>Jews killed Chri-
Jews killed Chri-
Pharisees were the soul reason why Jesus was even in that situation in the first place.
You'd have to be retarded, or completely dishonest to ignore this fact.
In other words The Pope is a demon.
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you cucks
>pic related
>Christcucks btfo like usual
Deus vult? More like Jew's Cult.
The popes for a while now have been jewish controlled puppets.
Is "accepted statmen-" the Jow Forums equivalent of Buzzfeed headlines?
>posts (((wikipedia))) article on antisemitism
o i am laffin
jüden must pay
At least it's funny when used properly
Everyone knows the Jews killed Christ. That's like saying the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
But the Gospel of John is very counter-semitic. It basically lays out how the pharisees and the jews that follow their words are the synagogue of satan.
sage this shit
btfo kike rat
Dont you ever stop and thinking if the author of that book might have any (((ulterior))) motives?
For example if he was a Christian he wouldn't write such a book, as no Christian questions the existence of Jesus, no?
Now if he was an Atheist, why would he write such a book? Atheists dont believe in God anyways.
Why write such a book then?
So blue pilled.
The Jews ordered that the government soldiers kill him. They agreed to perform the torture and murder of a guy who was telling everyone that sacrificing children on the red hot hands of a metal bull statue is wrong
wiki was always considered an inappropriate source for papers when i was in school. im curious if that has changed can anyone answer?
>no one calling him out for phonefagging
i don't know which article it is, but it is not the antisemitism one, because it is under the sub title antisemitism.
also it has 3 citations.
>Why write such a book then?
"Everyone who disagrees with me is probably Jewish!"
>More Jewsus threads
>how can you prove they were all jews, goy?
this is so absurd it's actually hilarious
When Jews successfully get their shabbos to rewrite the Bible, I'm abandoning Christianity entirely. There's no reason to believe in a fake religion that stands for nothing except Jewish interests.
Yahweh is simply a Canaanite pagan dirt god for a specific tribe of desert-dwelling barbarians, and was part of a pantheon of other Canaanite gods.
We don't believe that the Jews killed Christ, but the Jews themselves sure do.
Get ready to abandon Christianity. Jewish interest are more powerful than any Christian group who will appose Jewish interest. The non-Christian hordes would be happy to see the Bible altered/rewritten to remove "anti-Jewish" content.
Modern Christianity is so compromised it is nearly laughable to even call it Christianity.
>in palestine
Who is this "we"?
>the word means crowd
But he didn't happen to specify who made up that crowd, now did he?
They were chinese nationals obviously, and probably germans too, those fucking krauts.
>heh, why believe the mainstream that says the holocaust happened? facts aren't facts if i believe otherwise!
>uhhhh, the jews were definitely the ones who killed christ! facts are facts!
jesus was a jew, claimed to be king of jews, and jewish messiah. but he was at most a beginner carpenter. imagine a carpenter claims those things now at a mall, he would be laughed at not worshiped by billions of people.
>"Christians think the Jews killed Jesus!" Well?! It wasn't the Mexicans!
-Tommy Tiernan or osme other Irish comedian
Here's an example of pilpul, friends. Look at how the kike mind works:
>It was a "crowd"
>This means it wasn't "Jews"
Typical kike pilpul at work. How about we apply European logic to the kike pilpul by asking: Who was in "the crowd?"
>Kikes were in the crowd.
It's in the fucking Bible the kikes are Christkillers: Roman governor washes his hands of Jesus’ blood while the Jews proclaim, “His blood be on us and on our children!” (Matt 27:25).
And pic related.
Never forget: Jews killed Jesus. Everything else is pilpul. Kikes are Christkillers and deserve the rope.
>It wasn't the jews who killed Christ, being nailed to a cross and dying of exposure, blood loss, and dehydration killed Christ.
Pope is retarded. It's indesputable the Jews were responsible for killing Christ. They wanted Him dead, and orchestrated a two week campaign of social justice to do it.
The Kikes chose to free one of their own murderers instead of Jesus. Pontius Pilate gave the crowd a choice and they chose to free a known murderer and to crucify the blasphemer
>two different things can not be true simultaneously
You kikes have been pretty salty about your holohoax getting btfo narrative lately
And this crowd, did it consist of jews?
The historocity of Christ in proven and indisputable. Many direct and indirect third party accounts, as well as corroborating texts that would only stand to benefit from His obfuscation confirm it.
>doesnt inow about the scholfield bible, THE bible of the christian conservitive right.
>The historocity of Christ in proven and indisputable
No problem. Just explain why none of the 1st-century Christian literature, besides the Gospel of Mark, mentions anything that Jesus did or said
>Many direct
The Gospel of Mark is one account, not 'many'
>and indirect third party accounts
None of which date before the second half of the second century. Irrelevant.
> as well as corroborating texts that would only stand to benefit from His obfuscation confirm it.
The "criteria of embarrassment" can't be used to judge whether a manuscript is historical, allegorical or literary. It can only be used to discern which of two competing historical accounts is more probable.
Of course you'd already know this if you had ever bothered to read a book on the subject.
