There will be a civil war soon in Spain...

We have to kill all the Catalans, it will be glorious.

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yeah not happening

Yes it will happen, and Catalonia will be destroyed

it's going into my manolo compilation

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explain why there will be civil war

Reported to the GDT (Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos) of the Guardia Civil for hate speech.

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>be Spanish
>Catalonian fuckboys try to pull some separatist shit
>the majority of Catalans are against it and supports the Spanish government
>"we need to crush the Catalans!!1!11!"
galaxybrain tier thinking my dude

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I hope so. There's no other way to escale the conflict.

However, even if Spain attacked, most of catalans will go to jail by themselves in full yellow costumes, or some other faggoty thing they came up with.

Kill them all, please. And soon!

>the majority of Catalans are against it and supports the Spanish government
Who is the government in Catalonia? SEPARATISTS.

TOP KEK Spanish pig shit. We will FUCKING ANNIHILATE you.


There will be no civil war because the so called catalans are cattle, so they don't:
- minimum coherent discuss and strategy
- weapons
- guts

>be memeflag
>unable to count
>unable to read
History repeats itself
Ethnic cleansing incoming

Franco great pruning has been effective for more than 50y, but it won't last 100y without further reinforcements.

>not also killing mestizos and niggers

We Spanish want open borders you fucking burger

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TOP KEK Spanish pig shit. We will [spoiler] trick trick a foreign power into a defensive pact so that you attack us and they [/spoiler] FUCKING ANNIHILATE you.

Fuck you, we dont you leftiest piece of shit

yes we want to help refugees

Memeflags get the rope

How many tanks do you have?

Keep calm and open borders.

Aren't you happy to give money to Moha so he can bring more Spanish muttkids?

¡Viva España!


Please more refugees and less Catalans

They hear you.

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Bring it on

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