Cheating Girlfriend

Okay. so me and this girl have been a thing for over 5 months now. about 4 months in i found out she was going to a guys house to "hang out". she ended up saying that they are just friends and nothing was going to happen. i was okay with that(not really). but coming up today i realised that one of my buddys had been talking to her. i messaged him saying stop talking to her. he said he didn't know we were a thing(possible(long distance)). he told me that she has sent him booty pics,etc. he told me that she told him that she made out with some dude while she was with me. i asked her she refused at first and then later admitted that she kissed some guy 1 time. Me and this girl have literally planned our lives together. we have kids names planned and a house we are interested in renting. i love this girl and itll be so hard for me to say bye to her. but i really dont know what to do.

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Ldr? Bro. Advice is useless in this shit. That literally doesn't work. Even IF you get to the point where you move in together and shit, the relationship will ultimately crash and burn. She's also already proven she's unfaithful.
Given the distance, the hard part is done for you. Just stop talking to the bitch. You're not in love with her. You're in love with the idea of her.

How do I know? Was ldr for 2 years, married the girl eventually, turned out terrible. Still picking up the pieces. Don't be like me. Drop it.

get the fuck out of the relationship dude, do you really think she kissed him 'just one time' after she told you that 'she was just going to hang out'. she's continuing to lie to you and she doesn't respect you. tell her it's over and delete her phone number. then be grateful that you didn't have kids together.

I hope this is bait because it seems unreasonable to me that someone could be this dumb.

Give her up now, five months is fucking nothing. Imagine how much doublethink you will be capable of when you're multiple years into it and you have to be insecure at all times when she is outside of your vision, while still convincing yourself she is worth it.

You don't have to deal with this. In fact, you're only crushing your own dignity by convincing yourself that this is actually worth your time, which could otherwise be spent improving yourself while passively looking for better opportunities.

t. Multiple relationships and horror stories

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somewhere not far from your buddy there is a very sad dude who let's call Sam
Sam is gay and he doesn't know he's gay and doesn't know what he wants so he goes after weird girls
he likes Kristen
you and Sam have no idea that the other exists
sam finds out that the girl he's falling for has been in a relationship 4 months
he gets grossed out and tries to tell you how far they went but she deleted all their messages the one time
he already tried to contact you through her but she didn't let you see or possibly deleted the app
anyway Sam eventually gets cut off because your girl doesn't want you to know what happened with them however long ago
I'd say think of how much luckier you are than Sam
but Sam would say be like get the fuhh away from me bihh
to me it sounds like she was hanging out with your buddy and had some third guy trick you into thinking it was some other guy
also I would say your buddy probably knew your girl was taken
your buddy probably fucked your girl and she lied about the other dude and making out or kissing one time so you wouldn't guess
or she went to your buddy's house to fuck sam

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>i realised that one of my buddys had been talking to her. i messaged him saying stop talking to her.
dont do this in the future and leave her, unless you want to put up with further disappointments

>Okay. so me and this girl have been a thing for over 5 months now.
>Me and this girl have literally planned our lives together. we have kids names planned and a house we are interested in renting.

Low quality wait or is OP just dumb?

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if you stay with her she will have ZERO respect for you even if she convinces you otherwise and even if she convinces herself otherwise but she will be totally void of respect for you


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But she only kissed another guy one time, user.

One time.

If it was 1.5, I could see your point, but this is 1.0 times.

Based fucking Australia. Fuck

Awww, I remember my high school relationships too.

rekt m8/10

poo peeland btfo

Wicked bants...



kek'd hard

Simple solution is to LEAVE HER, dude.
She admitted to some other guy that she cheated on you while sending him nudes.

Do the horns of a cuckold look good on you? If so, then don't leave her. But if that's not a look you are willing to pull off, then do the true-to-yourself thing and dump her ass, bro.