My gf just said I "wasn't the most photogenic", shall I ask her if this means I'm ugly??? I just brushed over it at the time.
My gf just said I "wasn't the most photogenic", shall I ask her if this means I'm ugly??...
Don't ask her. Yes it means you are ugly.
If she is still your gf, then she lost and you won.
While she is sleeping,
Take a dump on her face to assert dominance
This OP. Worst thing you can do is let this shit bug you. It might not even mean your ugly in person. Just that pictures can't capture what she likes about you. Just forget about it. Women say stupid stuff like this all the time without a second thought to any underlying meaning.
No it doesn't necessarily mean you're ugly. Even attractive people can not be photogenic.
Besides if she thought you were ugly why would she have started dating you? Youre over thinking it.
Its woman code for “im only with you until i find someone better looking.”
Form an exit plan and walk. She doesn’t appreciate you.
A bit of column A, a bit of column B. If she wants to stay together then you have won. If she is trying to find a better find an exit strategy. Remember that she might be interested in you and you misinterpreted, it is most likely that you are overthinking shit so don't say anything stupid
yes women are emotionally like children, except when they have a veneer of sophistication or professionalism up.
>boo hoo i'm ugly
she's still your gf, you lucky fucker
it means you can look like shit and she'll still dig it
>Every negative interaction that has ever happened with any girl I've ever talked to ever is evidence that she wants to leave me for another guy.
Couldn't be more insecure if you tried.
Not photogenic means you don't take pictures well. I'm not photogenic. My smile is kind of weird and my poses and facial expressions always look kind of forced. Not photogenic = doesn't take good pictures. Ugly = ugly. Use a fucking dictionary, kid.
>women go for looks
>yes women are emotionally like children
If only the people on this board could understand the massive irony in making statements like this
I see your point. I'm trying to think of one instance in my life where this wasn't true.
Life is going to be very confusing and unfulfilling if you continue to believe that the women you attract and interact with are representative of every woman on the planet. Only a simple minded fool solely uses solely anecdotal observations to make judgements about the entire world. If you continue to find yourself attracted to emotionally immature women its because you either don't have any working concept of what emotional maturity looks like and/or you are subconsciously attracted to them.
I said every women I've really known. I've only dated three women.
>I've only dated three women.
You've only dated three women in your entire life and you honestly think that is enough experience to confidently make the claim that all women are emotional children?
I've known more women than those I have dated. Can't we just agree that I'm speaking from my experience and leave it at that? I understand that women are capable and strong. It's just that I've noticed their pursuits are unrealistic and counter-intuitive to what they would really benefit from.
And this isn't saying that men are really any better. I view men as gorillas that essentially use their aggression to make life a piece of shit for everyone.
>Can't we just agree that I'm speaking from my experience and leave it at that?
Nope. You didn't say "I have perceived all the women I've interacted with are emotional children." You said "Women are emotional children".
If you don't want your words to have any burden of proof then stop characterizing your anecdotal musings as objective fact. Learn how to speak english like a reasonable adult.
you're so buttfucked and unpleasant. do you actually believe you can order me around?
I actually have it that women are niggers and, seeing that you're a nigger, you're probably a woman.
you might just pose like a retard op. A lot people don't know how to position their face/body for photos and end up looking rather mental.
Likely she just means you don't photograph well rather than you always look bad
>do you actually believe you can order me around?
Fucking kek. Put your edge away, kid. Nobody gives a shit about your internet tough guy routine. Listen, dude, its not my fault you're an idiot who doesn't know how to construct decent sentences. If you want people to stop talking to you like you're retarded then stop being retarded. Don't get all puffy with me, I'm not the one who dropped you on your head, kay?
someone get this guy a free pussy for his white knighting on Jow
I'm going to go reflect on how bad I just got told
>someone get this guy a free pussy for his white knighting on Jow
I'm confused about what calling you out on your stupidity has to do with white knighting. There isn't even a woman in the conversation. You should probably look up the definitions of buzzwords before you use them. You're just making yourself look more stupid, user.
you should probably look up the definition of trolling
no, clearly you are the most smart. and here's a toast to your heroism.
>n-n-oooo, you're the s-smart one!
Go to bed, user.
what are you even trying to communicate?
Man, photographs make people look different than what they really are. I know a person who could pass as me in a photo if he dyed his hair brown, and my fiancée agreed on this. But when we met him in person, there's no hell he'd ever pass for me in real life.
You're overthinking it, don't get stuck on such a small thing.
IF you really can't let it go, tell her "It made me feel X when you said Y, and it has been bugging me lately."
But seriously, overcome this. It is nothing big.
that this conversation is pointless. I shut you down for saying something stupid at the beginning of our conversation, you utterly failed at providing any kind of logical comeback and now you're just slowly petering away with increasingly lame insults because, much like at the start of this dialogue, you have nothing intelligent to say. better luck next time. good day, sir.