Uniform And Symbol

The US branch will have to become active on the streets again in the future. To be effective, they need a uniform and a new symbol that they can unite under. Something similar to the Brownshirts in Germany and the Blackshirts in Italy would probably be best, but with a color theme that works best for the US. A new symbol is needed as well, the US can't use the swastika. That is not only ineffective but also against the principles on National Socialism since local differences should be embraced instead of making everything the same, American identity needs to be reflected. I have a few suggestions, but American anons have the best insight so make your suggestions and I will create a preview of how it could look.

>You're not even American, care about your own country
Wearing uniforms at protests is illegal in Germany and the US is the global hegemony at the moment so winning the propaganda war over there is the most important thing.

Attached: 1544255642392.jpg (640x840, 166K)

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Here you have a few examples of how it could look like, give me a color theme for pants, shirt, and tie, if you have an idea for a symbol, I can add that as well.

Attached: multiple.jpg (1540x655, 541K)

>Just use light brown pants and white shirt like they did in Charlottesville
That looks shitty and gay.

Attached: Charlottesville-White-Supremacy-Rally.jpg (1440x960, 542K)

I like the NRM uniform. Simple, contemporary, smart and strong.

Attached: 9AAC127D-80F4-4429-8F0D-0AA31BAD8DE4.jpg (620x413, 88K)

Yeah, that looks good, but the US needs something new. Black and white looks too formal for the US, they need to appeal to the working class and using a symbol from Europe is not going to be very popular with American nationalists.

The odal rune, or anything Germanic would be a no-go in America. The majority of Americans are descended from the Anglo-Saxon English, both racially and culturally. Symbolism like this doesn't really feel like it fits for american traditionalists, like myself

I think anything with a cross would work much better than Germanic runes or symbolism. Pic related

Attached: polknot.png (1024x1024, 57K)

What color theme would be best?

Attached: brown-green-blue-polknot.jpg (471x655, 221K)

Glowies with proxies ITT

>being this retarded
wew lad

I like the green shirt and brown pants. Gives it a very eco loving look. We should go for something more like this

Attached: 1543998798678.jpg (500x375, 134K)