There are no downsides to treating people with respect.
There are no downsides to treating people with respect
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There is however a downside to feeding into peoples delusions
What if they don't respect you in kind?
I'm not asking your gender, faggot.
Gas all trannies.
The spread of disease and degeneracy.
Goes for fat people
Stupid people
40% suicide rate, maybe normalizing it isn't in their best interest.
Is there a downside to telling a schizophreniac that the voices in his head are real?
fucking this^
Ask yourself what an adult would do in this situation.
There are, however, downsides to letting a bunch of hysterical authoritarian retards promote themselves as people who should get to define what respect is and then enforce their definition through public shaming to their hysterical authoritarian retard faction.
I understand that these second order concerns are beyond your hysterical authoritarian retard comprehension, though.
If it's not directly interfering with one's ability to function in society, then it's not the same thing.
>encouraging the mentally ill with their delusions
Could you repeat the positive to this again?
They have to explain this before anything else. Even if people accept them they drop almost half the time.
> what if
> obviously
Like using the restroom?
Unironically explain how it's a mental illness.
Straight white men are killing themselves left and right. Correlation is not causation.
Respect is something you should have to earn, so giving it to people automatically is going to feed into their entitlement complices.
mutilating your genitals to conform your body to your thinking. It's completely sane.
45% of straight men dont kill themselves.
There is no correlation between transexuals being "accepted" and suicide rates, rate is same in every country no matter what tolerance.
You are ill faggot.
Unisex bathrooms have been a thing for how long, now? Only problems I see arise from gender fundamentalists (for lack of a better term).
>we are normal people
At anything near the same rate? Their race isn't the cause of their suicides, its typically a mental illness. You know, like being transgendered. Something off with the brains chemicals that makes you think you're the wrong gender and want to off yourself.
>There are no downsides to treating people with respect.
What if they don't deserve respect?
I get it. It seems strange. You're entitled to think that way. You're not entitled to expect other people to think as you do. If it's not directly interfering with your ability to function in society, what is the problem?
And if it is, you'd better be ready to make your case.
There seems to be strong evidence (brain scans) that its literally brain of the opposite gender that developed in the body by mistake. Chromosomes also do not necessarily determine gender, because someone with chromosomes of one sex can still develop opposite "brain sex / gender", by mistake in their phenotypic expression.
And given this discrepancy between body sex and brain sex, its far easier to change body sex to fit the brain sex than the opposite (we have no clue how to change brain sex / gender, but we can change body sex with hormones and surgery..), hence sex reassignment surgery should be the way to go in treating gender dysphoria.
Hmmm I wonder how many predators have taken this opportunity to prey on the vulnerable? What do you care, The vulnerable are your bread and butter, the more the merrier
>If it's not directly interfering with your ability to function in society
What are children for 400, Alex?
If someone thinks they are Napoleon there's no problem in just letting them think that. They can still live, just call them Mr. Bonaparte you bigot. Their mental health isn't a societal concern at all.
Just because you are mentally deformed does not make you a bad person.
>its far easier to change body sex to fit the brain sex than the opposite
Are you retarded, or just pretending?
> sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.
> cutting off your nut sack does not make you a woman.
This is you right now. There's a word for this: it's called hysterics.
You dont get as much pussy. You get mistaken by some people as weak which leads to time consuming conflicts. You get asked to do the shitty work before the nice guy. I could go on for days but i just wanted to prove you wrong, i am trying to fuck this 8/10.
Respect is earned. What have you faggots done recently to earn it? Way I see it, screeching at everyone, demanding kid gloves and then shaming those who don't conform is the opposite of earning respect.
These identity issues are a result of a poor nation. People need to understand the body is not separate from the mind and to force a change on the body like that is to force oneself into something they hate. Not saying one can't be gay, but there comes a line. Such dysfunction is a product of an environment as far as I'm concerned. The sick need to be treated good and the root cause for the problem needs to be solved. Attacking your own never did any good. But, to live and let live is also a natural right. So then it becomes a moral dilemma, but people should understand that opposition and allies in issues like this do things out of love, but this wasn't an issue hundreds of years ago. What changed? And for what purpose?
this was meant to be in reply to apologies. I'm drunk.
