Teaching my gf to suck my dick

I have a new gf and she's the best... submissive in bed, smart in everyday life. Just a cool and gorgeous girl.
But she can't suck my dick. She loves doing it and would like to make it work but how the fuck am I supposed to show her how to suck it?! It can't be that hard I imagine, right? Just put it in your mouth, don't let the teeth touch it, use some tongue and try to swallow it every once in a while.
I can't come when she's sucking it... it's just terrible.

I know... I really got it bad. haha

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She'll learn through practice, took my gf a couple years to be phenonemal at it
Just have patience

Teach her you dumb little boy. Molding your girl into what you like is the best. Don't be a fag and tell her how to do it like an expert. Don't break up with her because she sucks (lol)

yeah I mean I am trying to... I let her suck on it like on a thumb while we're watching a movie because I think she just has to get used to my dick. But after 10 minutes she get's horny and we have to have sex. Sometimes I'd just like to have a bj though.

oh no.
the horror.
she wants to fuck.
Find some porn where they're doing it right and tell her to do you like that.

I mean, in theory it sounds simple, but it's something you just have to get a hang of. It's not just about avoiding teeth, but about the right pressure, not throwing up etc. etc. Have YOU ever sucked a dick to know what is it like? No? Give her time, she will learn.

You are right on track OP, Just don't force her into doing it. Don't presser her just say you extremely enjoy her sucking.
She will get there eventually. Also remember she has to hold her breath while doing. So always keep asking if she is comfortable while she is sucking and a day comes she will deepthroat. All the best OP.

I hope you're not really this obliviously selfish lmao

I mean a bj is nice but it only really does something for you. It's kinda inconsiderate to expect her to get you off without progressing or at least returning the favor.

Anyway, for your issue: you have to be vocal and specific. Give her feedback AS she's doing it.

Stuff like, "That's too fast" "I can't feel that," "focus on the head and work your way down" "tongue at the slit" "you're using too much teeth" "bob your head at an angle" etc etc

just talk to her dude she's not a mind reader. She doesn't have a dick, she doesn't know what parts of you are sensitive and what have you.

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>i have a new gf
>she loves sucking dick
mate retention behavior in females is giving fellatio, once she gets comfortable and expects you her desire will disappear

what should I do then?

you were already given good advice you've chosen to ignore lmao

Tell her to google I Deep Throat and learn.

Seriously. It's about focusing on the head while not ignoring the shaft and balls. And of course, enthusiasm.

I don't want her desire to disappear. Anything I can do? Never let her get comfortable? lol

I haven't had a BJ in years. Wife refuses. Ex gf was spec-fucking-tacular fellatrix. I jack it to her regularly.

do you cry yourself to sleep every night missing your ex? if not, why not?

reciprocate dude

like talk to your sexual partner

tell her what you want specifically, and ask her what she wants

it's a team effort dude just talk to her it's not rocket science

you know what gets women super horny? desire. make her feel like hot shit all the time and she will reciprocate if she's worth anything.
t. girl

>Wife refuses
you dun goof'd

>t. girl
dont listen to her, she dont know what she wants

You can demo her how to do it by sucking on her finger, so she'll get an idea about speed/pressure/routine/etc.

>if she's worth anything
yes, some women start to feel complacent if they feel like they have successfully locked down a man who makes her feel like hot shit so they no longer have to work for anything again. these women are not worth anything.

that's actually a good idea!