I'm 31 years old and struggle with the issue that I'm I'm still attracted to girls who are like 16-23...

I'm 31 years old and struggle with the issue that I'm I'm still attracted to girls who are like 16-23. Sometimes a little younger (not really), and sometimes older, but this is what gets me going, and I never grew out of it. I've never done anything illegal, but I unfortunately like them younger and have less interest the closer a girl is to my age.

My biological grandfather was a legitimate pedophile (prepubescent girls), so I always fear what I might become if I lose my mind like that.

Is there any way to age up my tastes?

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that's normal. it's been well documented that men are generally attracted to girls that are about that age. You're just lying to your biological urges that you find christmas cakes delicious.

yeah cause they're hotter. not really that surprising.

Guys usually like youthful looking women so your age range isn't bad at all. Tons of young women also like older guys so you shouldn't be that stressed.

I made posts as a 14/15/16 yo girl on whisper to mess with guys like you, it was funny yet terrifying how desperate you people are, literally had a guy driving towards my "location" within a couple minutes of talking. I pretended to be all types of people, not just a young girl, it was fun to roleplay. You aren't fooling anyone with your (not really), op.

Young girls don't like old men like you, as much as you and all the creeps on this board hope they do, as a 16 yo I thought guys that were 19 were way too old for me, and my friends/any girls I knew thought similar things.

You've got a natural born ticket to jail my boy

Sweet, let's totally shift my question then: how do I meet these girls?

go to your local college and sit in the starbucks or barnes and nobel

Go to a highschool

OP here. I don't want to bang a 16 year old, 15 year old, or 14 year old in the sense that I think any of them are interested. If I got an IM or was in a chat room or whatever the fuck that was, I'd immediately assume I was being lied to, and I wouldn't come on to anyone.

It doesn't change the fact that I'd walk past a high school sophomore at the DMV and think she's super hot. I know you don't like my (not really) but there's never a time where I'm out there trying to hit on a high school girl.

But for all of that, I'm not actually asking for advice about hooking up with college age girls, just for advice about how to stop wanting that, and more someone my age.

Try finding a kink scene around you, tons of young but adult women want older guys.

I assumed your (not really) meant children. I still assume that desu, you're disgusting

Congratulations op, you are not a faggot.

Don't break any laws and just focus on 18+

People gave me some guff for dating a girl in her early 20s when I was your age.

Then we broke up and before we broke up I thought to myself... Hey I kind of like younger girls...

So I dated a girl younger than her (but older than 18).

To accomplish your goal you need to improve yourself and be outgoing. Just be yourself, so to speak. If you got game you can accomplish this. If you don't have game, are a creep or a lower, you are wasting your time.

t. Just a guy in his early 30s dating someone over 10 years younger than he and making roasties and their confederates fanny flustered as fuck.

You're not gonna want someone your own age more than you'd want the same woman in a younger body. Just not gonna happen. You gotta accept that it's true and not deny it. Then maybe you can look for something else to be attracted to in place of it, but not without seeing this situation for what it really is.

Whatever you want to assume - I don't have any reason to lie on an user board.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to this 14 year old international model in the pic. But I wouldn't try to have sex with a 14 year old down the street just because she was 14. Both statements are shitty but that's just me being honest.

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So basically
You find 14 year olds banging but you don't want to bang one

Some will be completely repulsed by you like me because you're creepy old guys but guys all the time say this I've just never seen a actual relationship like that. Don't get me wrong while I think you're a perv you are in no way alone, look at the other older """gentleman""" in your creep creep peep peep grandpa think he look twenty in a jeep jeep.

>Is there any way to age up my tastes?

Real talk dude, just start socializing with woman around your age or older and look for good qualities in them. A lot of times some dudes find young women attractive because they grew up with them and men are taught that it's okay to be attracted to younger women, so they never really try to mature out of it. Just look at other posters in this board, for example.

Look at models, porn, celebrities, Instagrams, or whatever and get used to the idea of older women. Desensitize yourself to them, really look at their features and try to find things about them that you like. Identify them as people, dig past the appearances and start finding reasons to up your tastes. Like being with a woman who has her shit together and won't need to leach off you and have buy alcohol because they're underage.

