Hate towards niggers and kikes grows among the upper middle class

In the past 3-4 years, I've noticed that hate towards niggers and kikes has grown signigicantly. If before such tendencies were displayed mainly by lower income people, now such open and wonderful display of that joyful truthful emotion is being displayed by middle and upper middle class demographics. This is good news. We all understand that systemic changes are only possible when the elites are willing to change the system. Upper middle class is basically elite-tier. All I can say is that full blown RaHoWa is only 1 generation away.
White children who are born today, among pretty much all social, economic classes will display hate towards kikes and niggers. In only about 20 years we will see RaHoWa pwnzing the world into a new era. Will Baron Trump help? He sure might. I don't think that this 7 feet tall, 12 year old boy likes niggers and his kiked up step-relatives.

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most people are very unaware of jew things or they tolerate them because they're more concerned of anti white shit

Huwat in the fuck are you smoking?

Oh wait, this isn't a real thread...OP is a shill bot.

Yet you still remain in Saturns cube

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>most people are very unaware of jew things
they weren't aware maybe 10 years ago, but now everyone is aware as fuck. can't you see?? all white people are really waking up and are really irritated with niggers and kikes.. on the top levels.

i'm not talking about some nazi culture faggot.
i'm talking about genuine racial hatred. it's not about politics. it's about exsitentialism.

white people realize that it's impossible to live side by side with niggers and kikes. white people on all levels start to see niggers and kikes as something worth killing.

such tendencies were present only 100+ years ago. now it's returning. it has nothing to do with your political bullshit. all politics is just a bunch of talk during the times when people allow (((you))) to shill them coz they were comfortable with it.

now the white people are out of their comfort zone. even the money and social status is not comforting enough.

so.. the outcome is evident. RaHoWa.. we'll snap those nigger\kike backs just like before. it's gonna be fun times.


maybe if they're basic middle class and lower

upper middle class whites are genuinely pretty oblivious

Never understood why Church of Satan members are so obsessed with famous criminals likes Charles Manson.

>upper middle class whites are genuinely pretty oblivious
did you see that white kid from Columbia University raging today?? this is a clear sign. out of many. upper middle class is fucking hating niggers and kikes as we speak.. the next gen will start RaHoWa

this is how that shit works.

its obvious that 50 years of social conditioning is unraveling

I don’t know.
Most of the whites in my progressive neighborhood hate themselves for being white.
They think we should have more section 8 niggers renting in our hood.
There is absolutely nothing I can say to voice my true feelings on this matter without being crucified

Here in America, Jews have a lot of support. The upper middle class is made of mingled Jews and Wasps like Trumps family.

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>Hate towards niggers and kikes grows among the upper middle class
well I fucking wonder why

>in my progressive neighborhood
lol kike please.

>Jews have a lot of support
who told you that?? kikes? lol

people I talk with at work use more and more the words "niggers" and "bougnoule" (bad word for "arabs")

clearly people are changing their mind, this kind of thing was IMPOSSIBLE in 2012.

Also the eventuality of a civil war is more and more discussed on tv show and IRL.

"It's time to take the whitepill, user"

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Here in the USA, Jews are pretty much cloistered in their own neighborhoods - and you can believe they don’t let niggers or section 8 rentals encroach

>upper middle class is made of mingled Jews
complete bullshit.
kikes are like 0.01% really top elite
the rest of kikes are lower middle class
that's how they roll. they are nowhere near upper middle. upper middle is 200k per year incomes. most kikes make around 60k

upper middle is basically WASPs with old families and 1900s eastern european immigrants. all of those really started to hate niggers and kikes in the past few years considering how agressive niggers and kikes have been pushing the gibs and immigration. it really is bad for business and people don't like that

kikes are really not that rich in general. their own kind wouldn't allow them to get rich or even upper middle coz kikes need the needy kikes to serve them. if you go to any kike firm.. you'll see that for 1 rich kike.. the others are working for really average wage.

if a obscure somalian banana picking board is a tool of purposeful social engineering than your oblivious to dismiss the larger influence on society. I’m getting at what you consider grassroots is actually controlled and directed. Trumps position in office is in itself a method to polarize society, everything according to plan. You’re fixated on race when the to them it’s just a means to an end, the objective abd scope is much larger and Saturns cube is were you shall remain with your secular perspective on worldly affairs

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Noires are white's pets. Hispanics deal with the problem. Look at what happened to noire neighborhoods in LA.


