Poor people in France vote for Macron instead of LePen

>poor people in France vote for Macron instead of LePen
>poor people riot when Macron do things
Please explain this to me as I was a retard.

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poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote
or women, regardless of wealth

Spain should be forced to take back all the races it created upon colonizing the New World so we can actually use the land for something productive

same shit would have happen is lepen was elected

trump didnt changed shit



>valuable political opinion

Fuck off we got tax cuts and moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Trump is the most successful administration in American history

>the virgin anglo
>the chad rapist spaniard
stay mad virginboi

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you still are

>vote for free shit
>receive taxes and africans

Oldest trick in the book.

>we got tax cuts

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proof democracies are fucking dumb.

They fell for the "Le Pen is an evil nazi" propaganda meme.

This. Only jews and elites should be allowed to vote, then Macron would never have got elected.

>Moved the embassy to Jerusalem

Hey Rabbi.

Nobody knew who he was and people genuinely believed he wasn't a Rothschild plant.

24% of voters voted for him.
If you put out the non voters, it's 17%.

People don't get to realize their will with elections. Elections are a scam to paint oligarchy in democratic colours. French people got tired of how arrogant and "in your face" this oligarchy has become.

It's funny. I totally get older man younger woman, older man younger man, older woman younger woman, but older woman younger man strikes me as distinctly creepy.

>older man younger man

Doesn't matter what you vote, my pal Soros runs the voting machines!

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What part of that confuses you? It's less creepy than mummy issues.

Like, can you imagine an action movie where an older woman is the hero and rescues a cute helpless boy from the villain? It's a subconscious thing.It bugs me.