Alternately, you can follow other advice and accept the idea of prison life. They love guys who diddle minors there.

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Men that only like significantly younger women typically have some kind of developmental issue. On the deepest level, they get off on the power imbalance.

Just think about it. There are fugly teenagers and there there are really good looking ones, but the same goes for women that are 30. There are those that look really fucking good and then there are hamplanets and 30 year olds who look like spoilt milk.

So there are hot 18 year olds and hot 30 year olds but you only find the former attractive... then yeah there's something not quite right there.

>t. Some run of the mill roastie

Different user than OP

I'm attracted to milfs all the way down to OPs range, reassuring to hear that since they're just a part of my attractiveness range that I'm okayish, doesn't make me too much of a creep.

this person is either talking too heavily from their own life experiences or doesn't actually know or whatever but I personally have a ton of experience in life actually having to control myself around young women trying to pursue me when I cannot oblige because of the stigma

lots of young women like older men and that's just how it is

what is new however is how society looks at this, you better not go after anyone younger than 19

18 has a bad look because it's barely legal, 19 looks mostly fine however for some reason

best advice itt

with great difficulty. Hang around college campuses, enroll in a night class.

Age of consent varies in the US from 16-18 .
And then there stuff like this:


>Laws in 27 states do not specify an age below which a child cannot marry.

>We learned that in 38 states, more than 167,000 children — almost all of them girls, some as young 12 — were married during that period, mostly to men 18 or older.

>At least 31 percent were married to a spouse age 21 or older.

>Idaho — which had the highest rate of child marriage of the states that provided data —

>Only nine states still allow pregnancy exceptions to the marriage age, as such exceptions have been used to cover up rape and to force girls to marry their rapists. Consider Sherry Johnson of Florida, who said she was raped repeatedly as a child and was pregnant by 11, at which time her mother forced her to marry her 20-year-old rapist under Florida’s pregnancy exception in the 1970s.

It's entirely legal in a majority of US states for you to have sex with the 16 year olds. If you aren't in US, 16 is actually a bit on the high side for western countries. For a lot of European countries, it's 14. Almost 0 are higher than 16.


age of consent 16 (31): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio,[a] Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,[b] Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia

age of consent 17 (8): Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Texas,[c] Wyoming

age of consent 18 (11): Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin

That being said, it's illegal for a US citizen to have sex with anyone under 18 in a foreign country.

The first French Constitution of 1791 established the minimum age at eleven years. Portugal, Spain, Denmark and the Swiss cantons initially set the minimum age at ten to twelve years.

In the United States, as late as the 1880s most states set the minimum age at ten to twelve (in Delaware, it was seven in 1895).


To be clear, it's also 18+ if you travel to a different state.

Try to date shorter girls. They might pique your awful horrible degenerate fetish.

Just follow the young sluts on instagram. Nothing wrong with that.

you sick psychopath get someone your own fucking age. nobody fucking wants a pedophile in the world. i thought i had it bad at least im not you you fucking creep. i hope someone tracks down your ip and you get fucking reported.

You have a lot of hate in your heart.

That's normal nothinng to worry about.

>misuse of the word pedophile

You're no better than the demons in your imagination.

The age of consent is simply recognition that trying to prosecute teens for fucking each other is a messy waste of time. It's not meant to protect developmentally stunted adults that relate to teenagers/can't land women their own age because their entire personality is a glaring red flag.

>tfw not sexually attracted to women at all
>Can't even be sexually attracted to 14 year old white girls

Being mixed-raced is difficult.

Jesus Christ. Find a hobby you shitty little brat.

Fuck off man. You are going to ruin short girls for me. People that like short girls aren't pedos for fucks sake.

thats normal and biological, get over it

Fucking seek psychological aid before you do anything wrong. There's no excuse nowadays for people who do disgusting shit like that. If they feel like they can't control it then they have a moral obligation to go seek aid.

Welcome to quarterlife crisis.

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Christmas cakes?