The clergy killed a revolutionary jew.
Pharisees had every interest to kill Christ. They are demiurge worshippers. The only deal in the material. The trappings of society are all material abstractions.
Jesus was providing a notion of god that was unconditionally loving. People in power needed the ego power house yhwh demiurge to back up their reasoning to their divine right, to give people a reason to actually heed their words. If physical punishment isn't enough to keep the goyim in line, let's tell them they will go to hell when they die if they don't listen. Jesus was providing a decentralized path to God. A personal connection, no need for any medium to commune with it. And what did the Pharisees do for a living I wonder? What did they have to lose? Jesus was a very threatening revolutionary to their status quo. That's why they killed him and subverted his message. Nothing much has changed in the way those sorts control the zeitgeist.
>gay christians
Uggh, the entire idea is to subvert the preeminence of Christ. Its inserting identity politics into Christianity to create a false tenet, more dogma. Sexuality has nothing to do with the life experience of Christ. To suggest being gay is an important part of the human experience is a direct attack on Christ to treat him as subhuman. It says that since the Lord had no sexual aspect to His being, this makes Him less than human, or an incomplete human. The reality is He represents the bringing together of both genders again from a time when man was sinless and eve and adam were separated, among other uniting of opposites. The perfect being has all power over life and death, and does not exercise it (masculine power). The perfect being is all righteous and free to judge all, and does not exercise it (feminine power).
Early Christians were murdered by Jews, Romans, and Arabs. Those who even had the capacity to write about Christ (most people were illiterate) had to do so in secrecy while being hunted down by Jews.
Read a book. By whom? The Jews have had anti libel law firms and have manipulated literature forever. Literature is very easy to manipulate
>listening to popes
>believing wikipedia
>Jews killed a Jew
The mind boggles.
>Early Christians were murdered by Jews, Romans, and Arabs
Citation needed
>Those who even had the capacity to write about Christ (most people were illiterate) had to do so in secrecy while being hunted down by Jews.
Citation needed
He did not claim to be king of the jews. This was the moniker forced on him to get Caesar to pass a sentance and it didnt work. The romans had a thing against people calling themselves 'kings'. Caesar was considered the first citizen, not a king or ruler.
Lol this is a kike arguing tactic. Always ask the enemy for a source to distract him.
I know all about Scofield, dumbass. You didn't even spell it right. "Judeo-Christianity" is a heresy from top to bottom, and was created by Jews and a shabbos drunk wife-beating pastor who got his debts cleared by a Jew banker.
My point is that if Jews can simply edit the Bible however they please, then Christianity is obviously a false religion. If Christians allow it then they're admitting they're basically the minimum-wage workers of the spiritual world, and their bosses, the Jews, can fire them at any time. No other religion ON THE PLANET allows for such interference. Imagine going to India and telling the Hindus they have to edit out all the parts from their epic poems about foreigners being bad.
>Crowsfoot kikeflag
Jesus was not providing a notion of God. Jesus is God. What you confess to/of him reveals yourself to him.
>Lol this is a kike arguing tactic. Always ask the enemy for a source to distract him.
Oh, so those weren't actual facts you were using to discredit my argument, then. They were just something you pulled out of you arse.
>protip: When I say "citation needed" I'm actually saying "that's bullshit"
The Jews are still pissed that Pilate trolled them during Jesus' crucification.
Peter and Paul martyred in Rome
Thomas was stabbed to death in Syria
Simon was murdered in Persia
The Christians were hunted down everywhere they went. The Pharisees were committed to ending the Christians
Jesus was never a real person in the first place. Jesus is a fictional story about the fall of the Roman Empire.
Agreed. Seen it so many times that i understand its use now. Doesnt matter what 'source' is provided, it will be twisted and counter sourced by whatever the person believes themselves. Its at the heart of faith and not evidence. Its why Christ says it doesnt matter what consensus says about Him, what matters is what YOU believe and what you confess. "Who do you say that I am?"
>a crowd of jews isn't specifically jewish
>'Your temple will be destroyed'.
>You are of your father the devil
>You have made my Father's house a den of thieves
>Not one stone of this temple will be left upon another
>Some of you standing here will not taste death til these things have come to pass.
Yeah the jews totally loved Jesus and his message that they were no better than any gentile and their cult was going to be destroyed.
LOL got a source for this kikery?
Look into the gnostics brainlet. They were killed and their books burned wherever they were. We're lucky we know anything about them at all. The true message if Christ was way too woke to go mainstream. Had to be subverted. Do you know about the New testament apocrypha? The "canon" for the bible was decided by the same people who wanted Christ out of the picture. Reality is funneled a certain way to the lay people. Christianity was turned into an exoteric control structure. The esoterism beneath is what makes the message powerful. The gap between Jesus's life, the writings about him, and finally the assembly of the canon are all so detached from the actual event there is not much reason to think the canon you read now is complete or genuine.
well said
>The only deal in the material. The trappings of society are all material abstractions.
