If he ran for president would you vote for him?

If he ran for president would you vote for him?

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It's hilarious how hard you're trying to pull Trump's base away from him. You know you're wasting so much energy and effort on a futile task? You think anyone cares about any of your concern trolling with Trump?

Yes, but he would never win. He looks too much like a dick

tucker is not pres material.

No. I'd vote for Buck Sexton though. Tucker seems like he tries too hard sometimes.

As a single issue voter
I would

Trump is orange with a wig nobody in politics gives a shit about what you look like

>Implying I meant in 2020
Go shave your neckbeard /ptg/ filth

no newsman understands what they stand for, he can pick the right words to satisfy his base but he is not leader material. he'd fold in any negotiation.

This is true. Pelosi looks like Skeletor and Ginsberg looks like Emperor Palpatine.

literally who?



fucking retard

He's afraid of knocks at the door.

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No, he is a fucking idiot. He talks about his "anonymous sources" just as much as any asshat at CNN, and he makes embarrassing irrational arguments like any other partisan hack who can't admit they're just sucking dick for a religion.

He and Sean "Tick Tock" Hannity are just lying IC toolsheds like everyone else in the media, except they apparently represent a faction that can't even fucking deliver.

Guy's what if this is Tucker trying to see if people from Jow Forums would vote for him lmao.

>I'm announcing my run for captain of this sinking ship
I'd vote for him if he ran, I just don't think he should run.

His thing about hamstringing technology's use (ai) in the workforce to maintain jobs or else society will collapse is mild hysteria

Women vote for men who they think are attractive, not that they'd vote against gibs over that but yeah. It explains Canada's current predicament.

No, get off his dick. He is just another shill in a long line of shills that will laugh if you try to go against the ultimate agenda.

Depends. Who's his VP?

Rand Paul

no, but if he walked for president i would.

No. Child mutilation supporting kike slave.

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No he's a socialist. Watch his conversation with Ben Shapiro.

I would if I could because he is most likely better than the others.

Yes. Its high time to put billoners in prison.

Yes, because trust-fund Tucker is /ourguy/ and dog whistles 8-9 PM EST on News Corp’s Fox News! Jesus, tell me why you pathetic alt-right NPC low watt failures worship shabbos goy Tucker. Muh Overton window, muh protesters chanted outside of his 4 million dollar mansion in his lefty elite D.C. neighbourhood full of his swamp parasite pals. Mr. Carlson please use your boarding school education and 15 million dollar salary from a global mass media conglomerate to explain to us how "elites" are ruining America lol

Look, I know Tucker. Frankly, it's flat out hilarious that he, of all the filthy rich cosmopolitan news actors on tv, accuses anyone of upper class elitism. He is the son of a US Ambassador and heir to the Swanson frozen food fortune. Raised in the most exclusive California bubbles, then a 51000$ per year New England boarding school, onto blueblood slacker Trinity College where he studied Russian and was groomed by the CIA to be a spy. He is a classic old money Good Shepherd spook and a total arrogant snob who knows how to stir up anger in you flyover state maga losers because he looks down his nose at you all more than anyone

Tuck was born with the silverest of silver spoons, has to credit everything he has to his rich and connected parents, and sends his kids to posh boarding schools, including the oh-so-exclusive Winter ski term in Switzerland costing more than 65000$ for 3 months on top of 51000$ annual tuition, to avoid you peasant commoners. No one is less a man of the people or gives less than a flying fuck about “crazy lefties” or Third World trash taking your shitty jobs and ruining your backwater nobody towns. He’s an opportunist dandy showman feeding you narrow-minded simpletons dopamine hits as you waste your life away on the sidelines

No. Cucker Carlson would halt accelerationism an white genocide would continue.

Oy vey. Gotta keep them shekels flowing to the insurance Jews.

>neets believe an elitist snob actor on their jew box is going to give up his lazy ass show which pays him $15M a year so he can run for potus and "save" you fucking losers
it's just sad how lost you men are
