How does one develop the skills necessary to drive a vehicle? I'm 30 years old and I've had my learner's on and off since I was 18. However despite the bit of practice I've had, I just simply can't get a grasp on driving. I have major difficulty handling myself on the road, parallel parking, and doing anything in reverse. I also have difficulty naturally understanding how fast I'm going without looking at the speedometer, I make wide turns, I can't judge distances due to extremely poor depth perception, traffic makes me uneasy, and I'm distracted very easily along with so many other issues.
How does one develop the skills necessary to drive a vehicle...
Pedal on the right
Drive like you mean it
Shoot mean mug nigga looks at othwr drivers at all stop lights
Brake before you need to
You are the most important driver on the road
I wouldn't worry about it, practically everyone drives and very few people are actually good at it
People who drive like that cause a lot of accidents and unnecessary traffic.
I don't want to get killed in a car accident with my poor driving abilities or even worse have someone in the vehicle with me get hurt or killed. I couldn't live with myself if something like that happened. I wouldn't even honestly worry about a driver's license if I could manage to live my life without one. But I live in an area where there is no public transportation and I don't really have anyone who is able or willing to take me to and from a place or even work. Which is why I'm still a NEET at 30 years old. I finished high school and just have kind of existed since, spending most of my time on the PC or playing vidya. I even lost all of my friends and have become very disconnected with society in general. I hate even going out now as I constantly feel like an embarrassment. I was in Lowe's the other day and they were doing some stupid wheel spinning thing and they talked me into "attempting to apply for a credit card" because that was the requirement to spin the wheel and get something for free. I was with my grandma and she edged me on to do it as well. Said even if I wasn't approved it was a free spin and I couldn't argue with free. Well I literally told the woman I had never worked for a full year in my entire life so I didn't know what to do put annually. She made me put down $5,000 which now I'm slightly panicking I'll get in trouble for false information on that even though I was obviously denied. All I got out of it was a stupid Lowe's hat and an embarrassing story with extreme shame and humiliation.
There are YouTube videos that can give you basics but practice, I had to teach myself but if you know anyone ask for tips. Can't really teach you over internet.
-Read the manual.
-You need to pay attention, no radio or phone. Actively think about everything you're doing and going to do, eventually it be easier.
-Glance at speedometer, and just get a feel for it. I find it better to not have my whole foot on the gas pedal but my heel on the carpet, then you just bend your foot forward without moving your heel.
-If you think "can I make it" you can not, you'll get better at it.
-Go slower if you need to, people are impatient speeders try and ignore them. Don't get rushed into a accident, these people don't care about and aren't thinking about you, they should have left earlier.
-Pay attention to lights, signs, etc.
-You can practice in empty or mostly empty (away from other cars) parking lots at almost everything including reverse.
- I always look at my tires, not everyone does, but always look at the fuel gauge after you start your car or maybe on the way home.
-leave early so there's no rush.
-don't follow close, always use your turn signals, headlights when you need them
- keep your window clean
That's all I can think of.
Hey you could be that 30 year old need that is getting evicted by his parents. At least you are self aware that you can do better. It'll be an uphill battle but you CAN get your shit together. Get some shitty retail job and save up for drivers lessons?
Fuck out of my way! *lays on horn*
I'm normally not very good at retaining and learning through videos. I'll question everything I do and not fully get it until I can perform a task in front of another human being and get their approval. I know there's a lot more underlying mental problems that stands in my way. But as far as watching learning how to drive videos online. I haven't done that yet. So I'll at least give it a try.
I haven't read the manual but I have read the entire driver's handbook multiple times.
I've never listened to music or had a phone with me while I've practiced. I don't even use a cell phone anyways and didn't plan on ever listening to music in the vehicle while driving until I became accustomed with driving and already had my license.
The jeep I've been practicing in during recent attempts has an acceleration problem which has been really messing with me but I still have had this problem in other vehicles as well. It's just more prominent in the jeep. But I can try that.
I try to never take a risk at merging into traffic so sometimes I've really made the passenger with me mad at just sitting there. I've been yelled at quite a few times.
It definitely makes me nervous when someone is "riding my ass" when I'm only trying to take my time.
Signs and lights haven't been any problem with me.
I need to practice getting better at reversing and parallel parking really bad.
What do you mean by looking at your tires? I definitely pay attention to the fuel gauge. I do this every time I get in the car with someone else as a passenger. I don't want to be in a situation where I'm stuck in a broken down vehicle.
Yeah, I try to do that in any situation regardless of driving or not.
I feel as if I give the person ahead of me too much space sometimes as I try to follow pretty far behind. I also have been jumped on about using my turn signals a bit too early and I haven't had any issues with headlights.
Also I keep the window clean but one other thing I've never driven in the rain.
