Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married, and many live in a state of “perpetual adolescence” with ominous consequences for the nation’s future

>“Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood,”
>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. “It’s very, very depressing,” Crouse told “They’re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families.”

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> tear down masculinity for decades
> destroy the institution of marriage
> give zero incentives for marriage
> promote hedonism
> promote hook up culture
> 10 years later this shit


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Welp better import more illegals and pajeets then!

>between the ages of 20 and 34

Weird stat. Should just be Men aged 30-35.

>these are huge issues plaguing men but won't somebody please think of how it effects women!

I think its more economics.
>no secure job
>hardly any fulltime work
>no to little savings
etc etc

Don’t forget incentivize, monetize and show clear bias toward women in (((divorce corts)))

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>many live in a state of “perpetual adolescence” with ominous consequences for the nation’s future

These people are going to get exactly what they're asking for

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Economics doesn't take away all drive, security, and even desire from men to settle down and marry.

That goes without saying. There's very little reason for any man to get married anymore. It's actually a massive risk to do it.

Girl in OP's post is not getting a break is she!

Women are despicable garbage. In belgium roughly 15-20% of children aren't even those of the father. I've been blackpilled so hard I'm netoraring people left and right and acedia has hit me so hard I don't even care. They got me good, user.

Modern society. revolt against it.
read "The Way of Men"
the gang is the future brothers

wrong. jewish shill.
revolt against the modern world

>Economists have long argued that marriage rates are lower in poorer and less well-educated areas because men in those communities aren't good financial bets

it's the free market, bitch. if your offer only psycho terror and financial ruin ... well

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Maybe not, but it does for women. Roasties want security and aren’t going to stop chasing Chad for a guy with no money, job or house.

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Yes it does, no economic security means no desire to raise children.
Why bother getting married at that point?

What happens if it lands on zero?

>discourage men from being masculine
>destroy family tradition through technology
>destroy ethnic culture through immigration
>blame men
Fuck them

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House wins

>no secure job
stop crying you retard. secure jobs are an anomaly. only boomers got to enjoy them. every ohter generation in history knew that they will have to change jobs and careers.

Divorce is a pretty god damned serious economic security problem.

> Chad
> Money, job, house

>"ok sir, here is the object. that will be 800 €/month COLD."
t-thanks I guess.

this is ACTUALLY the state of germanistan. Reminder that many germans only earn 1200-1500 month

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>what is a blacksmith
>what is a carpenter

queue eastern europe where marriage/birth rates were higher when they were poorfag mode behind the iron curtain

Glad I got married years ago when times were saner. Can't imagine being 25 again and realizing I'm putting the next 50 years at risk getting married. Chad-chasing involved a much smaller percentage of women then, and they were publically shamed for it.

Well obviously, but the biological desire to pass on genes could potentially be greater.

no it is not "economics" you fucking shekel hoarding memeflaggot heeb

>economic security
kek, if that was a criterion humanity would have died out in year 0. because during man's history economic security never existed. it's a boomer anomaly.

Let's keep bringing in more "refugees" though.

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>what is dying at the age of 20 from a finger cut

there are no legal means for a husband to control a bad wife but there are plenty of legal means for a wife to control a bad husband.

fix that, and men will marry more.

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I joined the Mormon church and I'm literally importing virgin QT wife from Russia. F*** American women. The funniest part is to look on their faces when I tell them what I'm doing. They're like why don't you just marry an American and I almost laugh and explain why they all have these grimaces on their faces.

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It's a pretty sad state of affairs man. I'd be lying if I said that this entire situation doesn't get me down sometimes

Have a (you), my nibba.

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but IT IS the fault of men. you have to understand something but the fact we were blinded by materialism through money manipulation was the sole reason why our societies ewre infilitrated from the start. rather than have loot be a side objective from our priority objective we let it become THE reason to exist in the first place. We took the Jew bait and got cucked for it but it's not over yet and you can change your lifestyle overnight.

