>dont want to work
Any books for motivation to help with depression, start finding jobs, and working? Ive read The Metamorphosis by Kafka so far.
How old are you lmao?
try hanging yourself by the neck until dead stupid frogposter
Read this: Get a fucking job, not next week, not after class, not after you save your game, get a fucking job, and once you have the job keep your mouth, do as your told and don't talk back, if you make a mistake own it, don't pass the buck, don't make excuses, everyday get up and go to work, on your days off do laundry, buy groceries, pay bills, if you have friends talk to them, if not stay out of people's lives, if you have a partner fuck them regularly, if not masturbate, do push ups, avoid fats and sweets, learn guitar, learn it well, don't play it at parties, don't drink, don't get high, pay your rent in advance, don't drive when you can walk, ride the bus, take a vacation when your ducks are in a row, have babies, eventually you'll die and all this nonsense will be over, until then just make a fucking effort.
Wage work is slavery. You're a coolie working for me, the NEET aristocrat.
I really like this post--kind of reminds me of Girl by Jamaica Kincaid
t. brainwashed ideologist
I'd rather be a depressed neet than a depressed wagecuck
Are Iron pill books good for this feel like Evola- Ride the tiger?
You anons are a bad influence. Im trying to kick this habit.
I'd rather your parents kicked you out of their house, stopped paying your phone bill and internet bill and car insurance and health insurance, and you had to move to a studio apartment 5 blocks from campus that cost you half your months wages to live their, the other half went to utilities, and you run up ungodly debt paying the tuition your meager scholarship wouldn't cover, and settle into a realistic...how can somebody who's never worked a day in their life possibly condescend to anybody? You haven't earned a fucking thing kid, and with your attitude you probably don't have to.
>parents kicked me out for being a FAGGOT, better go run up enormous debts in college without support
this is why you are a wagecuck
don't listen to this piece of conservative scum
people like him are why the world is such a horrible place
lmao you're such a queer
>I've worked hard, I'm not like you, I'm a hard worker. I advocate to let my boss fuck my ass and thank him for it
Your entire message can be summed up as keel over and die
Also you write like a faggot. Enjoying working for some company that doesn't give a shit about you, counting down the hours till you can go home and count the hours till you go back to work
Bukowski as a hyper-normie millennial.
The only debt I have is a $3600 hospital bill, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You enjoy metaphysical anal sex with your boss
What's your message summed up? I don't like gay people? My boss knocked on my door to ask me to work for him, again, you silly little bastards aren't actually talented at anything, you don't believe in taking pleasure in your work, so you avoid work at all cost and call people earning a living "cucks," and "faggots," and "slaves," and then say they're the ones making the world an awful place?
You don't enjoy anything in life.
Actually, I greatly enjoy literature and NEETposting
ride the tiger isn't really iron pill. more of an analysis of things wrong with civilization. was a bit disappointed it didn't live up to its name.
Oh, I see, you think I'm writing from experience, no I haven't actually experienced that situation, I just know that's been the modus operandi of the youth of late, and the sooner the rest of you follow suit the better.
What literature do you enjoy? Garfield? Foxtrot? Get Fuzzy? Zits? Non Sequitur? Close to Home? Are you an edgelord Bizzaro by Piraro fan?
no, I prefer One Piece and Tokyo Ghoul
Check out Parasyte if you get a chance, CyberCity OedO 808, Fist of the North Star, M.D. Geist, Black Lion, fucking sick
fuck you sound boring.
>not after you save your game
This kind of idea nothing can wait is so paradoxical and prevalent to this kind of thinking seeing it situated like this made me lel
>pay bills
Like what even is this? You just ...pay them. That's not even a 'thing' to do.
Lemmings find bills through extravagances and absurd luxuries to justify their slavish lifestyle.
You're right, I am, I've been into the same routine for a while now, no more drinking, no more acid, no more sexual parlor games, just going to work, coming home, reading some books, making some food, sometimes I go shopping for some clothes, secondhand of course, don't pay full price for anything. Hell, i get most of my groceries from the food bank. Keeps me from making those impulse purchases that I regret later. I am a boring motherfucker. As the saying goes, user, it takes one to know one. Would you care to elaborate on your exciting and interesting qualities? Not where you go, but who you are?
I worked the night shift at a grocery store where all the undesirables would shop, but it wasn't just methadone addicts or prostitutes--sometimes blacks and even wealthy Chinese women would do their pantry stocking then, or come just to get luxury hair products, but there were also old kikes who'd peruse for $5 chocolate bars, and get actually offended if I suggested sales or whatever. There was one time this fucking loon who came with a magnifying glass, a literal detective magnifying glass, to look at the cash monitor and had me change the $1.00 point to $.99 cents manually until I crashed the computer, and this guy behind her has this literal fake cigarette in his mouth and he's pretending to smoke it vigorously in the store, and he just says, "that's the way she blows" and then tells me to read first John or something because it has evidence God was married I guess, and they all leave without getting anything, and the manager of the store blames me. But anyway, the way I see 90% of people keeping their receipts for the most asinine inconsequential shit has me realize I never want to make less than $80K when I'm those ages. The Pynchon-cashier story has its roots in reality, man.
