dropped down to 180.

you gotta start hitting the gym

I always love your posts and faggy voice

>told me to buy fat person clothes
>asked me if I planned on excercising again
Crabs. In a bucket. If you told them you wanted to start excercising a bunch they would probably support you then talk shit behind your back.

at leaar your ass and tits are bigger, thats good for getting pounded hard by big cocks

>Fat girl clothes
It's not that. It's just my old clothes were squeezing me and I was reluctant to go up a size until they pointed out how noticeable it was.

A lot of it is going to my stomach actually.

i'm gonna state the obvious and say:


>Read the sticky, disregard everything else from that board.

Nothing more need be said. Ever.

>being an apple type

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Something important that needs to be said

There is usually a reall strong desire to fit in and be accepted in a new workplace... but please don't sacrifice your health or self esteem to do it

Actually this is something a lot of people experience in school as well - peer pressure to get into drinking and partying etc just to be included and make friends

You need to take care of yourself, and if you get ostracized for it, the environment you're in is toxic anyway and not worth being a part of

Seriously man 40lbs in half a year is a LOT. Visit >>Jow Forums, read the sticky, hit the gym, count the calories. I know that three guys already told you, but I'll tell you again it'll be the best decision you ever made.

Being fat fucking sucks, and it's not because people find you less attractive. That's speaking as a guy who gained 20lbs in he last 6 years with a fiancee who loves me.

Like... I FEEL heavier and more weighted down.

It's unfortunate, but a lot of women are really fucking horrible social monsters. For certain types of women, you will get endless amounts of shit if you aren't sufficiently similar to them because they're so fucking insecure and catty. Their feathers get ruffled big time if there's another female around that doesn't "fit in". God help you if you refuse any overtures or attempts to be morphed into something exactly like them because they'll take that as a declaration of war.

They offer you food and to bring you out to eat to feel better about their own gorging.

Yeah it is a lot isn't it? Guess my metabolism finally decided to crap out on me but what can you do?

Fucking stop it now. Being a fat girl is the worst thing you can do, basically. You're not going to be desirable to anyone, and as a woman, it's going to take you a LOT more time to lose the weight. I'm 4 inches taller than you and only 10 lbs heavier.

Cut it out now before it becomes a habit. Stop eating in the office. Eat out maybe once a week with them for a happy hour so you don't get alienated.

Stop eating so much NOW. And also, counting calories is the most important thing you'll read in the Jow Forums sticky. You'll probably get bored of it reading about macros and LIFTAN before you get to the important part. Calories in, calories out. Count count count. Use an app.

you can do a lot, actually lol

Metabolism has nothing to do with your weight gain unless you have some rare genetic condition which would be accompanied by a lot more problems.

You are eating more calories (energy) than what you are actually burning.

Count your calories, drop sugary drinks, if you drink Starbucks or dunkin, quit it, those drinks are loaded with like 3 times the recommended daily dose.

I do drink Starbucks actually.

No, but you eat everything those fat women (what you called them) tell you to put in your mouth. Theres nothing "wrong" with being fat btw. You are the one saying you dont want to be fat

The calories thing is the obv culprit here. It's just that she's at that age where metabolism slows down. It's not clear if its a factor at all, but something to consider

Really, it just means the body is less forgiving with a shit diet. Once you hit mid-20's it's time to pay attention

Well honestly I don't really mind the weight all that much so far and know losing it would be a massive pain. I just don't want to be as fat as them.

Starbucks is very calorie-dense

damn near everything is calorie dense now it fucken sucks

bitch, stop eating shit food, start bouncing on ur bfs dick more, its good cardio.

you can go eat with them, just puck healthy choices. if they ostricize you for that, fuck em.

not worth comprimising your health for the kindness of whales.