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Im so fucking tired of that picture.

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My behavior is indeed wrong but I'm not gonna marry some roastie. I'm just waiting for some happening. Fucking frogs will back down like pussies and suck macron gay dick till the end of his mandate mark my words.

its not the sole reason but its big reason and im not the only one who shares this opinion..yea anyway back to T_D plz kid

damn i bet she smells fucking amazing

Your Russian is still going to be disgusted by you

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day
Can someone explain this woman logic? How does a massive amount of single men reduce their chance of getting married?

Isn't this what they wanted? Fucking idiots.

Starving workers in the 19th century married

>Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married

Well in the meantime do something productive waiting isn't a masculine virtue.

>still kissless virgin at 25
That's fine, I didn't want to know what a vagina felt like anyway h-heh.

guess which jewed state is the only state without a no-fault divorce system?
fucking kikes are cancerous parasites

Yeah. Because all they had to do to be respected was get some fucking food.

So what? I prefer financial stability and security over possibly getting paid bit more.

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. “It’s very, very depressing,” Crouse told “They’re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families.”

> fuck men over
> men checks out from society
>wHy aRe mEn deStrOyiNg oUr fuTuRE?

Women logic everybody.

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Why wont you get married?

>Uncle divorced once
>Parents divorced after 30 years
>Gfs own dad divorced once
>Gfs half sister divorced once
>Gfs sister divorced once
>Half of friends parents divorced
>More than half of all marriages end in divorce

But why wont you spend 15k on a day you dont even want to begin with you so can sign some retarded shit where the government can get involved and take half of your money?

What are you even trying to imply? Once women get into their late twenties they start wanting to settle down and get security. This usually comes in the form of a “nice guy”. The kind they overlooked while riding the cock carousel for the last decade. Once they realize that bad boy who will forever have their heart is never going to marry them after he dumps them for a newer model. The problem is that it’s getting harder for them to find a chump to support them because the “nice guys” are still living at home and playing video games.

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Based and redpilled.

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Don’t you faggots take this as an excuse to marry some blown out toastier.

Of course I want desperately to be married. The women on the other hand are morons who want only to drink and fuck like men do.

your post is the underlying why it's all fucked. it's an ECONOMIC viewpoint now, we are Jews really. we became Jewish. we view everything as monetary investment rather than victory or conquest. it's why the West has no future except in the handful of Men who are going to weather the storm and fight for every meter of ground rather than give in. You should find a girl and marry and have kids, you don't need to spend 15k to do it. you don't have to play the government game. you should reproduce and be ready to kill it's your duty after all read The Way of Men or simply die out.

>19th century society is the same as today


>“Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood,”
Had several long term relationships always ending with the thot being crazy or fucking Chad from work or just generally unhappy about petty bullshit such as work schedules and hobbies, upset if I spent money I earned on items for the house or property she didn’t seem “necessary” such as a fucking tractor and snow blower (east coast fag here, we get LOTS of snow) or moving my existing possessions to our new home (which I bought). Her opinion was that I should leave my possessions (machine shop equipment, tools and my antique engine collection) because “all I needed was HER”.
I sent her packing and live comfortable alone, financially set. Life on easy mode now.
To say men have failed to make a “normal progression” is fucking bullshit in today’s world of empowered wymins and media brainwashing. It’s women who have failed to make themselves tolerable/desirable as life partners.

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You don't have to be a shill to he blackpilled to the point of giving up on everything. It just happens.

If you are redpilled on women and haven't read Schopenhauers texts on women you have missed out

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Why does this surprise you?

My solution to those who gave up is either rally or honorably kill yourself. simply do not have patience for this cuck mentality.

Id rather have money and be with a gf than be divorced with nothing.

What is the purpose of the institution of marriage beyond tax breaks? There's no punishment for destroying a family.

