I don't really need advice, I just really want to want to hear your opinion on this

I don't really need advice, I just really want to want to hear your opinion on this.

Attached: pornisbadorsmth.jpg (809x1179, 369K)

Not advice, get back to your containment board.

>>>Jow Forums

Social skill is like any other skill, you need to do it in order to become better at it. I used to be an exceptionally social person and I had very many friends in my small village when I was young. After my breakup with my first gf at 15 I got severely depressed and stayed indoors, playing video games and jerking off to numb my pain. When I finally decided to start being social again after 7 or so months of this depressive, self loathing cycle I had developed social anxiety. While I had no issues talking to my old friends it was very hard to make new friends. I would get shakes, sweaty palms and intense fear when talking to new people. Eventually it lead to panic attacks when I worked at a call center where customers yelled at me all day because I really desired to be liked by everyone especially because I fucked up with my ex and needed to "redeem" myself.

With some meditation and serious self analyzing I realized that I had lost my social skills by degenerating infront of my computer, seeking easy dopamine rushes to numb my pain. I had started to blame my ex for my own mistakes instead of trying to understand things from her point of view and by doing so I lost the ability to empathize with people.

After this revelation I understood that I had to start building up my social skills by putting myself in extremely uncomfortable experiences. After working for a year at very social job, I have gotten over my social anxiety. I was very afraid and panicky at first but by trail and error and brute forcing myself through uncomfortable situations I have started to feel more comfortable in my own skin again. I have started to feel like my old self again.

Thats pretty much it. I guess it was kind of a confession and helped me put things straight in my head. Maybe someone has similiar experiences or a an interesting view on some of the things I mentioned in my rambling posts.
Thank you for your time.

I saw this image and it made me think about the things I've written. I just wanted to discuss my thoughts with someone and I didn't really know where else to post it.

Addictions of all kinds are major factors in our society. Whether or not pornography played a significant role in the mental deterioration of school shooters is unproven.

Progressives can be reactionary as well, so the congresswoman's statement is mostly going to inspire automatic disagreement and significant backlash.

Bullshit. You may not like it but what causes school shootings is female rejection. I don't care if you think this is fundamentally wrong in some way, it is the reality. All of the recent school shootings began with the shooter (male) shooting a girl in his class that then the parents reveal had recently rejected the boy.

I really wonder how long it will take politicians to admit to the real reason. I guess when we are by the 50th school shooting this year and people realize the first victim was always some popular girl in the same class as the shooter no one will be able to cover it up with
>muh guns
>muh white males
>muh mental issues
>muh porn
>muh videogames
>muh muh

you're not thinking clearly. most men are sexually or romantically rejected and don't shoot up a school.

>muh guns
yes, a gun is a necessary factor in school shootings.

its not the popular girl. it's literally any girl that says no. The shooters were raised with an inability to cope with rejection. If it wasn't some girl, it'd be their workplace later on when they got fed up with getting walked all over by their boss.

I'd chalk it up to darwinism but instead of just taking themselves out they have to take out everyone around them to punish them.

>most men are sexually or romantically rejected and don't shoot up a school.
But these men did. It is their principal motivation. See Elliot Rodgers for the extreme case. Obviously, as you say most men don't do it, but these men have proven that they do. And I guarantee you that right now there is some 12 year old angry as shit because Susan from third period starting dating Troy.

>yes, a gun is a necessary factor in school shootings.
Wrong. You just have a political agenda to push. The reality is that you can kill with almost anything. Ban guns and these men will simply use knives or even worse, explosives. In fact, I find it extremely dangerous to ban guns because it is clear these shooters choose guns because they are the most convenient option. Ban guns and what is the next most convenient option? Explosives. Ban guns and you'll see the casualties literally explode and what will you do then? There are many ways to quickly release energy. It is called chemical reactions. If you ban one chemical, they will go to some other chemical. You will have to literally ban any material for which there exists a known exothermic reaction. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT MATE.

>it's literally any girl that says no.
Good observation but it is not any girl. I guarantee you that no school shooting will be made because of a 5/10. You can quote on me that.

no, I'm correct, and you are projecting a politic agenda onto my politically neutral post. a gun is necessary to shoot people.

you're just rambling.

and, yes, Elliot was bitter because he didn't get sex, but that's basically irrelevant. we're not going to, for instance, create social programs where state-hired prostitutes can fuck people who would otherwise commit mass murder.

and let me clarify. people can be upset because they're incel, and that's fine. the problem is when they are so mentally unhinged and antisocial as to commit terrorism.

I don't disagree at all, but however dumb, unfair or unjust the rejection might seem it is still healthier to learn from it and try to better yourself than to blame the girl for not wanting to be with you.

>a gun is necessary to shoot people.
Nice tautology retard. But a gun is not necessary to *kill* people. Do you only care about murders perpetrated with firearms?