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Then you gotta turn things around now. Don't wait. Time goes by fast, and before you know it you're in the exact same position as them

Imagine another 6 months, with no change. You're quickly approaching 200lbs. There's a new girl in the office. You want to make her feel welcome, so you offer her some snacks. You invite her to lunch with the other women from the office. The cycle continues

One thing to consider is skin: if you get fat enough that your skin gets stretched out, and then you later lose weight, you'll have a ton of saggy skin. You can get the skin surgically removed, but that has it's own issues (a seem/scare where the skin is resown, the stitching can burst and get infected, plus all the usual shit that goes with any surgery). Also, when you gain weight, you accumulate fat cells, but when you lose weight those fat cells shrink in size, so it's a lot easier to regain the weight than it is to gain it the first time.
tl;dr 162 aint too bad, but go much higher and there might be permanent consequences

As for just being fat: there's diabetes and all that (though if you stay at 160ish the risk may not be that bad). There's also the whole attractiveness-to-opposite-sex element obviously, and the cultural taboo/discrimination.

As for how to slow the weight down, here's what I did (not that I've had problems with weight): cut added sugars from your diet completely (if too hard, cut soda (aftifically sweetened or normal) at least, that shit is horrible weight-wise), and started stocking your pantry with fruits and snack on those when your hungry. I used to eat horribly (cookies and soda non-stop), then a friend suggested trying a moderately better diet just for ten days: I did it and found that my problems with my mood and sluggishness went waaay down, and I've basically been on that diet ever since. As for the social pressure of eating with them... that's a toughy. Maybe just pick at your food, so it's hopefully not noticable that you've only had a small meal instead of a big one (or two)? Also, if they're as nice as you say, then they won't give you shit or judge you if you want to slow down on the food intake: if they get catty or judgemental about it, then it may be worth pursuing other friendships

That is a terrifying thought. I used to be the thinnest but I already outgrew one of my coworkers. I just never really thought about it because everyone else is even bigger. I never even thought about a new hire seeing me in the exact same way.

Here's a thought experiment - try to imagine what each of your coworkers looked like when they started there

It's up to you to break the cycle

>relatively young and fit girl begins to work in office
>office population of women range from a bit overweight to morbidly obese
>the new girl is now a threat to the existing heirarchy because more attractive people can climb it more easily
>they devise a plan to fatten you up and bring you down to their level

Don't get fat OP. Squash it now before it gets further out of hand. You don't have to be asocial to do it either. You can still go out with them to eat, just order something healthier or don't finish the whole meal (restaurants often serve significantly more food than you'd put on your own plate at home, and there's research that shows people consume about 70% more in a group than they would alone). If they're baking shit and offering you some just turn them down politely, or invent an intolerance to some component of what they're offering you.

You don't wanna slow this, you wanna slam on the breaks and hit reverse.
Let's say you only gained an extra 20 pounds a year (which you already doubled in half the time). In ten years that's 200 pounds.
Weight isn't something you can ignore or let go, it's something you got to stay on top of or all of a sudden it's hard to get out of chairs, you're always too hot, sweaty, your thighs chafe, you can't effortlessly run or play, clothes don't look as good, not to mention all the health problems, which is why you will die.

If the "nice gals" don't like you cause you wont eat their donuts then they're not very nice. Friendship is more than food.
You can go out and not eat a ton of calories. Get water and a salad. Half portions. Know what calories are and be informed.

Or you know, be fat. Enjoy the diabetes.

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>that story

Fuck me sideways I hope that's fiction but I feel like it isn't.

fat people stories from med fags are a dark rabbit hole

Can you post pics so we can tell if the fat at least looks decent on you?

read the Jow Forums sticky

but something I would add is maybe do the keto diet for a month and a half.

That will give you your way out. Women are often afraid to upset others. Keto can be your excuse. "sorry, thank you for the donut, but I am doing keto."

And you might be able to find one or two things on every menu that is keto. If you live in a populated area, chilies, outback, TGIF, etc all have a steak. Some have grilled shrimp and fish.

After you enter ketosis, you'll probably lose 1 to 3 pounds a week until you hit a plateua. Then you'll need to count calories in addition to keto.

