Political Compass Thread

We haven't had one of these in awhile.

I'll start.


Attached: PoliticalCompass.png (480x400, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


IRL People Reference

Attached: axeswithnames.gif (500x500, 6K)

Other reference for dumb people.

Attached: bothaxes.gif (400x400, 10K)

Ben Shapiro?

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

before Jow Forums

Attached: Political compass.png (480x400, 17K)

After Jow Forums

Attached: Political compass.jpg (532x562, 44K)


Attached: political compass.jpg (480x400, 41K)

Attached: chart.png (1053x850, 40K)


Attached: Screenshot_20181209-225406.jpg (1080x1920, 401K)


Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Attached: chart 2018-7-3.png (480x400, 14K)

Attached: 20181019_202950.jpg (1080x2015, 386K)

Am I retarded?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-09-22-56-25.png (720x1280, 99K)

Blues are Nazis. Purples are Titans. Hehe


i'm slowly becoming a hippy! help!

Attached: political compass.png (480x807, 18K)

Attached: 12-9-18.png (420x382, 21K)


Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Attached: lel.jpg (479x402, 40K)

Attached: incelchadspectrum.jpg (1656x1240, 191K)

Attached: retardedlibertarianleft.png (2300x2499, 536K)

Attached: chart (1).png (480x400, 17K)

This was from my Political Science course taken during my Freshman year of college, guess which one is me.

Attached: Political Science Class.jpg (1440x2250, 432K)

Hilarious since I've fucked over 50 whores. lel

...and now accounting for the pop culture Overton Window.

Attached: chartfixed.png (480x400, 5K)

For those who don't know, youtube.com/watch?v=XuI6GTY9eVc

Attached: Political_Compass_HotCrazy_Matrix.jpg (1242x1114, 117K)

Here you go

Attached: polchart.png (480x400, 17K)

Attached: polchart.png (508x452, 17K)

it really surprised me, i thought i were more conservative

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

It was probably all of the enviromental / businesses should serve the people questions that moved me from slightly right to slightly left.

Attached: 59AEEC2B-A1F2-49EE-8415-0E9A9922FD4E.png (480x400, 17K)


Attached: 4C6F31E4-09F1-46D0-8C65-B17AF4B3237E.jpg (582x546, 165K)

Here's mine

Attached: Screenshot_20181209-230413_kindlephoto-134284399.png (584x497, 30K)

Attached: political-compass-zones.jpg (800x800, 142K)


Attached: political compass.png (480x400, 17K)

Pseudo Chad is accurate. My brother told me he can't tell if I'm a low quality alpha or high quality beta.

Attached: Liberaltarian.png (513x375, 8K)

Become a true centrist and mock the unenlightened extremists from your perch of moderation

>libertarian left
how exactly can you believe in public control of everything and actually believe this could also translate into social liberalism

this is unironically the best zone

Attached: Free market welfare state.png (2024x1196, 157K)

socialist gtfo

Attached: ratherdeadthenred.png (480x400, 17K)

What does this mean?!?

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-12-10 00-00-16.png (508x542, 23K)

I hate that test, its got some retarded questions in it.

Otherwise, every time i take it i move a bit more up and right. Used to be on the middle line to the left in "social democrat" territory.

But again, not a good test. A few questions ask you something that in the context of the question i agree, but on the very concept the question is based on i disagree.

Like 'if globalization is inevitable'. Well if it is inveitable no shit it should work for the people, but the very idea of it being inevitable is already implying alot of shit i dont agree with.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

that test was created by commies fuck off

Attached: 2000px-Political_chart.jpg (2000x2177, 325K)