The /ptg/ Question

It's no secret that the /ptg/ is a Reddit colony. The villany of those fetid boomers, zoomers and normies is leaking into the rest of Jow Forums and polluting the purity of this board. We must come up with a final solution to the Reddit Question

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>>/reddit/ you kike

Forcefully merge them into sg. They’ll all convert to Ba’athism

Back to your colony, Reddit!

Cringe, unfunny Reddit humour spotted. stumple upon this while looking for (((/ptg/))) in the catalog did you?

What you won't admit is that you neetsocs went into /ptg/ and created a bunch of brainwashed newfag nu-nazis, and for some reason they believe Q

Hit or miss


I'm not actually a NatSoc
I just want these faggots gone

they're all r*ddit faggot immigrants trying to be edgy because they think it's so revolutionary, a side effect of us shifting the culture. However the chinz must remain a pure hub so tell all newfags to fuck off whenever you can

The state of you

I've been saying this shit for years. It would be fine if they didn't contaminate other threads, but even criticizing trump over something obvious like NO WALL and the fact that he bombed Syria for Kike interests and you get called a JIDF shill.

Let that sink in; you point out that Donald Trump LOVES Israel and you get called a kike shill. Trying to point out simple facts to them is like slamming into a brick wall. I wish they'd just go back.

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>let that sink in

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>Let that sink in; you point out that Donald Trump LOVES Israel and you get called a kike shill
M-Muh 4D chess

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Show your flag Moshe. PTG is the epitome of Reddit cancer

'Trump bombed an air strip and is still friendly to Israel' so let's kill his general threads #imwithher

Also nobody in ptg believes Q. Only J.

>You're the kike shill for having the common opinion that /ptg/ is cancer
What does that make you?

Don't be dramatic.


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The /ptg/ collage bot misfired this evening. Note the thread and topic, completely irrelevant to his automated spam.

I'm going to sound like a gigantic faggot. But who the fuck is that anime chick that's dabbing with the pink dress on under the awoo? I've seen her erupt like fucking crazy all over the internet.