Look into it. It could allow you to deal with this with low conflict and still go eat with them.

It's like someone else said earlier. I'm apple shaped.



>Six months later I went from 120 to 162.

OP, you need to bail on this situation. Just start bringing your own food to wok and work out. Hang out with them all you want, but that is one drastic change in 6 months.

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How bad is being overweight really and how can I slow my weight down without alienating myself?
Stop eating so much food, no excuses. If they ever get offended you'll know that they are trying to get you fatter than you already are.

Work in office, not fat. Not a valid reason just a excuse. Stop being fat.

it's not a GUARANTEE that working in an office will make you fat, but that's a work environment that makes it incredibly easy

Must remain vigilant

Why so many vocaroos?


I still haven't even started on my diet. Food is just so good and they're such good cooks. Is there any way I can eat what I want while still not gaining weight too fast? I'm okay with being a little chubby as long as I get to eat and have fun.

Just cut back on your portions. Don't snack in between meals. Cut out sugary drinks

It's a cult. They don't want anyone prettier around so they are force feeding you to bcome one of them.

sexy vocaroo

jesus Christ no, being overweight is fucking terrible. for your health it kills you faster then anything else, it ages you and you are less attractive in addition to everything else. trust me once you get fat, its okay for a while but once you've been fat for 5-10 years life starts to fucking suck. then once you do decide to live healthier you realised you fucked up massively, stretch marks, wrinkles, heart problems. don't do it

You will abhor being overweight. You will probably start hating yourself and will eat to feel better. The same thing happened with my sister. Losing weight only gets harder the older you are so get a head start now.

>Being a fat girl is the worst thing you can do, basically.
>You're not going to be desirable to anyone

That's wrong though.
A fat girl will still have more chances in dating than an average short guy for example.

What I'm wondering is some of these women are 300+ and bigger than I'll ever be and they seem to be doing alright. So would 200 really be so bad? I'm already not the thinnest in the office anymore and whenever I try not to eat my willpower always breaks.

what does that mean, "seem to be doing alright" ?

Why is this even a question? You seem to be resisting changing your current trajectory. My heart breaks for you

I just mean they don't seem to be as miserable as people here are saying. So I'm wondering if maybe you guys are slightly exaggerating. And what is my "current trajectory?" You're making it sound like I'm going to be 300 pounds, even if I don't change anything I'm sure my weight will level off at some point far before then

Ok I'mma do some math since you think we're exaggerating.

At 5'7 and 162 pounds, with an office job, age 23 or something.
You're TDEE calculator says you needs 1827 calories a day to maintain.
So 1300 to lose weight healthy btw.


You gained 42 pounds in 6 months

6 months * 30 days a month makes 180 days, 42 pounds / 180 days is 0.23 (repeating of course) pounds a day. Times 7 that's 1.63 lbs a week, +3500 cals is a pound in a week, which means you are eating about 5,705 extra calories a week.

Now lets say you're 200 lbs. How many extra pounds is that a week? (3500/extra calories = lbs/week)
You're new TDEE is ~2000, so it's now an extra ~5,500 cals/week 1.57 lbs/week

300lbs, TDEE ~2500, extra ~5000 cals/week 1.43 lbs /week

400lbs, TDEE ~3100, extra ~4700 cals/week 1.34lbs/week

700lbs. TDEE ~4700, extra ~3100 cals/week 0.89lbs/week
(only took 700lbs to get less than ONE pound)

Do you believe me now? I tried to calculate the "level off" weight, fucking TDEE calculator kept breaking.
But I assure you it's over 1400lbs

I'm sorry but this is an issue that I am quite passionate about. I see it everywhere.

What were you like in college? Did you change your lifestyle habits to fit in with classmates and friend groups?

From how I read it, you really wanted to fit in at work and not be ostracized so you adapted to the work culture and habits, and you're experiencing some... side effects. The fact that you haven't done anything about it yet tells me that "fitting in" is a really high priority for you. Why is that?