>create social programs where state-hired prostitutes can fuck people who would otherwise commit mass murder.

I never suggested this, though I hope you can appreciate that this would objectively work. No school shootings after this is implemented. Another fool-proof method is state-funded genocide of anyone under a 6/10 by the time they enter puberty. This would literally work.

>unfair or unjust the rejection
there's no such thing. outside of the wildly hypothetical, nobody is morally obligated to fuck anyone else.

What a great teaching. I will paypal you three hundred billion dollars so that you can travel around the country to personally meet every future school shooter and tell them "Don't shoot your classmates, learn from it!".

I'm glad that you agree with me but your post is kumbaya bullshit. Tell that to school shooters. They don't give a single fuck.

I meant unfair or unjust ifrom the viewpoint of the rejected.

I didn't create a tautology. You're having an imaginary conversation in your head, instead of accepting that your main point (that the main problem in mass shootings is that the shooter is sometimes incel) is incorrect.

>social programs where state-hired prostitutes can fuck people who would otherwise commit mass murder.
>No school shootings after this is implemented.
confirmed lunatic, possibly incel

>, though I hope you can appreciate that this would objectively work

No, it wouldn't, because again it's not about sex, it's about rejection
Right now, yes they're incel and that's why they're shooting up schools. But guess what, you give them free government sponsored sex and those same retards will go and shoot up a school (Or a whore house!!!) because someone didn't want to marry them, or someone didn't give them something else they wanted

it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with weak genetics and a coddled environment. They should be culled or sterilized, not given even more shit they don't deserve

>incels would suggest state funded genocide of anyone below a 6/10

Man, I am just surprised at how some people can be so woke and knowledgeable.

>But guess what, you give them free government sponsored sex and those same retards will go and shoot up a school (Or a whore house!!!) because someone didn't want to marry them, or someone didn't give them something else they wanted

This is an interesting perspective. It may be true but let me tell you why I have some doubt in my mind. To a man, there is no one thing that triggers such a violent reaction as the denial of sex. This is why some men beat their women. This is why some husbands murder their wives. Think about it.

But I think you are at least partially right. Elliot did want to have a gf, not just a prostitute. So the people at the most extreme cases like Elliot would still try to kill people. Interesting perspective but how do we solve it? If we tried genocide as I suggested or sterilization there would be huge backslash from them. And below 6/10 people are born every single day. This would be an expensive genocide program. I am trying to think of the economics and it wouldn't work out.

That statement you made about genocide is supposed to be some kind of defense for your sanity?

>To a man, there is no one thing that triggers such a violent reaction as the denial of sex.
You're insane. Please don't hurt anyone.

No, you missed my point entirely. I am showing how the only solutions that would actually objectively work are way beyond ridiculous. They involve huge government programs that would have to do some pretty ridiculous stuff.

And I'm doing this to show a constrast between the solutions that would objectively work, and the solutions that politicians suggest like fucking porn as you see in the OP.

You missed the point so badly I don't trust you are any smarter than those politicians so I really doubt I can do anything to correct your perspective. I diagnose you as retarded. I hope your run for office is successful. Best wishes.

I know they don't care. People who think they are wronged rarely try and understand things from a more positive,self improving point of view. But I think you can prevent getting into that mindset by learning to handle rejection.

never fapped, try and fail to fap and still miserable
nofap is a lie

I really dislike that you are getting personal with your responses. You are also missing the point. Right now I'm playing the role of the objectivity absolutist, telling you things like they actually are. If you don't like it then that is okay but don't get personal.

I really believe that these school shootings are the way deeper problem than any politicians is admitting to. Superficial fixes like banning certain weapons are a meme.

>This is why some men beat their women. This is why some husbands murder their wives. Think about it.

This is why SOME men beat their wives, but you have to realize in most abusive relationships, the woman is happy to give it up, why? because she needs the affection and attention. Any sex or physical affection is a sign to her that he still loves her. Abusive men probably get it more you think

The real reason they beat women is because of control, something incels lack. Yes, men associate sex with control, but they also associate the reception of other valued goods like decision making abilities and popularity with control.

Elliot not only wanted a girlfriend, he wanted to be worshiped like the "chads". And the santa fe shooter not only wanted the girl in his class, he wanted ability to punish people around him for his hurt feelings, which is a control factor.

The problem is their perceived lack of control, and if you give them free sex but fail to mitigate their control insecurities they'll just project it onto some other aspect of their life, like work

I know genocide and sterilzation isn't the real answer here but until you can control the environment in which children are raised, away from idiotic parents, you gamble with what type of person you let into public spaces

Okay, you are on point now. But what is the objective solution? Going to every school and giving rejection seminars? How do you think that will play out?

And let me clarify, I am just saying this because I think that if you tell the beyond insane people like Elliot that "In this life, you can't get everything you want. Someone you really like will eventually reject you, and there is nothing you can do except for dealing with it" and in their twisted world, they will see this is as more of a reason to just go on a rampage and then kill themselves.

