Your thoughts on Phil Mason also known as thunderf00t?

Your thoughts on Phil Mason also known as thunderf00t?

He seems really realistic on his political views.

Attached: Thunderf00t's_face.png (850x600, 591K)

Leftist shill i stopped watching his rambling videos years ago.
Shit that fuckers as old as youtube.
>why do atheists laugh at creationists.

Complete and total cuck. Cried over his dead dad like a bitch

looks like tony iommi died his hair a lighter color

faggot got butthurt over brexit. big cuck

Havent watched enough to know where i stand. But know there is a particular kind of throaty scottish accent i find borderline unbearable to listen to

thundern3ck started as an atheist youtuber spending all day picking on brain dead Christians to feel superiority, the equivalent of walking into special class and solve calculus equations
then he transitioned to shitting on feminists to to achieve the same end
his only remotely decent videos are the ones scientifically disproving elon musk's nonsense , which again is bullying special class (elon's cult followers) but this special class think of themselves as the intellectual elite so it's ok

very smart guy
but he is a rootless centrist

All he does is just post videos about solar roadways and hyperloop one, he's a broken record player imo

Autistic hippy boomer.

does good science vids.

I agree he's a cuck, but we can't give him that one?

Is that weird al yankovics dad

>Leftist shill

He makes feminists cry though.


He's dead to me. He did a lot of good but he's pissed me off too much, basically forgotten about for well over a year until you just reminded me of him.

… because his scientific funding was cut.

Not for libtarded reasons.

I saw his debate over Brexit with Sargon. Sargon couldn't even explain why Brexit was necessary.

good content, not everybody can be a PAX AMERICANA fag

He's younger

did you alt right homos find a new daddy figure to reinforce your insecurities?

This, when he does his own science shit it's usually good, albeit he's not solving more serious things which he probably should and could. He got cucked a while back when he had a few extremely unpopular opinions among the "skeptic community", which he is still apart of. Other than that he seems like a typical liberal, like if bill Nye was an actually a science guy.

he's right about some thing, haven't watched him in years, but he always seemed self-righteous and had an annoying limey voice

generally you can tell about s someone routh political affiliation by how well kept their hair is

also I think he dienies race or some other dumb shit, he was part of the skeptics youtuber, so basically he only went after people more retarded than him, like christians, and that worked for a time