What even happens down there? Are they based and red pilled or what?
they are busy drinking toad juice
someone tell me something interesting about the country, please.
It was colonized by ayyyyyys thousands of years ago.
Been out there. along the coast on the way to Pisco which is a port town. (About a few hours from the nazca lines) there are many cotton fields along the way.
But the greatest thing of all: They got that old southern art like pic related all over the place going down the coast. Haven't kek'd so hard. Indigenous looking folk wondered why it was so funny was the cherry on top. It was normal to them.
appreciate the read. kekd
To Give you an example: This is the type of shit I'm talking about that you see along the way just imagine it in spanish.
Thanks for the read, user
Peru seem to have a habit of electing non-Peruvians into their presidency.
Seriously, of course you won't see this shit in the south anymore cause everyone would cry "racist" until they are blue in the face in the United States. But holy fuck these guys are blatant about it and they could give 2 shits about it.
How white is Peru my dudes?
white enough to own cotton fields and have that old redneck style of art from back in the early 1900's in the bible belt.
Peru has a large Japanese population and a coup every 4 years instead of an election.
Oh, and nearly all of Peru's population lives in the capital of Lima.
So how many white Hispanics are there?
It's funny, cause the old President resigned in March after getting caught in a scandal. About 2 years into his presidency too.
Very few, definitely much less than 1% of the population.
That's unfortunate.
Lima is a shithole, But to answer OPIts fairly irrelevant, we havent had any big problems for a while and seem to be doing well so there isnt much to be said, not really based or redpilled, just traditional and very old-worldy, SJW stuff never really takes of here, some have tried but its too catholic, creeping wants for socialism and also corruption, but no gibs just yet, inb4 muh venezuelans, yes we let them in but there are no gibs for them and if they cant make it they die in the streets alone, our best leaders are ussuall foreigners, Fujimori raised us out of terrorism and poverty with an iron hand and apart from a few tards dying the the jungle and some people in the mountains and the sierra (cold area mainly puno) we are doing pretty well especially when compared to the days before fujimori, despite what people say about Socialist South America, Chileans, Columbians and Peruvians probably wont vote or even think about socialism for another 10 years at least, just because they have seen what it did to Venezuela. Sufficient as an answer?
So Peru is average by South American standards?
Thanks, Peru user. Your answer has done well for me.
Since Lima is a shithole, what would be a nice and comfy city to live in down there?
Peru needs some whitification if you ask me.
The trash is the art? I mean it would be accurate.
SJW stuff is quickly taking off amongst the younger educated people. Especially feminism, just look at the whole feminicidio crap going on.
Lima is the only thing that could even resemble a city, you can buy land and live nowhere but don't expect any decent infrastructure or facilities.
Its not really hitting us to be honest but it seems to be hitting everyone else, Especially Chile, I actually live in Tacna (la frontera con Chile) and I sometimes go to Arica in Chile and suddenly there is a massive increase in feminists, homosexuals and transexxuals, we have them in Lima but they aren't exactly mainstream. Brazil is bad for it though also.
Peru is doing a better job rejecting gender ideology than us.
Exactly what mexibro is saying, but you can get very cheap off-the-grid living especially with an American wage (even minimum wage), you could come to Tacna I suppose since it shares a border with Chile there are alot of services there for a Peruvian City, bear in mind that Tacna and Lima and alot of Peru is a desert aka if they cant get water from the mountains there is no water. Personally I would suggest buying yourself some land in or near any part of the jungle that isnt infested with gringos, the gringos are more degenerate than the locals (the ones that live in Cusco) and tak alot of drugs and significantly raise property prices. You could go to chachapo or tarapota maybe as it is cheap, has a good level of basic services and is also in the jungle i.e. alot of agriculture and wild animals to be eaten (i.e. good place to survive in if it kicks off.)
For now maybe, but we are getting there.
t. Peruvian on holiday
Peru will be my safe haven when ww3 breaks out in the Vaterland.
I am so sorry for you guys, I hop over to visit my friends in Arica because I live in Tacna and there is a massive rise in the amount of gays and transexuals all of a sudden.
Fuck off, we are full.
Which part of Peru are you from though? I live in Tacna and its still very traditional, I am in Lima now and it doesnt seem that gay, but I don't really leave Tacna much apart from to visit Puno and as you know Puno is very traditional also.
How good are you at pretending to be Venezuelan alemane-bro?
He cant come, Lima is full of german tourists doing cocaine and making our shit capital even shittier, you cant walk through barranco at night without seeing drugged german men and drunk german women picking up locals. Germans are scum.
i'm peruvian lol.
Yeah, media has been relentless in pushing this thing this year, specially with this Daniela Vega faggot that they made him won an Oscar.
As they know we Chileans always crave for international attention everyone rushed to take photos with him after he won the Oscar, and boom, saying that faggot is a man was suddenly controversial.
Also there is MOVILH, a huge lobbyist group and pic related wants to force their way into our legislation to allow him to fuck kids.
Take care and don't let them use these tactics on you.
PS: I know you want to put a bullet on Rodolfo Noriega as much as we do.
How's the 14 year old age of consent going out there?
They are based and redpilled.
>peruvian neo nazis want to expel al jews
Nicest Latin Americans in my book.
Fucking based at least they got the right idea
brown shoes, whyyyy
Amerifag here.
Been to Lima twice. It will always have a special place in my heart. Of course it can be ugly, poor, dirty, and hilariously gawdy. But the people I have met have been some of the best. Watching scary movies there are more fun, going out is easier to meet new friends, the food is great, and some of the adventures made me feel like Indiana Jones.
I love that country. I know it has its problems, but I truly love it.