Opinions on a 26 year old woman pursuing a 21 year old guy?
Opinions on a 26 year old woman pursuing a 21 year old guy?
whatever that's fair
Cute, jealous of the dude.
Fine. Don’t overthink it.
Stop worrying about opinions; they mostly come from people who think their feelings are more important than facts.
I agree with everyone else that it is fine. Why would you feel otherwise?
It's okay. I was 20 when my ex girlfriend of 24 pursued me. It worked because she was still in school & I was too. If she had a degree I would wonder why she would be with me. Either way at the end she called me a kid& a bunch of bullshit when she broke up with me because I was very hesitant to have sex since I was a virgin & very nervous not to fuck it up with her since I really liked her alot. We fucked yeah but she had depression & since I wasn't experienced or that sexual she thought she was ugly & not attractive to me. Point is don't call him a kid and understand he's position in life. I like to think I'm far from immature, most people agree with that so I guess that's why it worked in the first place too. Good luck
It could work. Women usually go for older/taller, men usually go for shorter/younger, but this is more enforced by women, and men don't give as much of a shit. As long as you're sure this is the guy you want. Also, try to never mention the age difference or think about it.
If you mean 'opinion' as to whether it's okay or not, people don't/shouldn't care about the age of the people you're attracted to.
Obviously every guy is going to have different standards so I'll just tell you what I would do.
If I was 21, and a woman showed interest in me, and for some reason she told me she was 26, and she wasn't unattractive, I would be down to be friends or have casual sex with her. However, I wouldn't have any interest in an LTR or marriage because the age difference would become more relevant as we got older.
Even if you want to get married eventually and let him know this in advance there's no guarantee he won't just lie for sex and then move on when you get too old for him or he finds someone else. Then again, you could get lucky and find a guy who prefers older women or is willing to settle for one.
TL;DR: Good luck, you'll probably need it.
Hot. Lemme get in on that
Is five years really that big of a difference?
Well I'm 25 so in my case, the woman would be 30. Most women I know want to have kids when they're around 30.
I don't think women who want kids would chase younger guys
Clock's ticking
should be fine. im 25 dating an 18 yr old girl
I don't know why women would chase younger guys, but I imagine it depends on the woman.
For that reason, if you were to say what it is that you hope to gain from pursuing this guy (e.g. sex, children, husband, bragging rights, self-confidence, etc.) it would be easier to give meaningful advice.
>what it is that you hope to gain from pursuing this guy
Honestly just a loving relationship with someone who vibes with me well. I fell in love with his personality and way of being, and we happen to share a lot of hobbies and world-views, and so far he is the most compatible guy I've met, hence this thread.
dont care, get it while you can
Would need to see tits to form an opinion.
It sounds ok just make sure the guy is mature enough. My friend had it the other way around in terms of age but he didn't act on it because the girl wasn't really sending clear signals so he thought she just wanted attention.
it's slightly questionable. because you two should be in slightly different stages of life. what do you like about him?
i dated a 27 year old girl when i was 20
it was great, nobody did mind, she felt like a woman, not a girl. and we had great sex
I like that he is ambitious, driven and knowledgeable. He seems to be more mature than my 31 year old ex, and he always knows precisely how to comfort me.
what do you do?
what does he do?
would you date him with the purpose of marriage?
I'm currently working and trying to get into a PhD programme, he is studying and working part-time. And obviously I would want to marry eventually.
as long as he's open to communicating about your maturity differences and how you two might grow and change at varying paces you got my blessing.
Who cares about this?
he wants to fucc a lot. Give him a good fucc and make him see how it feels to be mature in everyday life.
Also. Good fucccc
A little unusual but okay nonetheless.
five years is nothing if you can make it work
long term it will likely be a problem though as he will lose interest in you (and you will go through menopause) but still have a high libido
my grandma is 68 and still craves that dick
And you know this how?
She has been complaining to me about tfw no good dicking ever since her fuckbuddy went to a retirement house.
I think she wants you, user
I mean I dated a 27 year old woman for a while when I was 22. We had fun for a while, but it didn't last. Had nothing to do with age though. Go for it.
She is my grandmother...
My wife's turning 28 and I'm 23 as of March. She wishes I was more mature sometimes, but everything else seems to be going just fine.
If she pretty attractive and looks naturaly young no problem, both are adults
Did you loose ur v card?
You're gonna let your grandmother just drown in her misery and be lonely for the rest of her short life? Or are you going to man up and realize blood is thicker than water and do everything you can to help your kin out even if it means fucking her?
It won't be seen as weird or anything but there's still a social age gap there, I mean that because you're both probably at different points in your life. Also remember that an older woman pursuing a younger man isn't going to have as easy of a time as an older man pursuing a younger woman as far as getting him committed to an LTR. A lot of younger guys will see hooking up with an older woman as a conquest and nothing more.
Its fine if you are both in it for the same reasons I suppose.
Yeah this one time I fucked her 5 times in a row. Me cuming each time
Fair enough. Well, good luck. Ask him out if you're keen and if he's decent he won't lie if the age difference is a deal-breaker for him in the long-term. There isn't much you can do other than trust him unless there are obvious red flags.
M. I. L. F
>attractive or young-looking
>retard alert
I'm right.
Is it really that much different for men? I'm a 24/m and fuck women 40-70 years old. If you're attracted to each other then go for it. Age is apart of everyone and if he isn't attracted to you when you're 50 he is probably just looking for a fuck.
That’s fine. You’re both in your 20s and it really isn’t that big of a deal.
I fancy a woman 9 years older than me. But I think she doesn't even take me seriously because of the age gap.
Do you actually know that she doesn't have an interest in younger men or are you just guessing? Most older women you have to be upfront about what you want or they won't take you seriously or understand that you're actually wanting to get into a relationship with them.
That’s fine. I’m 26 (male) and I think that 30 year old women are attractive
I hope that you age well
I have absolutely no idea what she's after. But when I chat to her, she barely asks me any personal questions.
Dude there is a lot of very good looking 26 year olds. Hell even at 35 there are some good looking women
wrong and immoral