Why young white men prefer fortnite over fatherhood?

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He's a father who plays Fortnite

the best of both worlds

fuck fatherhood, why spend money and time to raise a fucking loser when you can play fortnite?

and women suck too if you live with them

I never understood the appeal of this shit game. I played one round and quit, that's how boring it was. Why are idiots into this?

>3 kids

doing better than 99% of pol who are 30+ year old cels of some kind whether its incel, volcel or blackpillcel

>plays fortnite for 15 hours a day
>only has 8 viewers


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Asking the same question, saw my nephew playing this. It's running around smashing wood and shooting each other. That's all I saw.

Why do shills prefer spamming over arguments?

his not a father, his a step father

Hes Jewish.

>raising his kids to be violent traumatized pale-niggers and whores
>doing better

because women are a fucking chore

I wonder if it could have anything too do with female promiscuity today, cheating, divorce. Oh boy and divorce is sure fair today especially when you have a child right?

Why do idiots think everyone wgo disagrees with then is a shill

Or that points they don't agree with are just mindless spam

People are fucking idiots and assholes

So he has 3 kids?

Only intellectuals like the game. It’s a game of survival. It puts you in your most natural primative element. You’re not playing to win most of the time since 99% of players lose. You’re only trying to survive and outlast others

This, this is why Fortnite got GOTY

One post thread
Off topic bullshit
No reference

Yup, it’s a shill thread. You newfag. There’s nothing to agree or disagree about. This is a slide thread with no relevance to this place, you dumbfuck.

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indeed only high iq intellectuals truly grasp the depths of what it means too survive in a world like Fortnites.

It's free so everybody's doing it, word gets around junior high, it's free its free!

Oy vey, I agree.

Modern women are just that shit.

no, intellectual gamers play simulations like Squad/Post Scriptum and RO2/RS2

Apparently they aren't his. She's a random bitch that latched on him he can't get rid of, so she got rid of him instead. Evil cunt.

fuck off canada, show flag.. retard

>not playing halo 2 to stop space muzzies and apes