Jesus, you need to put everything towards school, you need to put every effort into classwork, it is not going to stop coming at you, they are going to bury you under a stack of textbooks next year and you will need to dig yourself out. Ask for help if you have trouble, look things up online, don't plagiarize content for essays, teachers look up the same stuff you do, they know all the tricks, school separates the chaff from the wheat. Get involved in sports, get yourself fit, don't start smoking, shower everyday, focus on subjects you're familiar with, avoid specialized electives like photography and drawing, learn Spanish, learn another language, don't worry about girls, there's plenty of time for that, walk with your chin up, look people in the eye, control your words, don't blurt something out just because it occurs to you, patience, diligence, benevolence, don't be a smartass, be encouraging but not patronizing. Here's a word from Confucius, "The man of cunning words and an ingratiating face can be neither benevolent nor wise." Don't be rude, don't force intimacy.
leave the NEETGod alone, you disgusting wagecuck.
If this is truly your condition, than I recommend this with zero irony and complete conviction.
Get to SQUARE ONE before you even fucking think of taking the world seriously.
stop. user. stop.
Stop recommending books on a literature board!!!!
Why tho? Because it's fashionable on /lit/ to shit on Peterson? Mind you, he just made a recommendation to his self help stuff which isn't really disputed. Unless you really hate Christianity.
Literally the most meaningless low effort kind of advice.
What are the gun laws like in your country?
Thanks, will try this mext year
I'm at my wits end with this post. On the one hand, this sounds like this user wants to give honest advice. On the other hand this just says to conform to society in the most naive of ways and so this could also be read as straight satire along the lines of the "don't think, work, breed, die" critique of capitalism.
He never said not to think. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with working, breeding and then dying, while assuming responsibility for whatever cards you've been dealt, rather than cursing at fate all your life.
don't worry, user. i actually liked your advice :)
I would like to add: clean your room. Not taking the piss, that shit actually matters, but this type of advice is too mundane for some so they reject it out of hand. They think they're above the comforts of reasonable conformity when in their case that just means being a sad NEET, which is a very unhealthy state to be in for the vast majority of people, even here.
What would you have OP do instead?
"Work, Breed, Die" is not a life ethic in any way unique to capitalism. Also modern Capitalism is more like "Work, get replaced by an immigrant, die"
>don't plagiarize content for essays, teachers look up the same stuff you do
That's why I like not being anglo. I could just translate shit from the internet and no one evrr found out. Literally like whole articles almost word for word.
You'll regret it later in life. Especially if you're smart enough to have some critical and verbal potential to begin with and then build upon that through writing.
He's one of the two people in this thread that recommended a book, and the only person who actually recommended a self-help book.
For what it's worth I'm in much the same lot as OP and I haven't dug myself out. Peterson still inspired me to keep my room clean, stay physically active, he was unafraid to share blackpills (you have twice as many female ancestors as male) but pushed a message that you could overcome them. I unironically paid for his future authoring program and while most of the plans I made for my future went to shit some of them didn't. i started doing talk therapy (which I was able to afford by kinda holding down some casual work for a family friend) and am planning to go on antidepressants by the end of july if I still don't have a real job. He sparked an interest in /lit/ and I went from reading 0 books a year to reading maybe 20 a year. He didn't "Cure" me but what he put me on an upwards trajectory. I've never been stronger or cleaner or more literary.
I feel at this point I've basically learned everything worthwhile he has to say at this point and join in on /lit/ mocking his nonsense. I understand how full of shit he is in a lot of ways, I just don't hate everything about him. Still if Peterson's 12 rules for life is so shit, what book should OP be reading instead?
P.S. I loved this bit from 12 rules for life. Makes me kek:
"Maybe I picked up some change in scent that night, when death hung in the air. Chris had a very bitter odour. He showered frequently, but the towels and the sheets picked up the smell. It was impossible to get them clean. It was the product of a psyche and a body that did not operate harmoniously. A social worker I knew, who also knew Chris, told me of her familiarity with that odour. Everyone at her workplace knew of it, although they only discussed it in hushed tones. They called it the smell of the unemployable."
Nothing inspires more ire in depleted bugslaves than “useless” people... anger, hot blooded hated, rage. The healthy envy the sick.
>there is absolutely nothing wrong with working, breeding and then dying
There’s also nothing inherently „right“ with it, either.
Look, I would have nothing against that kind of advice if it wasn’t for the fact that the people who promote that idea often seem to advocate double standards, namely: it’s ok for society to treat you like shit whereas you as the average Joe should just keep your mouth shut. It’s okay for your boss to exploit and demean you, but don’t you ever there aspiring for better working/life conditions.
They’re always so quick to tell you: „Society doesn’t owe you shit“ but get real butthurt when people reply: „And I don’t owe society shit, either.“
Wrote „there“ instead of „dare“ in the last sentence of th second paragraph.
You're fighting windmills and reading everything through your ideologically tinted glasses. Not being taken advantage of and knowing your worth, while being able to negotiate your social and economical worth is a valuable skill to have. This does not equate with seeing the bad cards you've been dealt exclusively as a measure of your oppression, nor that what you should be doing is ranting against it on social media, while refusing to take part in the game. Working hard in order to become competent in one field, thus valuable to yourself and others around you is sound advice. Never did he say "conform". He just said work hard and take responsibility for your life.