Paints himself as the victim
Says, “The pizza’s still good at Comet, too.”
Paints himself as the victim
Says, “The pizza’s still good at Comet, too.”
wonder if we finally find out:
Did he play dominoes on pasta or pizza?
>no media ever actually discusses the content of the emails, just Pizzagate as a conspiracy theory, the people behind it, and how the emails were obtained
all I need to know it's true.
why has no one gutted him like a fish yet?
Why did pedos choose pizza of all things to represent child sex trafficking?
I take it because kids like eating pizza and it's a common "bait" food like worms are to fish?
I swear these retards' use of symbolism is their downfall.
he is literally the victim - first of having his emails phished and published, and second of being slandered by crazy conspiracy theorists based on no evidence
You are LITERALLY a faggot
if you remove "anti" it all makes sense.
cool lots of /x/-tier speculation and assuming coded language based on nothing
any actual evidence or got nothing?
>coded language based on nothing
So pedosta is going to tell us why he was in north korea with billy "the rapist" clinton and there was a picture attached named pizza.jpg with two women and a child eating pizza?
still waiting for some actual evidence. anything?
k didnt think so. as you were!
hey nigger why did you skip my posts?
Q predicted this
>Q user made up the debunked pizza gate conspiracy!
I found out the other day that in the pedo community MAP = MINOR ATTRACTED PERSON
just passing it on
This is the new line they're trying to push with this Podesta interview. Sad!
yeah nigger why'd you skip these posts?
>I didn't rape those kids, but if I did I would have done it like so.
Look into DNA in San Francisco. The kike owner Jamie Zawinski has connections to Netscape, Mozilla, and many more technology companies. He went to Carnegie Mellon which is where a lot of those libtard techies go to before moving to San Fransicko.
Catoctin Mountains in Maryland. Look into that area which is known for MS-13 drug trafficking primarily heroin.
Catoctin Mountain Park is where Camp David is and it's where they filmed the Blair Witch Project.
then why are you here
this nigger is a victim to shitty genetics
you need a pool party at the vineyard
fucking traitor scum
fake news and muh russia, since october 2016
@johnpodesta can't seem to go on a cross-country road trip with his wife without abducting and raping several dozen young boys along the way
They live their tacos and burritos.
>“The pizza’s still good at Comet, too.”
what a guilty piece of shit
Fuck California especially the Bay Area.
Every time.
Universally loved food, especially by kids. Needs no explanation as to why people would "lust" after it.
it's about time he explained the "pizza related handkerchief map" email.
child porn ->C.P. ->cheese pizza
Your flag is us? Isn't it?
This Jesuit educated judge died recently and was accused of pedophilia.
>Girl named Cohen is protesting
Like pottery
>Alefantis is a self-taught chef who never graduated from college and a self-made restaurateur well-known around Washington. (GQ named him one of D.C.’s 50 most powerful people in 2012.)
So, how exactly did a self taught pizza “chef” who never went to college end up one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington? Kinda skipped over that..
these sick fucks need to pay
You think he’d demand an investigation to clear his name
Kids love pizza.
Someone needs to kill this nigger.
Why do you rape kids?
their own hubris will bring them down eventually
It sure is taking a long fucking time.
It's a LARP, it's hilarious though that Podesta was memed on so hard it's destroyed his reputation and now he has to do damage control interviews.
You wait until they think they got away with it and then you strike.
If I ever see the fucker in real life I'm stabbing him in the throat. LARP that nigger.
They've gotten away with everything.
That's what they think. Good. Let them.
They'll face their Creator soon.
>If I ever see the fucker in real life I'm stabbing him in the throat. LARP that nigger.
I was in the original threads. Most people didn't care if it was true or not honestly, since the point was to meme it into reality to hurt the Clinton camp right before the election. There's not a lot there that's substantive. It's all conjecture. The people who don't understand that pizzagate wasn't supposed to represent reality are faggots from reddit that got it second hand.
What the hell was Clinton thinking with hiring this guy? This is indication to me that the Pied Piper was more than a joke... Could be there is a hidden under channel to all of this; and that third parties are reaping the rewards of blackmail. That would be simple for true elites.
I was there since Day One. Shut the fuck up you pedo.
Every time I look at all of this pizzagate shit, I think that I'm really stupid for falling for it and then I see the guy's Instagram posts and the kid taped to the table and it's just like...what the fuck is this guy even thinking? Of anyone potentially tied up in this whole thing, shouldn't his Instagram have been something that anyone remotely related with the law would see and say, "Well, that's a little strange."
Really tingles my pringles
You are conniving... for a shill
theres enough rope for (you) too
Your know I'm right, newfag reddit cancer. Where's the evidence it's real? The only thing that exists is a LARP that ties together non-evidnece in a way that substantively proves nothing. You can't even make a circumstantial case out of this shit. It's ridiculous. I'm not saying it's funny, it's very funny, but still acting like its' real all this time later means you're functionally retarded.
>I-It's r-really happening this time guys I-I promise
I'll believe it when I see him in handcuffs
I've seen enough evidence to stab everyone involved in the throat repeatedly and walk away. Which is exactly what I intend to do
we didnt have to make up anything kek, ITS ALL IN THOSE PESKY EMAILS
Screen cap for habbening