That's not me, I recently heard about that story though. I do need do better though. I don't exactly live close enough to walk but if I could bike to work I would try that however, I'm worried about my bike getting stolen or the employer having a problem with it. But I do need to figure out a way to save up some money and build my income to a stable point. As far as driver lessons I need to figure out where to go and how much it would be. But yeah, it would be my best bet probably. I just wish I would have had someone around during my teenage years to push me and help me learn all of this then. Having shitty parental situations really suck.
>What do you mean by looking at your tires?
Make sure the look normal, not flat. Not inspect just a quick look on each side. They always look normal but if they are flat and you drive you'll ruin the rims.
take driving lessons
I didn't drive until my 20s, lessons helped me a ton
Maybe racing games with a fake steering wheel could help. There are also parking sims you could download on your phone.
Look for a driving school that uses driving machines or VR to aid in training.
Once you get comfortable then try driving instructors.
Ah, okay. Yeah, I wouldn't want to end up driving on flat tires.
I'm starting to really take high consideration in taking classes. I just have to find out where at around me I'd have to go. I live in a small town and the closest DMV is about 40 minutes away. Would they have further information for me? I may be able to call and ask them or is there a place online I could just search for them?
Ironically I'm extremely good at racing games. I also used to always play arcade racing games growing up and was always really good at them as well. I've used a steering wheel controller with some of the newer Gran Turismo games and I handled it pretty well. However, I'm still much better just a standard game controller.
>Would the DMV have further information for me on getting a drivers license?
Think about what you just said.
I was asking if they would have further information for me getting enrolled into classes. Not about my license.
Yeah they should have that, basically all information relating to anything driving.
Okay, I'll probably call them sometime this week and try to find out the information I need to take the next step or wait till I go over there this or next week since I have to retake my learner's test anyways.
Find an enormous empty parking lot, like a closed mall or a school on non-school days and practice there, where there is nothing to run into,until you begin to feel more secure.
But never get or try to get too secure. Good driving requires a level of anxiety
You need to drive. Your problems are from lack of experience so you haven't built an intuition on how.
You're also overthinking and focusing on rules and social rules instead of what you want to do. I bet you wouldn't have a problem/anxiety on the road if it didn't require a license.
There's nothing like that in my town or the city over from me that I at least know of. I may be able to ask around on a more local forum and find out. Hopefully I wouldn't have to deal with cops trying to worry about me being on property, etc.
I doubt I'll ever reach a 100% secure with things.
I know I'm guilty of overthinking. I overthink and over analyze everything I do. It's a big and major problem with other aspects in my life. I wish that was the case, I even at one point wanted to find somewhere online that could give me a fake license with altering my information in the DMV database out of desperation.
Don’t make your lack of a role model the reason that life’s not looking so bright for you at the moment. I graduated high school 3 years ago and have drifted ever since, parents have never pushed me to do anything I didn’t want to do. This probably stunted my development as a man but I couldn’t blame it, I had to learn to work with the cards I am dealt. In the past 2 years I’ve managed to get a decently paying job at a supermarket (a jobs a job, mate) as well as my drivers license even though honestly thought I could never do it. I believed I was the worst driver in the world man, but I knew I had to get my mind out the gutter the be able to be somebody I would respect. I like to believe that people take life at their own pace. Some people do things slower than others, but that’s fine because it will eventually get done. Really sorry if I’m jumping the gun because I know nothing about your situation regarding your parental guidance, but I’m speaking from my experience. P.s volunteer and get a driving instructor if you somehow manage to get the money. They’re super helpful.
Thank you for the insight. You're right, I do need to really stop holding myself back due to my upbringing as it's not going to magically happen now or change because I'm depressed about it. I'm going to create a change myself and seek the help elsewhere through whatever means I can manage to find. I need to stop overthinking and over analyzing every little aspect of my life and just kind of go for it. Yeah, I've had a lot of people tell me that I need to start volunteering somewhere and that would start to build my social connections which could lead me in the right direction. I need to really start living and that's not going to happen just sitting on my computer all day and night.
Thank you everyone, I'm going to see about making an appointment for a therapist, take some practice DMV tests online so that way I don't mess up on getting my learner's back, and try to get some practice in with driving as well as looking for some classes. Also going to try to find some places to volunteer at and put some job applications in even to some lower tier positions even if it's just part-time. A little bit of money is better than not having any money at all. I need to start truly living my life and stop letting problems of my past haunt me to prevent me from doing anything. Even though I'm way older than I should have been starting my life, I'm going to try to bring positivity within myself with the mindset. Better late than never and stick with it. Try to build myself up instead of staying down and hiding. Wish me luck thread.
Happy for you buddy, were always here for you. Life’s a gruelling process man, take it as it comes to you so don’t worry about comparing yourself to others in your age group. Following this little step helped get my mind on track and on my road to self improvement!