This video is incredibly scary

Why ? The white man is spitting facts. The black guy is insulting him with myths. Yet people side with the latter.
This video is incredibly scary because it shows propaganda works.
It spreads hoaxes now perceived as fixed truth by a large portion of the population
>systematic racism
>geniune, deserved reparations
>white on black violence
>police on black violence

While facts supported by statistics such as the black leech are perceived as racist false flags. This video is incredibly scary to me. What do you think ? (if not working)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also it's a sad realization when Jow Forums is dominated by shill threads and actual relevant discussions are marginalized

I'd like to know why the nigger is wearing a wildcat shirt.

Im glad to know that I’m not the only one that thinks this...

How do you know people side with the nigger?

Every black will side with the nigger. In this day and age, they ALWAYS side with their own kind. They won’t even listen to a white person anymore.

Blacks just need to be redpilled by whites. We're all pissed at the same people, the blacks just think the Jews are rich white people.

99.9% of blacks will, but what proportion of the entire adult population will side with the nigger in private? You would probably be surprised. The problem is most of those people are afraid to publicly offer their voice in opposition to the nigger. Therein lies our real problem.

It seems you haven't taken the black pill yet if you are surprised at this

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You crackas just mad cuz you dont kno bout dat fried chicken or no Barbuque

the video was made by a black man as "a way to hear both sides" kind of thing iirc. that says something although I'm not sure what.
I really want to think not every nigger is that fucking stupid to endorse this chimpish thug culture but I've never seen a sign of that. niggers used to be somewhat respectable. I still like ray charles.

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A bunch of fat nazi incels complaining about hypothetical niggers siding with a nigger cos he's black while simultaneously siding with a whitoid cos he is white. Retarded faggot sjws getting triggered over a music video. Welcome to nupol

Fuck that song I want to see a really battle. There needs to be a rap battle where there's no censorship. Whites get to vote on their champion and blacks get to vote on theirs. White guy is allowed to call them any racist comment they want and vice versa for blacks. I guarantee the white guy would win without even a fight


That propaganda shit piece was cringe tier at best

>Why ? The white man is spitting facts. The black guy is insulting him with myths. Yet people side with the latter.
Most people recognize it for what it is, it not who wins, but how we get along after. Just read the comments, although yeah, it is weird that the black dude had such weak arguments. I think the target audenice though was black people. Lots of otherwise reliably leftist blacks agree with the white guy. Its a work of art(Not that I'm saying its a work of "ART", just what it is) Watch the reaction videos for an hour of black people, most of them get thi. Many even say the black dudes lines are whack as shit for the most part. Many lines are clearly ment to be funny that way.

If you do watch lots of reaction videos though, be prepared to skip the first 1-5 minutes of poorly done and overdone introductions. Fuckin' niggers.

His grandmother was a slave?

What is his grandmother; 150 years old?

jeez that fat bastard is just a whigger. fuck off

You are aware that slavery did not end with the 13th amendment right? Slavery can be proven to have existed in the south all the way to 1960`s.

>Durr, people broke the law and still abused labor.

Faggot there are like thousands of Chinese slaves 4 miles from me in Philly right now fucking guys in massage parlors. As long as humans exist with will be slavery, but don't try to compare that bullshit to institutionalized slavery as it existed pre-Civil War.

Yeah, even his strawman had better arguments than him.

Yes it is spooky. Also the conversation ends with threats of violence by the black, and nobody bats an eye.

Yeah, the black guy is written in such a way that the author clearly agrees with them, but the facts aren't on his side. For god's sake, "fighting for his life up until he fucking died?" Tupac died to gang violence, ie: he picked fights and let them escalate into firefights so often that people thought it was acceptable to shoot at him randomly.

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Actually, the original responses to this video were completely against the black man and the creators for not actually presenting a true middle ground for blacks and whites, which is of course. KILL ALL THE FUCKING KIKES!

>Yeah, even his strawman had better arguments than him.
Because he was talking mostly to black people. The strawman is the black dude. Its meant to get blacks to look at their culture. It was a critique of black culture under the guise of a Trump supporter or whatever their 'enemy' is. Leave a few laugh lines or a point or two at whites, its 95% a critique of black culture in the US.

>fake eye brows
>fake eye lashes
>colored contacts
>fake nose
>fake lips
>pound of make up caked on
>fake tits

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he sounds retarded talking like a nigger

we're all pissed at rich people, doesn't matter if they're white or jewish or jay-z and beyonce. they literally all are trying to fuck us over.

the common ground is ending the system of exploitation that makes us all slaves. no amount of genocide will save you. there will always be a class of elites exploiting you and we have to end that class of elites itself, not replace the "jew" with a white elite class that you will never be a part of and be enslaved to

seems to me the real accidental problem of this video is that the creator was under the impression that the solution to these contentions is for our peoples to become ever further intertwined, forced ever closer together, into ever more positions of power and dominance over one another and the system that govern us, ever more stepping on each others toes and exacerbating a rage and hatred that needs time apart to cool off
the problem is that leftists recognize a problem and think they can solve it by intentionally making it worse

Imagine you're a nigger that doen't want to work, take care of your kids, and live off their babymama's money and EBT cards. You'd make up any old shit to get out of it even saying you're oppressed and since being a victim is all the rage they're able to get away with it. Honestly everyone should just stop working and say they're oppressed desu and just let it all collapse already.