Here is a shitload of reasons why we should have a race war


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Unfortunately, you're worse than the niggers.

i lived in usa. kikes there live differently. depending on their income. they try to live near whites of possible. obviously. kikes are toxic. noone wants to live near them. not even niggers. whites have been ok with kikes in us for a while but now i'm sure that kikes are looking around after 6PM if they are walking outside.

plus that sinagogue shooting is a clear red-flag sign that all is not well in white-kike relationships.

kikes crossed that line.. you know. the line where they don't touch whites directly.

but now all you see on the internet is kike openly hating white people.

this shit is not gonna roll well with whites. over the next decade we will see radical change in the attitude towards kikes.. i mean 1940s levels of hate. this time hola coast for real

Because the upper middle class isn't so upper or middle any more and what was previously contained to lower class whites is now quickly becoming general class antipathy towards the elite and their coddled pets

I'm seeing an increasing amount of whites getting redpilled. I'ts beautiful

>Because the upper middle class isn't so upper
well.. that's true too. economic factors are a major play in all of this. people don't see their old worth and blame it on obvious threats.

all i'm saying is that it has begun. it's just gonna grow into RaHoWa over the next 18-20 years.

Hopefully. Emphasis on holy

>that's how they roll. they are nowhere near upper middle. upper middle is 200k per year incomes. most kikes make around 60k
No, kikes in the USA are largely upper-class. Your confusion is probably stemming from Portugal having mostly Sephardic jews, whose average IQ is much lower than the Ashkenazi jews.

In the USA, Jews are doctors and lawyers and professors.
Most are financially well off

>No, kikes in the USA are largely upper-class
no. everywhere absolute majority of kikes are lower middle class, rarely upper.

most kikes are in providing services for shitty 2-3% at best. the head of such company may hit upper middle but the rest are lower middle class clerks. kikes are cheap poor faggots for the most part. they work for wages. most of them

upper middle class is small manufaturing businesses. like lumber. seafood. farming.. etc etc

there are almost no kikes in manufacturing. i mean there are large corps that are run by a family of kikes but among all of them most kikes are lower middle class.

No, what happened is you found Jow Forums and assumed people were "speaking up" where they "didn't before".
Vocal minorities are still minorities.
>Jow Forums represents everyone
Is that why the Game Awards was swept by animu shmups and JRPGs? Because Jow Forums's respective boards represent the majority's opinion within the respective subject? Get fucking real.
Because of course one of the reasons he was raging so hard was not that he was isolated from a group that primarily believed otherwise.
Fucking dumbass.

Whites don't find spics useful. Real whites don't, at least. The only reason spics think they're essential to "muh 4d chess" is because they've been talking to themselves online, thinking they're talking to actual whites. You're a LARPing nuisance and the source of cultural confusion that we knew you would be. We get it. You're based and you want to be used, but you're seriously jumping the gun. Whites aren't calling for race wars in the Americas. You are, because, frankly, you're brown people and way more aggressive than the people I refer to when I say white. We're getting wise to your "joos" posts as a means of deflection. We're realizing that spics are a bigger threat to whites than their caricatures of Jews.

Lastly, stop bumping your own thread, spic. We get it, you're anxious and you lack identity and you want to fight. What else is new?

>I'm seeing an increasing amount of whites getting redpilled on a site dedicated to redpills
Well no fucking shit.

Responding to OP at the end.

>Jews are doctors
thats bullshit. they are dentists maybe or psychologists but by far not all of them are. it's a very small percentage of kikes who are in those fields. and lawers is shit-tier unless you are top-tier lawyer. general lawyer is lower mddle class. maybe 5-7k salary per month at best.

you are giving me some cliches from movies as if kikes are all well off. in reality they are not. 99.9% of kikes are lower middle class with incomes of 60-70k per year. only a handful of kikes are actually really rich. the rest are rugular minions to the rich kikes

if all kikes were rich, then the rich kikes would be busy fighting all the hordes of other rich kikes. the rich kikes keep the majority of kikes lower middle class on purpose so they would support their kike agenda and shit on whites. lower middle class is comfortable enough not to worry and have nepotism, but not financially stable enough to be desobedient

so.. most kikes always run for the gibs to their rich kike masters. it's fucking obvious. open your eyes.. or stop (((shilling)))

look..look.. an argy kike. nice try faggot. now off to your rat hole. await the gassings lol.

STFU, spic. What are you talking about?

another angry kike doesn't wonna die in 20 years so he shitposts now lol. maybe you'll get shot in synagogue.

gtfo from my RaHoWa thread faggot lol

>faggot lol
Yep, you're a bipolar LARPer. Everyone's a jew, just don't see us Iberians for what we are. I could smell you a mile away. You're just an aggressive spic whose definition of white is an warped and twisted mirrors the mental gymnastics he uses to define himself. Just sit tight, spic.

>Yep, you're a bipolar LARPer. Everyone's a jew, just don't see us Iberians for what we are. I could smell you a mile away. You're just an aggressive spic whose definition of white mirrors the mental gymnastics he uses to define himself. Just sit tight, spic.


anrgy kike is trying to shitpost another RaHoWa thread. happens every fucking time. i'm quite sure that every time there is a RaHoWa thread, kikes\libshits\commies start shitting out bricks and trying to shitpost the discussion.

kike you are gonna get killed soon enough tho, along with your libtard minions.
also not everyone is a kike, but surely those who call white people spics are certainly kikes(or commie\libtard faggot shills)

so be gone from my thread faggot, coz it looks like you are on a (((mission)))

>of course one of the reasons he was raging so hard was not that he was isolated from a group that primarily believed otherwise
this is true.

