What is better for the environment paper or plastic straws?

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Reusable stainless steel straws

pick up the drink receptacle and place it against your mouth

The best thing for the environment would be to kill all the Chinese and Indians who dump their shit into the ocean. Nobody wants to hear that though.

This. We should just get less prissy about how we drink stuff. After all, if you believe a glass is too filthy to touch your lips with it, why would you drink what's inside?

who gives a fuck?

You’re mom

Fuck the environment

Fewer niggers would help the earth. They can’t feed themselves and are reliant on food shipped and trucked in from thousands of miles away.

Straws are for high-caliber turbofaggots

Weren't straws supposed to be for kids?

What kinda faggot drinks through a straw?

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Paper can be recycled by simply burning it. Plastic can be recycled into oil, but it's much more difficult.

Less shitskins, less chinese, no jews.
There, Earth's turned into a literal heaven.

you can't honestly be acting this way, right? Do you just forgo a lid when you get a drink somewhere at lunch?

These kids are too poor to eat out.

>drink receptacle and place it against your mouth
or just drink straight from the stream

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Plastic straws kill turtles- forget the “environment” save the turtles

Grown men and women did not get drinks at fast food joints in their cars until recently. When I was a child, we were not allowed to eat in the car, it was considered trashy.

This is just another example of the infantilization of the Western adult.

>one post
you faggots

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And you can be recycled into fertilizer

Dead niggers

> Drinking anything but holy double distilled water from pure silica glass bottles.
You filthy degenerates.