And the trajectory I mentioned is partly physical (as your weight continues to climb) but there are also psychological as well. Why do you think young thin people get fat? Simply because food tastes SO GOOD they can't help themselves? No, it's a result of mental hangups, insecurities, lousy lifestyle, laziness, etc. That's how it starts. It continues and problems get worse because as people expand their reasoning and justifications become warped, and start making excuses:

"Oh well I've gained a lot of weight recently but I could easily lose it if I wanted to"
"I am a lot heavier than I used to be, but what's another 20 pounds at this point?"
"Is 160 so bad? Is 180 so bad? Okay well I've hit 200 but at least I'm not 300 etc etc"

Then at that point, all self control and willpower is out the window, and you have a whole hell of a lot of physical and psychological problems to live with.

Stop moving the goalposts and start taking care of yourself, for the sake of your physical AND mental health

It sounds extreme I know but we've all seen the patterns, repeated over and over. You are not special or immune to this.

"the fat woman prefers others get fat too instead of working out to eliminate competition"

And you fell for it. Jesus, have you no self respect?

How could I not eat that much with all this good food around? I don't know if I can cut back to 1300 though all of a sudden. But you're right that i will have to cut back eventually.

I was pretty average in college. Made good grades but wasn't really involved with anything. Never really had to change myself to fit in either. Didn't eat very much though.

I honestly don't know what to tell you. I don't have any deep rooted issues, I've just never had all these people going out of there way to cook for me. It honestly feels really nice. And the food is good. I just like to make friends and thought it might help make work more enjoyable.

Quit while your ahead, any more than 162 is getting into the full on obesity zone. The most important part of losing weight is diet, it's 90% of it. Gotta eat vegetables and lean meats. I would recommend you take a look at a low carb diet, you can lose pounds pretty quick on it. Exercise is also a good way to keep up your metabolism, definitely try and do some cardio. Good luck, dieting is really fucking hard but the satisfaction of losing weight is worth it.

To be fair I still have a way to go until I'm obese but yes you're right.


once again math
you're officially overweight, BMI 25.4, you are only 30lbs from obese

Stop trying to downplay how bad this is, 40 pounds in 6 months is BAD

Exactly, that's why it's good to start now instead of digging yourself in a hole and end up having to lose 60+ pounds. I say this because I was in your exact shoes, I made it all the way up to 170 before I realized how much being fat sucked. Trust me, it changes the way people treat you, and this sounds shallow but men start getting a lot less interested in you (if that's something you care about). You'll feel alot better if you lose the extra pounds.

Bad is 3 pounds in a week. I may have gotten a little carried away but you're making it sound like I did nothing but eat. I've definitely heard of worse. Besides, maybe I'll get lucky and they'll stop giving me so much.

good luck anons, this one's hopeless

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There's no need to be hostile. I'm just saying it's not as bad as it could have been.

Fuck fat people.
Just recently my cousin who is 250 lbs+ Moved in with my family because his parents are going through some shit. I don’t have a problem with fat people but when their fat fuck ass starts affecting the people around them that’s when the line is crossed. This motherfucker doesn’t even come out of his room unless my mother makes dinner or he needs to get a fucking snack. Worst of all, my siblings hardly have anything to eat now because of this fat lazy fuck. We usually have leftovers for a day or two but now it all gone by the end of the night. He doesn’t even consider if anybody else has had anything to eat as long as he can secure and stuff his fat gullet. we have to go grocery shopping every fucking 2-3 days when it used to be once every week, so it just costing us more resources just to keep this fucker here. I already broke it down telling my parents that we can’t afford to have him here and he needs to go live with his family but they say we can’t do anything about the situation. My family is relatively slim, nobody in it is fat besides him. I tried getting him to exercise with me but this fucker just says “no thanks”, I honestly hope he fucking has a stroke or chokes on a bite but that latter won’t happen since he’s pretty fucking good at eating and that’s it.