>but until you can control the environment in which children are raised
I like this. Another objective solution. This objective solution would now require communist tier government surveillance. See my point?

I ask everyone in this thread. Is there an actual objective solution that is not completely over reaching?

The problem is with your understanding of objectivity. No option exists in a vacuum, so there is no real concept of objectivity. There are no unbiased parties, no blind studies that can be done. The only parameters we can operate within are the laws of men, in the US and UDHR which are permissibly biased.

I am defining objective solutions as solutions that would work beyond a reasonable doubt. To use the last example, communist tier government surveillance could work because, come on, if Cuba is still a country then that is proof enough that communist tier government surveillance can solve any problem. Just that at the cost of freedom. It would work beyond a reasonable doubt.

I don't think there is an instantaneous solution to "cure" people like Elliot for example. People like him are usually so cemented in their beliefs that its near impossible to get through to them. But I think it is possible to make the situation better gradually by giving our children more options to socialize physically and talking to them and teaching them about rejection.

Okay, again good point. Let me just push you a bit harder now.

I think that rejections seminars will boil down, at least in the perspective of the kids, to "If you are attractive, you are good. But if you are ugly, prepare for the next years of your life to really fucking suck and believe there is no way out. You can't get people back for stuff like this, there is literally nothing you can do if you are ugly". And I really project school shootings going way up after this is implemented.

>It would work beyond a reasonable doubt

OK well one of your statements asserting that controlling the raising of children wouldn't work is because it's too similar to communist states like cuba.
One point you miss is that nordic states already have much greater control over child rearing than other developed countries, without fear or negative responses for parents. Why?
First of all they use tried and true methods. Positive reinforcement, nutritious meals, access to mental health care, smaller classes, looser learning schedules etc.
Second of all they live in a social democracy that allows for those sort of things. So instead of the american system, which encourages poverty and over-breeding, birth control is more accessible which keeps families smaller and easier to manage.

Finally, community is encouraged rather than rugged american individualism. While american individualism is great in theory, what it creates are stressed out white helicopter moms who both shelter their children and scream at them because they don't have any better outlets, and emotionally unavailable or inept fathers (if they're even there)

But this won't happen in the US, because community, better access to healthcare and a less stringent educational environment are naughty words while muh guns, muh individualism and muh taxes aren't

As a recovering porn addict, I can see it. Porn has really warped my world-view, and I wish I never watched it.


I understand what you mean but I'm not saying we should have seminars about rejections at schools. That would be a pretty bad idea. it's like forced "sensitivity training" for police for example. It would probably end exactly as you describe, actually. Some person in an educational institution dictating how you should feel in front of a class with a powerpoint presentation will get you nowhere.

What will actually objectively help is having a loving relationship with your children where the child feels comfortable enough to discuss things with you. So for example when a girl rejects your son he can talk to you about it and you can teach him how to handle the emotions he is feeling and how to learn from it.

Ugly/attractive don't come into it. What matters is how you teach your child to perceive himself and others.
I'm not attractive at all in the conventional sense but I do well socially because I empathize with people. I try to understand and find common ground with people despite their uglyness/beauty and people respond well to that.

The things! The things you said! They're all fucking dumb! You spend too much time on this shitty ass website if you think any of that speculation has any merit

Well, why not explain to me where and why I am wrong? I'm trying to discuss things, not state them.

>This causes school shootings

School shootings have been on the rise since PROMISE was started. PROMISE is a federal program that pays schools extra money if they cut back on expulsions and arrests of minority students.

This leads to schools becoming crazed ass areas were fights are A-okay as long as the minority is an aggressor, weed is fine to smoke as long as minorities are smoking it, and other shit that shouldn't be tolerated while if you are white/asian you will be thrown to the gulag for sneezing at the wrong time to get those numbers up for tossing out those dirty racist whites and asians.

So white people get pissed and shoot up schools, minorities get away with murder so they start breaking the law and not giving a shit about doing so early.

All because schools want that extra PC money.

Yeah, ban porn. When there's literally NO sexual outlet, then we can finally get this show on the road.

Thats not what my argument was though.

what a fucking hot take

Sort of. The problem is a generational trend of being half-raised by exhausted daycare centers and unsupervised electronics. Porn is just another leaf on that branch.
Nobody has bothered to explain to their kids that media is there to make money, not teach lessons.
Nobody has bothered to take their kids outside and socialize them so that they're forced to learn how real people work.
Nobody has bothered to give their kids the most basic tools to navigate their own emotions and cope with stress.
They just toss a shiny new toy in their direction and go back to work.

Yeah, that was my point exactly.

>But these men did. It is their principal motivation.
And a pyschopaths principle motivation for murdering someone can be that he just felt like it that day, it doesn't excuse the act in any way and speaks of an obsessive and already unstable mind. Stop trying to victimize killers.