Are some people better than others? If someone is better than you how can you be happy? If someone clearly does more for society than you how can you be happy?
Are some people better than others? If someone is better than you how can you be happy...
Who gives a shit about society?
Why do you make this thread every day?
I don't
If someone says "I'm better than you" and they're richer, smarter, more athletic, contribute more to society; what should you do?
How can you reconcile this?
my happiness doesn't depend on anyone but me
my happiness doesn't depend on anyone but me
They sound full of themselves.
Maybe get better friends?
Yes, but how can you ever feel happy or worth anything if they're clearly better than you?
I am a an objectively inferior being because of my inferior genes.
I can do nothing about it other than suicide, for which I am too much of a coward.
However society here in Europe wants to keep me alive.
Why should you kill yourself?
Yes. Wich of course implies that there are people that are worse than others.
I don't feel happy because I'm better than people.
Usually I'll get a feeling of accomplishment from my work, or just serenity from walking in the park.
I am tired of living, even though I have a relatively easy life as a NEET. Small things already stress me a lot though.
What do you do if someone better than you lets you know they Are?
You compete you dense, spineless faggot. You tap into those ancient caveman instincts to survive and get stronger, better, faster, whatever it is and aim to do better than the other person.
And even if you dont? You'll still be better than you were today so you are already ahead. Compete or die
Be happy for them. You've been happy for other people too.
How can you be happy when someone is and will always be better than you?
They're better at specific acts, but in the end, you're two very different people.
Success only matters if it furthers you towards your goals. Success for the sake of success is meaningless.
Is it possible to be happy if you only make enough money to live?
How to be happy?
They done studies that try to measure this.
Basically if you're provided for, and have relationships, yeah.
So what's the point in trying so hard?
Just don't care.
Why is their success important to you?
if you just killed yourself when people were better than you at something there would be like 100 people on earth
People feel entitled to things, want things they've never had.
It's natural for people to want to be as high on the social hierarchy as possible.
The real question is why do you feel the need to validate yourself through others?
Especially with how connected we are.
You'll only make yourself miserable.
we're all "created equal", so to speak, because objectively there is no good or bad. obviously, some people are subjectively preferable to others.
>If someone is better than you, how can you be happy?
Even if you're asking my personal opinion, this is an insane question, or perhaps you phrased it wrong.
>If someone clearly does moer for society than you, how can you be happy?
Same goes for this one.