Look at them. They won't stop. It's what they do. Feeding themselves and others is what they do, it's how they bond and connect (as well as whatever else they have going on internally)

What drives me crazy the most about this whole thread is how... neutral and apathetic you are about all this. It's how you got into this situation to begin with. It's like you have no self-preservation instinct, no will to fight

Toxic external influences that feel good don't make them any less toxic.

You're currently living my nightmare and I'm getting upset thinking about it

Pretty tame nightmare.

There's a lot of layers to it, it's more than just "weight gain"

The reason is because it's really not so bad. I honestly never knew eating could be so enjoyable. And 300 pounds, even 200 is so far away that I have more than enough time to gradually change my habits. So I'm a little broader around the belly? Big deal. Honestly, eating good is worth a little weight gain. Now do you see why it's not that big of a deal?

Still doesn't seem all that scary. You're afraid of people being nice to you?

just eat healthy

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You've got some wild ideas of what constitutes "eating good" . If you were truly eating good you wouldn't be gaining weight as you are.

What the hell were you eating before? Packing peanuts? What are they feeding you now?

Eat to live not live to eat.
Medical and fast food realized they could capitalize on the cattle they stuff up which is why America has high costs of health care and top in obesity. You deserve to suffer throughout your existence. Reap what you sow.

>If you were eating good you wouldn't be gaining weight as you are
That doesn't make sense

I never really gave much thought to what I ate. I'm fresh out of college so mostly they planned meals for me. They mostly make pastas and pastries, think homemade and filling.

I'm not suffering though? The only downsides are clothes and a lack of energy which is fixed with a quick Starbucks trip.

You’re so shortsighted, everybody just got done telling you about the health complications and yet you still think it’s not that bad until you wake up with a chronic condition you could’ve prevented. But to each their own I suppose.

Those are only once you're 400 and up. I'm only barely overweight, not even 200.

There is a difference between "eating lots" and "eating good"

Pastas and pastries. Fattening. That's not "eating good" .

>fixed with a quick Starbucks trip.
Red flag

When you're hit with the beetus and lose a leg, I want you to remember this thread and how YOU fucked up your life.

Since you won't listen to reason we are done here, do whatever you want, eat until your blood is nothing but sugar and fat, pig out on pastries and pasta, I mean YOLO right?

As a former fatty, your attitude disgusts me.

That’s funny because people who are skinny still suffer from high blood pressure if they consume nothing but high cholesterol garbage. You’re fixated on the fact you’re not even 200 when you’re still clearly overweight for somebody your height. Keep it up, you wake up one day feeling like the garbage you consume. Eat for the “Now”. All this could be prevent with half an hour of exercise a day but It’s pointless to expect that since we already see the future you so desperately rationalize.

Have you ever eaten a meal so good that after you're done you just lean back and enjoy the fullness? To me that's eating good. It's better than the fast food I could be eating anyway and the coffee is better than soda. I've been spoiled and gotten kind of used to it honestly. I don't want my productivity to plummet.

I do at least a half hour of walking a day and that hasn't helped. I wish it was only a half hour. And it's easy to say this when you're in college but after work you're exhausted. You just want to eat a nice hot meal and curl up on the couch. The majority of the population is overweight anyway so being just a tad overweight can't be as bad as you're making it out to be.

You don't seem to be aware that such a feeling is possible from meals that aren't fattening, which is truly troubling

>would have been eating fast food anyway
You were always doomed. You've just sped up the process

Tell me you honestly get the same feeling of enjoyment from a salad that you get from a plate of lasagna. And you're acting like not wanting to cook after work makes me a horrible person. The only reason I've put on weight is because of all the food around me. Even if I ate quick fast food I would burn it off.

Your rationalizing is astounding! Truly a marvel.

>Majority of the population is overweight anyway
>Literally, "everyone else is doing it"

Except it IS bad and we're trying to tell you that. It's a widespread problem