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La creatura

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Too right, what a little goblin. They can all go back together,

stunning and brave

the constant emotional manipulation is so blatantly obvious at this point i wish people would realize they're being used

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Wow, look at that fucking mexican mother throwing her child away just for the chances of illegally entering america. I hope trump finally puts a stop to it

wtf, BLUMPF is finished. I'm a #cruzmissile now.

damn that kid is disgusting wtf.

Well yeah. It's a beaner.

Yeah, they really captured an essence there.

This image is based. Go Trump.

Funny thing about this pic:
That goblin was stolen by the mother from the father when she decided they should live in the US


What an ugly little goblin.
Even in propaganda they can’t hide how hideous El Abominacione is.

I am literally shaking

Everyone is arguing whether or not le Drumpf is hitler or not like it's bad, I'm over here hoping he spontaneously creates a new Reich.

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“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right.”

― Adolf Hitler

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we have laws here hombre

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Simple solution. Get the FUCK OUT.

Wow. Powerfull.

That's funny coming from you Polack, especially considering that your country built Polish gas chambers.

Can anyone post the REAL picture?

Not this commie jew photoshop that OP posted.