One wouldn't do that for any other mental illness. Telling people what they believe themselves to be because of an illness certainly wouldn't help them, and only make it worse.
>There seems to be strong evidence (brain scans) that its literally brain of the opposite gender that developed in the body by mistake.
It's literally the opposite.
Why do you expect animals to understand respect?
"Ya bruh the demon telling you to RIP that kids face off is real"
Are you saying that mens brains and womens brains are fundmentaly different? Interesting.
The problem is your unwillingness to accept that this is a deformity. Either physically or mentally. Making it out to be "normal" misinforms people especially children. It makes them think lopping off body parts is a sane and normal thing to do.
You're trying to say that one cannot be a transgender without also being a predator, and that is simply not true.
Exactly why I won't lie to you, or let you lie to people I know.
You're born one gender, unless you have a serious Genetic Disorder.
The set of gear on your crotch, 99.99% of the time, will match your DNA, no questions, pills, therapists, surgeries, or hospital stays required.
Anyone saying otherwise is trying to SELL YOU SOMETHING for their own profit, their own insanity, or an evil plan to hurt you.
What if you don't deserve respect?
someone's going to have to make the first move, idiot.
There is nothing wrong with treating people with respect especially considering that respect is never given it is only slowly earned and quickly rescinded
unless "respect" means not telling them a hard truth which, however painful to hear, may actually save them from their own hell...
My idea of respect is telling people the truth even if it hurts their feelings.
Your idea of respect is preserving their feelings when truth would hurt them.
"Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman. You will never experience sex like a woman does. You have a brain configuration that is irreversibly male."
It doesn't mean I hate trannies. But telling someone that want to cut their dick off and fuck up their hormone balance that they are perfectly sane is not only disrespectful. It is medically fraudulent.
We cannot get along. But only one of us has truth on his side.
people must jump through his bizarre and specific hoops and idea of "desirable actions required for respect." and he passes his own tests
Then I guess I don't get any? Perhaps you should start "respecting" nazis for all I care.
>Have 6'2 210 lbs hairy friend John
>user I want to cut my dick off, get implants and be a girl
>John you would be an ugly as fuck girl and regret it
>Also John you will never actually be a girl, only look like a freak in denial
>Friend realizes he has to make due with what he was given
>Friend lives a productive life, gets married and lives miserably like the rest of us and doesn't kill himself in a few years.
You're not entitled to expect other people to think as you do.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I'm not saying it's "normal," but I'm not going to join you in saying that it's fundamentally harmful (it isn't), or that it's immoral (your opinion). I'm not going to demonize it apropos of nothing. Unless you can conclusively prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that transgenderism necessarily leads to destructive, criminal behavior, you're at best opinionated and at worst bigoted.
When did I say that? I'm saying predators take advantage of situations. I didn't say those predators had gender dysphoria
Spirits be real man. You just gotta be open. The more open one becomes, the more they see/hear. Meditate some day. Actually spiritually seek as opposed to state run religious holdings. Don't do drugs.
It is possible to be honest while being tactful and it is also possible to speak your mind without being rude or hurtful.
People who describe themselves this way are generally bad at reading social queues and don't understand how to conduct themselves around other people.
>speak your mind without being rude or hurtful
As a society we have to establish a benchmark for what reality is, and those who do not support lying to people in order to preserve their feelings have chosen truth over sentimentality. If I use your logic nobody can object to a flat earther. They don't have to think like you.
Your answer doesn't make any sense.
Does everyone deserve respect or not?
People also never question the countless variables that, we as humans, have introduced into our environments that contribute to disease, cancer, mental illness, health issues in general. We are now beginning to understand how huge of a tsunami of negative variables we contribute to and it's overwhelming. Man needs to change from within.
you're assuming making this about an issue of morality. I'm not. What is wrong is not calling a spade a spade. Mental illness is mental illness, it's not a sin, not something to celebrate.