Which explains how someone's grandmother was a slave when slavery ended at least 50 years before his grandmother was born

>first line
>white man calls black man nigger while wearing drumpf hat

entire song literally strawman.mp3
trump is supposed to represent some "far right racism". jesus. then what the fuck is actual far right racism?

This thread sucks. You guys are retarded, the whole song was calling out black culture. "My grandmother was a slave". It sounds retarded even to blacks. That's the point. That's how he wrote it, it was always supposed to. You clearly need to know abot bbq and fried chicken to talk about current black issues too. It sounds dumb because he wrote it that way. The only real thing of value the black response was was to not piss off extremists and end with some type of reconciliation.

It doesn’t matter what people think in private if they never act on it.

Couldn’t understand. Too many memes.

Reminds of pic related. Despite being nonviolent and not reacting, the white guy attacked was painted as the enemy without a hint of irony. The chasm really is two deep

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I've seen one, it was brutal - the white guy tore the black guy several new assholes - slavery, lynching - the black guy had to be held back. No idea where I saw it though, was a long time ago.

*too deep. There are parallel nations that can never be peacefully reconciled was my point

I've seen the theory that that was acted, and for once I'd believe it. How a nazi would wear anything so goofy, and get converted so easily I cannot imagine.

no shit propaganda works. facts and truth are worth shit.
if you want to effectively persuade, you must ruthlessly exploit human biases, emotions and irrationality. harm your enemy's cause by defending it with insane arguments.

no one is actually falling for your pseudo Ghandi-ish "non-violent protest" because that guy is literally wearing swastikas on his shirt

work on your optics

>A tshirt is violent
Well now we know why that propaganda worked

If it was acted why not have him be violent and grotesque instead of composed?

Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive and yet monotone lyrics, set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.

Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.

There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practicing until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat? Don't you KNOW this?

Those who "create" rap and hip-hop are an affront to civilization. They're the proverbial "slap to the face" to every man, woman and child who's pushed themselves beyond limits previously thought unimaginable, to achieve heights of success one could only dream of.

Those who willingly listen to rap and/or hip-hop, are the most dangerous of miscreants - examples of de-evolution. In essence, they're "regressing" back to their monkey state and, in my humble opinion, should be put down so as not to infest others with their disease. Ironic, really, since doing exactly that would be going against the argument in the second paragraph.

I genuinely hope humanity can recover from the plague that rap and hip-hop brought forth, but the more logical part of my brain knows it's truly a lost cause.

>tl;dr: rap a crap.

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im just saying that normal people see this guy and figure out hes a nazi in 2 seconds, and you can do whatever the fuck you want to a nazi and people will cheer it on. no one will give him sympathy because nazis want to kill all non-whites and that's not compatible with the Western values you so badly want to save. if you don't understand this you will never create a mass movement. so please stay ignorant so that your little tantrums every 50 years can be suppressed every single time.

>I'm not racist my sister is a coal burner but you niggers are worthless losers.
It's a stupid video for kids.

>Jow Forums is not red pilled enough, too scared to watch kid videos evidence


You do know that the black just dubbed for the white guy so no one could talk shit on him for saying nigger in the song right?

niggers: not even once

>systematic racism
it's no hoax, but rather against the white race

The creators side with him, as they put his story last. Giving him the final word

there's no such thing as child pornography, only pictures and videos evidence of child sex crimes that happened. you can't call yourself red pilled if you don't watch it for yourself to learn the truth.
the government hides it from you

So not watching a kid getting tortured makes you not redpilled?

Niggers are despicable
>nigger talks about empathy

the truth can be hard to swallow

I saw this last night, heard some valid point, mind blown, upvoted... and then the black guy started spewing the usual horseshit, so I withdrew my upvote... and my (literal) blackpill kicked in again ...
I think Tommy Sotomayors talk with Jared "Hu-White" Tylor was great, and I quite like Kevins Corner, The Amazing Lucas, Brandon Tatum, Larry Elder, Candace Owen and some other such conservative YouTubers too. Amazingly they are (still) allowed to exist. Some more... ummm ... astute and sophisticated in their argumentation than others, but it's bearable, I suspect they make the normie black Americans heads explode on a daily basis, surely a good thing.
