Well Jow Forums what do i say?
Well Jow Forums what do i say?
charge your phone.
So can call her for hookup
So I can text you to come over and have sex
So i can call you to come over and have sex
So I can WhatsApp you to come over and have sex
So you can run a background check
Avoid direct physical compliments over text.
She's shit testing you. Throw it back at her with
1. Because it's easier to text someone than use an app
2. Its what the phone bill is paid for
3. I love your eyes or whatever
>because I'm chad
>because you're Stacey
>because I want to put my dick in you
Forreal, lads don't be understanding how fast that shit drains, then she's like aww. Good on you bud.
Fuck these niggas OP
Make a funny but not about sex yet, only after she gives the number
I hope this isnt serious.
>"I dont drive"
>obviously trying to hide how fat she is with that angle and filter
>uses online dating
>acts all hard to get
I have to ask. What did she do to deserve your attention? Why are you asking for a number so soon? Why the stupid compliment about the eyes? If this is a serious post then I would say you should pay closer attention to people's flaws and accept them - not ignore them. I would have stopped responding after she said she didnt drive desu.
Pussy is pussy, user. Sometimes you gotta dip a little bit to get wet.
Don't compliment her physically dude. I predict you won't get a chance to meet her, but I wish you best of luck. Please contain your autism next time sir. Rekt.
this, out of a stale 5 year relationship ill take it
1. I want hear your voice so I can figure out if those lines around your eyes are laughter, age or lung cancer.
2. My phone battery is being drained by this app faster than a virgin receiving a blowjob.
3. Send Nudes.
This but change it to memes
Yeah but her little game of "playing hard to get" is straight up cringey IMO. Massive turn off. I get I'm just projecting cause this is how I feel only. But on the other hand, dysfunctional women love online dating because it provides emotional distance and bigs up their heads with thirsty guys who just wanna get laid with remotely/semi-attractive women they're not actually that into, which there's unfortunately an abundance of these men.
In my experience, women who put up this kind of "wall" are never worth it in the end. The sex or lack of at the end is not worth it. All it's doing is perpetuating this myth that men are below women by default and should have to "prove" themselves when most of these women don't do shit for themselves to earn it.
>laughter, age or lung cancer.
i literary just split my spaghetti
if i hit another wall im done mate
if shes saying shit like this. shes a serial online dater.
anyway i'd just be upfront
"so I can arrange for a time to meet over coffee so i make sure you're not a crazy cat lady"
dont even give her three reasons.
>serial online dater
This. Women think these kinds of lines are unique or good but all they do is reveal how low value she probably is and why shes not worth it.
cba at this stage
Crash and burrrrnnnnnnn
show the previous message?
Abort mission
i only use online dating to fuck 18-20 yr olds. anything older and you're gonna deal with quirky bitches like this. who wanna put up fucking shit test before u even give up the number. then another shit test on the date
then a few more. before she MAYBE lets you fuck her
>You're a hambeast and if it's not me, it'll be some black hoodrat that'll make you a single mother
This, any bitch above 21 won't give you her poonani unless you show lots of interest unless of course you let it clear from start.
Shes just fucking with you anyway. She doesn't actually use that site to date or hookup. Just as entertainment, stop trying before you look desperate and she posts it on her tumblr or some shit
yup i haven't responded the last pic is how i left it
nah keep going. use it as practice
only one choice at this point
>Ooh you are a brave one
Bit odd to say this when you're on a dating site