Men aren’t becoming men anymore, the world is filled with a bunch of 30 year old manchildren instead of men who are good marriage material. Nobody wants to marry a 30 year old who lives a 15 year olds life, complete with no job and living with mommy.

Just take away our cool stuff, video games, and the internet, (and internet porn) and men will probably start reproducing again.

Of course, this is inhumane.

In the infamous words of MF DOOM,
>Some girls are just too hard to wife

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So being Jewish means you don't want what you build, what you create for yourself destroyed by someone else? You need to wake up. No woman will ever want you if you have nothing in this world. Even in nature animals have to offer something to their mates so they will accept them.

Will probably be hired as a researcher in Asia for a hefty sum.

Schopenhauer helped me great deal swallowing the pill.

then you are my enemy really.

you are also my enemy. death to the decadent west.

I agree with the other shit but that's another thing that pisses me. Women who would've otherwise been maybe a 3-5 at best can become a 7-8 with the help of makeup and not eating like a pig. This lets them fuck around for longer and with higher level men. Back in the day this wasn't too much of a problem since makeup was figured out by trial and error and toned back after a certain age, there also weren't a billion makeup tutorials for free online. There's no makeup for us though, nothing to help us raise our rating like that. Even career focus and shit like lifting weights can't help because most chicks don't care about that, only facial aesthetics and not being a fat ass.

Women have the privilege to be far pickier than in previous decades thanks to a bit of powder and eye shadow. Most dudes just get left swiped without even a word, and then if you're lucky enough to get right swiped (and it's not another fucking bot), there's no guarantee of a reply.

At the end of the day, all this is doing is killing whites faster as blacks don't give a shit what they look like, a hole's a hole and a shaft's a shaft to them. Look at the spread of AIDS and their fucking population boom for evidence of that. There's no selectiveness or stringent criteria with them.

We probably get on in real life mate, id invite you in for a cup of tea lad.

>the rat experiment is happening right before our eyes
>i-i-i-it's just a social experiment i-i-i-it doesn't have to end this way!

>They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.

>the beautiful ones

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>Jews have made progression in destroying white gentiles. Civic policy in Israel is the exact antithesis of policy in the west. Our fathers and grandfathers legitimately let us down and sold out to Schlomo.

>There's no makeup for us though
You are lying and you know

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way of men is the way of the gang and there is no future until you understand this very basic complex.

Imagine my shock. Media using this to attack men and call them children instead of addressing the root causes of the degradation of society.

I really despise this decade. I pray for an asteroid every night.

What did you expect?

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Men become men when there is apporpriate sexual governance (monogomy). When men and women pair off, form long term relationships, get married, and have children; boys are turned into men under those circumstances. This is why feminism and (((the sexual revolution))) are such effective bio-weapons to use on an adversarial populace.


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Women have always wanted stability. In the really old days you used your strength and cunning to put a roof over women’s heads, fight off threats and put food on the table from hunting and gathering. Now you get all those things with money and since the government also provides all those things women only want to marry if it benefits their status financially since men with good jobs can provide luxury.

I don't, this civilization is coming to and end, no matter who wins, it will be changed.
Sweet memories of my childhood in early 90's keep me alive and going.

Then he's cucking her boyfriend as he's gonna shag her cooch.
lmao win win for him

Crouse must be one of those toxic white male russian bot incels. She needs to check her privilege.

Reminds me of this gem.

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>I'm literally importing virgin QT wife from Russia

American women are garbage because American men are garbage. Its a vicious circle.

What you're doing is the equivalent of injecting your arms with synthol because you're too lazy/stupid to actually hit the gym. If you can't find a somewhat decent American woman or tame one, you either haven't tried hard enough or are irredeemably ugly.

Its common knowledge that mail order brides
(especially Russian) WILL divorce rape you or leave as soon as she obtains her passport. You do realise there's like a 70% chance she's already got a boyfriend/husband in Russia and is simply using you as her paypig. If you don't, you're a retard.

It takes two, to tango!

My sperm my

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