The Jewish vision of 'heaven' is one where they own everything and everyone is their slaves. They still live on Earth, however. The concept of an afterlife beyond Earth does not exist in the Jewish mind. This is what's so pathetic about the Christian mindset. Christians always say "Oh your God is also like my God!" NO IT ISN'T. WHAT KIND OF A GOD WOULD MANDATE GLOBAL SLAVERY?
I have to wonder, does anyone even read the Bible anymore? Do you know what was one of the main concerns of Jews who just supposedly fled 400 years of slavery in Egypt? Right, the taking of foreign slaves and when to rape/kill them. It's all in Leviticus. The Jewish God is a dark dread god yearning for blood, which makes sense because Yahweh is the Canaanite war god and was once part of a pantheon of other gods. So no, Christians worship an entirely different god from the Jews. This idea of a celestial deity happily sitting on a cloud being nice to everyone is a complete abstraction created through an egalitarian European understanding of the world. The Jewish god wants blood, treasure, rape, and slavery. The Jewish god wants Jews sitting on a pile of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck while an underage white child caged in chains is impaled on their dick.
It's all there in the Bible, but so many Christians refuse to see it.
The bible has been edited from the start.
>asking for citations to common knowledge
Babby's first theological discussion? Google why Paul was once Saul, then come back.
No obviously there was a guy born of no father, who walked on water, turned water into wine and came back from the dead. Couldn't be just a made up character to get people riled up about the receding borders of the Roman Empire.
By believers. Not non-believers.
Massive difference.
>fall of the roman empire
>A.D. ~100
Ok sweet heart.
I've seen it enough. Hitler said they same thing about debating Jews. They always try to change the subject to you and your subject matter's credibility after you've given them the truth.
Doesn't matter how hard you beat them with the truth either. The next day they forget anything happened like robots resetting their memory
Jews are a religion how being anti jew is anti semitic
>Peter and Paul martyred in Rome
No evidence of these events survives, if they happened at all
>Thomas was stabbed to death in Syria
No evidence of these events survives, if they happened at all
>Simon was murdered in Persia
No evidence of these events survives, if they happened at all
>The Christians were hunted down everywhere they went.
Most of this is church propaganda from centuries later. No descriptions of Christian persecution appear in any 1st or 2nd century documents, as far as I'm aware (but you must feel free to prove me wrong)
Isn't it convenient how every theological argument changed after World War 2 after centuries of consistency?
Now go look up the date of the oldest New Testament manuscript. You'll kick yourself.
Typical christfag autistically grasping at unnecessary nuance. Nothing incompatible about the statements you made, and I never implied such a thing anyway. If you were capable of seeing the forest through the trees, you would know that. The god Jesus was preaching was a very different one than the old testament god. He was using a left over symbol because it was the conception of god people at the time were willing to accept.
Here's a hint buddy, we all contain god, we are all the word (logos) become flesh. Christ was very directly connected to the most high god, that is why he incarnated to teach us. He was the guide and the model of how we can return to the father. He was the archetype of the potential in all of us to reach the divine.
>Google why Paul was once Saul, then come back.
You know that the book of Acts contradicts Paul's own letters, and therefore it can't be trusted... right?
DDGs first response says 2013.
Are you legit mentally retarded? It's ok if you are, I'm just wondering because you present yourself as a little slow.
>the crowd
of jewish people?
There hasn't been a Catholic pope since Pius XII
Imagine being this naive.
I types oldest new testament manuscript in and it the first thimg says 2013.
Red herring. Paul and Saul are the same person.
>Acts 13:9
>9 But Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him
Now go ahead and explain what his job was. We'll wait.
Name an instance where Jews directly edited the New Testament after its official compilation. The Scofield heresy was already addressed.
>proven and indisputable
We get it, dude. You don't know what either of those words really mean.
Kind of ironic post to come from someone that worships (((Jewsus))).
...why would you believe the pope... also wikipedia...
(((OP))) thinks Jewish word wrangling of the Pope's scholarly reading creates a "legal" argument and overturns history. But (((OP))) is a faggot.
The Pope is probably correct, a crowd of Judeans did release Barabbas. A crowd of Judeans subject to the laws and customs of the Pharisees and Sadducees aka prototypical Jews.
(((OP))) like his master Satan likes legal statements without context (when it suits). The rabbinical Jews and their progenitors are truly the church of the devil
that wasn’t a bad read, good entry level redpill for a non woke person
>Red herring. Paul and Saul are the same person.
I really have no idea why you think this is relevant, but then again, I don't have a particularly low IQ so I don't share your world view.
>Early Christians were murdered by Jews, Romans, and Arabs.
Not so much, actually.
Well done mate, you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
early Christians were fed to lions n sheeit in roman coliseums
The only based christians are Orthodox ones
>I really have no idea why you think this is relevant
Because you're an extremely slimy Jew trying to pilpul your way out of this post
>Gay old homo who fucks little boys forgives the Jews.
Oh shit, it's all ok now whoopdy do...
>early Christians were fed to lions n sheeit in roman coliseums
If early Christians were fed to the lions 'n' sheeeet because of their beliefs, no-one made a written record of it or, if they did, those records haven't survived
And then christians did the same to people they didnt like, jews will be jews i guess.