I'm tired of feeling like guys only want to fuck me and it's kinda making my self esteem feel a little crappy...

I'm tired of feeling like guys only want to fuck me and it's kinda making my self esteem feel a little crappy. For example, the last guy I dated admitted towards the end he stayed because he was comfortable and I was hot. Months later, we kinda started talking again but it was all mostly sexual. Then another guy I dated, I ended up cutting it off cus I wasn't feeling it, and he said "oh you seemed like you needed a plumbing" or something vulgar like that, and he said he was kidding after I called him out but yeah, was he really? And there are just a few guys that seemed solely interested in that and it makes me kinda sad because I'd love to have something emotionally intimate with someone but it doesn't happen. I'm a very shy person so it takes time for me to open up, so could that be why guys just end up seeing me as a fuckbuddy? I don't get it but it just makes me sad. If anyone can relate or have any input, please tell me. I don't have many girlfriends so I don't have anyone to talk to about this.

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If you're hot how come you don't have female friends? Make some

It just didn’t really happen. Other girls can be pretty annoying and we often don’t get along.

Get some therapy. For some reason you're attracted to manipulative, abusive guys. This isn't just happening to you, OP. Its not a coincidence. You're choosing these guys.

Way to be dramatic. They weren’t manipulative or abusive.

That sucks op. I was actually dumped by my ex girlfriend because I wasn't that sexual to her standard? So the complete opposite of you. We had a really strong emotional connection & that's what I cared about the most. She didn't care about that just the sex.

^^^ to add on to that I'm a very shy person too like you

Tricking someone into thinking you like them so that you can have sex with them is called manipulation. Abuse happens in degrees. Just because she's not being beaten or screamed at doesn't mean that she can't be in abusive relationships. I'm not trying to paint OP as a helpless victim, merely stating the obvious; she's attracted to bad dudes. Her decisions play just as big a part in this as theirs does, it just so happens she's programmed to make really bad ones. Instead of jumping down my throat for trying to help someone in a way you don't agree with you actually come up with some advice that you think is better.

Op, you wanna meet up? I'll listen to all your problems as long as I can rail you as often as I'd like.

Sorry to burst your bubble OP bit the sad truth is, real love is nothing like TV.
I hate to make this analogy but there is 2 kinds of guys. "Betas" and "alphas" and really any guy can become the other at some point in his life. But "alpha" guys "the guys women tend to want to date" want sex first, and if you can manage to hang around long enough he will start to commit maybe. But what's the incentive when they have all this pussy flying at them. "Betas" will actually do the whole long relationship first and then sex but women tend to not want to go out with them and who could blame you. They are at low point I'm their precieved life.
You just have to make a decision on what you want to put up with.

>wait until marriage
>guys after your body bail as soon as you say so
Problem solved. But you can't do that, because you're in all probability just a whore who doesn't like to be reminded of the fact.

You're a whore and you deserve to be treated as a cum deposit

Why have you placed your value in their handa and opinions?

>I'm tired of feeling like guys only want to fuck me
That's what all guys want to do except for .01% of guys who have incredibly low test/sex drive. And if you dated one of those guys you'd be miserable because you would walk all over them. Just get over it and accept that fuck that guys love sex.

This, almost all of my interactions in some with women is for the end goal of fucking them. I like pussy, but not the bitch it's attached to, so I gotta lie a bit. If you're smart and deny me then good job, but best believe I'll leave after we fuck or stick around for just that reason. I'm 27 so all I'm trying to do is lay pipe work everywhere

So.. I’m a relatively decent guy.
I’ve never seen women as sexual objects, I’ve had a number of close female friends (including my best friend), and I’ve always thought the best sex was the sex where you actually shared something special with somebody.

Here’s the ting though... In a world where everyone around me was more concerned with hooking up than relationships, i *know* im a rarity, and for the most part, I stayed out of the hookup culture because I wanted more.

So, if you approached me for a hookup, I *might* respond positively, but by and large, my reaction would probably be to brush you off because while I didn’t mind a one night stand and I think sex is fun, that’s not my priority. And in all likelihood, if things came out sex first, it would kind of influence the way I saw you.

Not because I would think you’re a slut or whatever the fuck, but because sex is a pretty fucking distracting thing, and if i never get to know you well enough to form an impression of you before it happens, it almost overwrites everything else that goes on afterwards.

And the thing is... I’m one of those minority guys that *doesnt* prioritize sex... and even I know my judgement gets warped when sex gets thrown in... so imagine what happens to guys with less self control and higher prioritization of it.

I’m not advocating holding off or whatever, just trying to make you aware of that fact.

By the way, a lot of my friends have a similar mentality as me, and a lot of them are attractive, smart, and well put together people, it’s just it’s sometimes hard to find women who aren’t just all about hookup culture on our end too, and when we do, our relationships are usually for the long run.