>also possible to speak your mind without being rude or hurtful.
Nope. It's not. You can't know what those faggots will be offended or hurt by. And it isn't anyone's problem but theirs. It's called having a god damned spine.
>People who describe themselves this way are generally bad at reading social queues
That's "cues", dummy. And you're wrong.
If I come out of the bathroom with my fly unzipped, I want to be told as soon as possible.
Pic unrelated.
Or rapists and cannibals.
My pronouns are Rapey, Rapem and Rapeself, my chosen name is Fagbasher Cuntsmash. I like to piss on the seat in women's bathrooms.
Neither you nor I are objectively qualified to make a statement on that query one way or the other.
You're entitled to be wrong.
You're not entitled to not be corrected.
>At best x and at worst y
Plebbitor detected
>I'm gonna cut off my only set of naturally occuring genitals, nothing can go wrong!
So who are you to say all faggots deserve respect?
They will most likely end up gassing themselves.
No doubt. Also likes to make a lot of unfounded assumptions.
Respect is not asking me to lie for you. Respect is not asking me to change my views for your sake. Respect is not trying to use the government to harm me if I criticize you for any reason at all.
These people aren't asking for respect but for blind obedience to their whims and worldview. Hell, being born with a deformity I never got fully respected or accepted by people ever and I never got a damn movement for it either. So we don't even respect humans with real, actual conditions... why the expect us to treat their made up conditions with respect.
Just no.
EU flag. Why am I not surprised.
Who are you to call people faggots?
Bite your goddamn tongue if you can't use it respectfully. It's that simple. God for-fucking-bid you spend zero energy not being an asshole to people for the hell of it.
If I were your father you'd have grown up getting smacked across your goddamn mouth on the regular until you stopped shooting it off.
>Who are you to call people faggots?
Where do you think you are right now?
lol, fucking this. I meet the friends of trannies, and I know who will NOT help keep me on the straight-and-narrow. Why be friends with yes-men and weaklings? Good people are improved by conflict, not ruined by it.
fags and trannies should be killed.
When one side legitimately makes the claim that observing objective reality is not necessary for living in a coherent society, much less that everyone else should be forced to respect their made up version of the world, that side has dun goof'd.
It's my privilege to call you both rat kikes.
Here's an idea: let's *not* enable him.
Me and myself both pity you for not having a father who loved you enough to beat the fucktard out of you.
>stupid people
And you're one of them.
>LGBT are people
I think Nazis deserve a lot of respect and faggots don't. Please come beat it out of me yourself.
Omg I'm so sorry this is the website you were looking for >
>being an asshole to people for the hell of it.
It isn't for no reason. Maybe you (or others watching) will learn something.
This is a place for harsh truth. Go back to instagram or fecebook, faggot.
You are mentally Ill. Seek help in a form other than chopping your dick off. You are not a woman and are fundamentally incapable of living as one. You will never know what it's like to be a woman, only a deformed facsimile physically, and mentally a wreck embodying only the socially proscribed tropes of your preferred "gender" (sex?).
I knew better than to expect an intelligent response.
You're about 7 digits not worth the effort.
>treat them better
>41% suicide rate irregardless of acces to self-mutilation
sounds to me like we're morally better treating their sick brains rather then indulging in their fantasies
What if Hitler was a faggot too? Who gets respect then?
>This is a place for harsh truth.
Truth isn't something you find isolated in a room with a computer screen. All you'll find here is mutually-assisted self-delusion.
>brown id
>you should be nice and call people ximmerxam if they want to be called that
not okay
>Please treat us like normal people
>We are normal people
>But better that your version of normal people because we're different which makes us special.
At least I know what website I'm on.
Irrespective of his personal tendencies, Hitler believed millions of people ought to die for what ultimately boils down to his personal beliefs. He killed himself because he would have rather died believing he was right than to have lived long enough to have been proven wrong, as he eventually was.