I'm not angry (and I'm not Jewish) but there's something about Iberians that really grosses me out. Not least of which is that they call themselves white. I'd hate myself and be OCD about it too, if I were you.
>kekking hard when a spic finally talks with a non-spic online

>trust me i'm not a kike
kike you are too obvious


Brutal post. Truth hurts

yet another kike is lured in by RaHoWa thread
the pattern is just so solid.

He's insane. Anti-semites are loons.

lol kike is monitoring thread.
RaHoWa threads really make the kike afraid
i can only imagine the inner rage any kike feels any time it sees RaHoWa written anywhere.. must be like total panic. lol

btw niggers get scared by RaHoWa threads to.. and commies

all these faggots know that it's a war where there will be no prisoners taken and they are afraid coz they can't fight the real fight.

the only time commies ever won was when kikes shilled soviets white people to kill germans. and that was not by skill but by numbers only

this time around kikes don't have the numbers of white people. all they have is a bunch of niggers who are worthless animals.

MAYBE this is the case in your country. I'm not going to make assumptions when you live there and I don't, but this is patently untrue of the United States. I think you're deluding yourself into believing something that you want to be true.

You kikes fucked up big time and now millions are gunning for you, counting down the days until it's time to scrub you from the face of the earth.

Yeah we’ve nailed it.
They are doomed

>this is patently untrue of the United States
how is this untrue if you have kikes being killed in synagogues?? niggers killed by cops

the change in perception is all throughout the western world.

i'm not deluding myself. i'm only stating the obvious. only 3-4 years ago the levels of hate towards niggers\kikes were nowhere near the level of hate towards them today, plus today clearly we see upper middle class people getting themselves on camera with clear statements that they hate niggers, and if they don't clearly express the hatred for kikes, it's only because of the backlash for that kind of shit, but everyone understands that hatred for niggers always come in a pack with hatred for kikes since they are the cause of niggers

the critical point is now. it's obvious that kikes are trying to contain the situation but it's already on one way course to RaHoWa

there is just no other outcome. believing that white people will just fall on their backs and play dead.. is a dilusion the kikes are pushing

in US in the last years so many guns were sold it's not even funny. so much ammunition sold. all of it predominantly to white people.

do kikes have guns? no.
do niggers have guns? no(only some thugs)

whites are agitated as fuck.

whether RaHoWa is planned by elites or is going to take it course by it's own accord.. it really doesn't matter

in about 20 years the new generation will demand war and purges. the current disillusioned white population will pick up weapons and will go on a fucking rampage.

be it a victory for the white race or not.. it's really not the question here. the war is coming.

kikes's heads are gonna roll. rivers of blood.
it's all just stating the facts. i'm not making anything up.

people in 1900s well predicted the 1st and 2nd world war only due to understanding the cganges that were made in late 1800s

>I think you're deluding yourself into believing something that you want to be true.
Spic culture in a nutshell.

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just like in 1900s it was understood that to change the rate and production frequency and the whole exchange system from local and based on monarcical mandates to universal\international.. like world trade organization shit and central banking..

it was understood that there was a need for war. and it was predicted.

the same now.

to step into the next part of industrial age.. there is a need to remove the agents\intermediaries\unproductive filth etc

the agents - kikes
intermediaries - kikes
filth - niggers

the only place is for white people in the future

the engine on which the new age is going to be build is the discontent of the white people

and white people are gonna kill all of the above. it's quite simple

there is no need for financial system and the wellfair state was there only to get the white race angry as fuck.. which we can see right as we speak everywhere

if tomorrow for whatever reason the government closes an eye on killings.. give white man a card blanche.. that's it

all kikes and niggers are just gonna drown in their own piss shit and blood.

coz white people are not comfortable any more. we were 10 years ago.. but not today

i'm not sure if its planned.. but it's really seems that way.

kikes are obviously scared. who wouldn't be. with them doing so much shit. they should be
but it ain't gonna help them

lol kike you are still here monitoring. kek. imagine yourself getting gutted by sticks on the street.

>deluding yourself into believing something that you want to be true.
>bumped thread is case in point
>spic is 100% self-consciousness
>0% self-awareness
>good for nothing except crusades centuries ago
>sees crusades everywhere

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Clownish thread by a 12 year old from literally the poorest country in Europe outside the balkans. Utterly pathetic.

really trying to troll a guy who's gonna kill him soon. this shit can't get more ironic

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lol.. kikes in this thread are hilerious.

Sure you will Pablo. You really scare me from your fucking backwater that would literally turn into a third world country if anglo tourists quit going there.

I feel it too. Of the people that aren't cucked the fire rises.