It’s tough on all ends, but the more you grind it out, the more you feel like it pays out when you meet the right person

at least you're not ugly

Oh boo hoo I’m attractive

It’s really really easy to get guys to like you for stuff besides sex. Just have the slightest bit of a personality and don’t put out on the first couple dates. Do you think you can manage that

>It’s really really easy to get guys to like you for stuff besides sex.
That is unequivocally false. You can't "get" anyone to genuinely like you for who you are as a person.

>I'm not like other girls
You're a sad meme

Easy, don't fuck guys until you're in a committed relationship with them.

Maybe don't give up sex so quickly or easily and dudes who just want sex only will magically drop off like flies.
Boom, fixed it for you. Thanks magic wand.

asking guys to not want to fuck you is like asking a dog not to bark, its fucking genetic and instinctual. but a guy can like you for you and want to fuck you at the same time, look for those.

It's better to have female friends for your emotional needs. Men will never love you just for "you", it will always be your body and maybe if you are lucky your body and "you".
Men will never be able to understand women in the way that another woman can understand another woman. Make female friends if you feel lonely.

Well someday you won't be hot and guys won't want to fuck you anymore and then I guess we will find out what you are really worth as a person

Not OP, but in this day and age, most guys won't wait that long.

And most women are whores, but the point is to not act like that. Too late for OP, but I mean in general.

My only advice would be don't look for a romantic relationship on tinder,clubs,bars, etc...

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If a guy really likes you, he'll wait.

The easy answer is that you're not outgoing. Which isn't bad. Lots of good people aren't outgoing.

So the only thing you run into are dating/sexual predators. These guys are out there searching for sex.

This is why normal men get frustrated with a lot of women. Women don't work on themselves. They aren't searching for good men. Then some sexual pred gets them, they get hurt, then bitch about it like all men are like that.

News flash, decent men are out working on hobbies. Or working a job. Good men don't have time to hunt you down. They're at work. Guys that make sexual pred their hobby, do.

Take up a social hobby and try to talk to people, and you'll find someone better.

Nice advice. I'm not op tho

You have to be strict and have some self control and some respect for yourself while not letting yourself be emotional and socially manipulated into doing things. It's difficult because you weren't raised to think. Remember any multiple choice questions asking your opinion?
And now I'm going to be mean.
>I'm tired of feeling like guys only want to fuck me and it's kinda making my self esteem feel a little crappy.
That is by my personal experience 98%+ of guys in existence, the other miniscule percentage also want sex but not just sex. You've been giving it up because you listened to a bunch of crap guys spew and been played like the naive idiot you are, harsh I know but it's true. The majority of guys are liars, massive lying sacks of lies, dipped in more lies, rolled in lies, with a harder lie coating. You get the point.
1.stop acting like a slut
2.timelines don't exist, who do you think came up with those.
3.learn body language, is he being deceptive. Useful but not 100% because they are delusional like you.
4.anyone who doesn't treat you with respect is garbage, garbage is to be thrown away
5.the sexual jokes/remarks are never jokes, ever
6.never have sex with someone you don't have feelings for ffs, why do I even have to write this. You even think about fuckbuddy and death by tea cup, Riddick movie I forgot the entire title
7.guys are not friends, friends don't want to stick their penis in you
8.and a bunch of other stuff you're probably going to ignore too like "I don't do dates" which translates to "I'm never going to try and just want to use you sexually"

-He'll leave, omg who gives a fuck.
-Insinuating he has options (as a guy threat), kick him to the curb and tell him to have fun with that.
-Insinuating, mentioning, joking, thinking(if you can read minds), emoting, etc. anything other than exclusivity, anything. Say que adios puta
-the avoidance of questions like "don't worry about it", etc. means he's hiding because he's a wimp.

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Hang yourself

You sound like a very bitter and deluded child. Head on back to tumblr with that condescending 'woke' empowerment horseshit. If your experiences with men have been that piss poor then you've likely played a large part yourself in enabling the behavior of said shitty individuals by allowing them near your heart before identifying those true colors. OP is clearly naive and vulnerable as a result of that, but, she isn't some fucking outright subhuman moron because she doesn't share your anecdotally driven mindset

Sure you got it. As long as I can fuck OP a few times.


I would but you have to be a virgin and I have to have your absolute loyalty.

Spotted the retard

Interesting, do you think you were too sheltered OP? Do you feel your parents got along well in their relationship? You don't have to mention specifics but it may have something to do with your manner of establishing relationships with other men and in part the difficulty you have connecting with other women. As others have said, it seems you look for these kinds of relationships by hooking up with cool dudes that usually want a sexual relationship more than anything in women. There has to be a reason behind this way of thinking you may have.