Martial Arts

Whats the most redpilled martial art Jow Forums? I've got some fillipino in me and I've been thinking of picking some FMA up, but Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu really appeals to me as well.

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These are the redpilled martial arts (in order):

Western boxing
Muay Thai (or similar)

The rise of MMA and the publicization of the results of Dog Brothers gatherings are the red pills of martial arts. The shit that works bubbles up pretty fast, the shit that doesn't gets kicked to the curb.

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Spartan pankration


What does FMA excel at? Seriously. TKD is for kicks, Judo is for throws, what's FMA's specialty. And the history. How did it develop? Philippines isn't exactly known for being a country of fighters.



FMA is known for its weapons-first attitude, which is why it should be learned first (why are you going to do a flying kick when you can smash someone's skull in with a frying pan or other weapon of convenience?). It tends to go very well with BJJ, thai boxing, JKD, really lots of stuff. If you pick a good teacher you'll learn to fight, not learn to look pretty (TKD, anyone?).

And not being a nation of fighters? My flip friends tell me shit like "it's not a Filipino wedding until someone gets cut." They are a savage angry little people in a poorly policed third world country and fighting with edged weapons and bludgeons is far more a way of life there than in China, Korea, etc. The best stuff comes from the least civilized places (e.g. Kajukenbo [shithole slums of postwar Hawaii]).

The most redpilled martial art is the one that has the best teacher in your area.

>And not being a nation of fighters? My flip friends tell me shit like "it's not a Filipino wedding until someone gets cut."

Lol no. Lots of people here are assholes but are absolute shit at fighting.

It is a weapons-first style, afaik, but is it even that high up in the rankings for armed fighting? Not a lot of real world applications of FMA that I know off - military or sports like UFC though I will say I'm not that exposed.

I've read somewhere that FMA is actually based on European MA brought on my colonizers. On that end, I'd just like to say that we're not a nation of fighters. If we were, we wouldn't have been colonized for 300+ years. In fact, we're not even in the same tier as the rest of our neighbors in SEA in terms of cultural independence.