Ukrops and Navalnyists, We are watching you

Attached: were watching you.png (300x400, 212K)

Other urls found in this thread:полицейский жетон&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.A0.H0.Xполицейский жетон росси.TRS2&_nkw=полицейский жетон россия&_sacat=0

Hey Mossad. I hope Putin gets his special forces to put a bullet in your head.

Attached: 1537679103743.jpg (2340x2174, 1.26M)

literally who?

>commies are creeps
no surprise there

hey, show your flag
have a happy hanukkah

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These are almost all strictly ethnic russians that want a decent transparent system.

Why do you gloss over all the fucking blatant embezzlement going on in your structures. Sooner or later all the rats are going to flee. It's surprising how hard you shits got scared after Navalny went a more populist ANY party just to antagonize united rashka.


Nobody wants to be under the sovietski sopoch anymore, if they want to choose their own path fuck off.

t. russian who makes quite literally ELEVEN times my wage in us as opposed to moscow.

Attached: 1431035297504.jpg (960x960, 376K)

>we are watching you
bullshit, you're interacting with us. There's a difference, and frankly, we don't appreciate it. Fuck off.

Attached: JIDF.jpg (1272x1023, 353K)

Wtf is this, I can't read communist runes...

Штaны пocтиpaй

Attached: 7b7e918046366e3a4ef899fc8a6618c70a7e2b1deb10ae46759a33c3481d822e.gif (173x267, 2.48M)

Those runes are all you're getting to eat today, so you'd better fucking enjoy!

Tишe, питyх.полицейский жетон&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.A0.H0.Xполицейский жетон росси.TRS2&_nkw=полицейский жетон россия&_sacat=0

I am a white male in a relationship with a white Russian woman and plan on marrying her. I am learning Cyrillic and Russian and plan on making sure our kids have both of their parent cultures. Do you approve of this or does your nationalism prevent you from doing so?

Ivan, I . . .

please for the love of God, if you are going to do this much to love a woman, please don't ask Jow Forums about their opinion and just fucking do it bro

So is the mossad, I’m too lazy to make a time stamped badge.

We watch you watching us watching you

Attached: 1BA7144B-10E1-4873-B4D3-7753EAFDF999.jpg (1024x1024, 181K)

get ready to lose 50% of your shit

Attached: kek-lion.jpg (903x1024, 628K)

Just put your rubber human costume on and post a time stamp you lazy psychotic inbred animal sub human

priviet tovarish (i'm not using cirillic alphabet cause i have a american keyboard and i don't wana guess where the letters are)

And all your dignity

I am already doing it so obviously I don't rely on approval. I just want to toss out a litmus test and make sure I'm not making vatniks and Russian men my enemy, as that would be unfortunate,


>user bought a Russian police trinket off eBay

Attached: Barry Soetoro.jpg (250x321, 87K)

Attached: niggre with lion.jpg (634x476, 44K)

Russian women are fucking harpies. I totally understand why Russian dudes have high alcoholism rates. Their fucking women harass the shit out of them and they have to constantly put them in line.

>Putin warns not to sell arms to Ukraine
You see, Ukraine has a lot of 7.62x39 and our BRAND NEW galil ace accepts it, it’s also better than the ak.
So of course we gonna sell it.

Also you used the same article twice.

Silly Israeli goyim. You only speak when spoken to. Learn your place in this world goyim.

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so, oil portraits are of less value than a 5th-grader's drawing of a lion?

>Ukraine stands with Israel
Oh boy, if they knew Avigdor Lieberman they wouldn't.

I like it, she bothers me about exercise, eating healthy and not drinking too much, that's what women are supposed to do.

>Oh boy, if they knew Avigdor Lieberman they wouldn't.
Lieberman literally got Poroshenko in power. Stupid israeli goyim.

I said it already yesterday in the middle of the night. Goy also means nation, you inbred mutt.



Attached: ok.jpg (444x444, 57K)

wtf am i even looking at?

Based af

privyet Dima tvoya mat' bol'shaya suka xaxaxaxaxax

Some Soviet surplus an edgelord got for like 5 bucks.

Note his inability to speak Russian and his decision to hide behind a memeflag.