How can you people be so retarded? You support Trump ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

How can you people be so retarded? You support Trump ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

Seriously I can't stop laughing at this place. Like what the fuck. Actual people actually supporting Trump. Ahahahahahaha Wtf

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are those 2 guys in the pic gay?

No, they both have wives and live a successful life because they're not retarded

That's what i thought at first too, but then i saw that they are trying to choke each other out with their ties. A gay mutual suicide pact perhaps?

Im a cute girl

It's friendly shoving, you wouldn't understand

You're probably projecting your own insecuritites and secretly fap to trannies while pretending that's not gay, amirite?



Fapping to trannies isnt gay tho?

Jews play both sides. Democracy is a farce. The Rothschilds rule the world.

I really can't, half of me is always trying to interpret it as one giant internet meme, but then I come here and I see people SERIOUSLY talking about how Trump is the best or whatever, and I just can't stop laughing, like LMAO how fucking retarded are you people

I'ts like a snake oil salesman came to your tribe and half of the tribe started worshipping the guy and the other half was like WTF is wrong with you people?

Seriously this is too much, I may unironically die from too much laughter

I absolutely hate trannies, those niggers are absolutely everywhere. Don't even get me started.


Have you considered that maybe you are simply too retarded to understand why they support him because you never bothered to look into it?

Let me explain. Trump was elected because he opposed Hillary, and Hillary is the single most hated politician in our country, perhaps the world.

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Pro hillary? Trumps objectively helped the country - look it up or stay an ignorant bitch lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao

Thats just homophobic, we dont tolerate that talk around her you slav nigger jew

Nope. I have an IQ of 156, so I'm by definition smarter than everyone here, or about 99.99% of everyone here. I have a PhD in computer science and a job that gives me about $1,000,000 per year. And no I'm not even bragging, that's a low estimate of what I actually earn, it's usually more.

Now why do I think you people are retarded? Because Trump obviously won't solve your problems, and you're desperately clinging to the guy as if he has the power to solve your problems. Like LMAO, what the fuck is wrong with you? A bag of oranges has a better potential solving world's problems. Look - I wouldn't laugh at you retards had you actually had a competent Republican president which worked hard to bring about desired policies and who was intelligent enough to hire a good staff and behave well in public. You know, a person people of other countries would actually respect.

But what we have now - LMAO - is a bunch of braindead people hypnotized into worshipping a complete retard with 0 skills, and you people still haven't figured it out. He's a fucking moron. He's going to do nothing. On top of that he's a criminal and not even smart enough to hide his tracks which are all over the place.

Basically "at least it's not Hillary" doesn't fly for me. I hate Hillary as much as the next poster but at least Hillary isn't a braindead 50IQ twittler with zero self awareness

LMAO you people are so fucking retarded ahahahahahahahahaah unbelievable ahahahaha

stale pasta

People are trying to help you understand, but you refuse to listen.

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It's not pasta, I just wrote it down. I realize that must be hard to understand for you living in an Idiocracy, that someone actually can sit down and write a few paragraphs. With your attention span, I realize 3 to 4 words are about the capacity you can handle LMAO

I can't listen to retards and not laugh myself silly. Like seriously, just the fact that you're SERIOUSLY defending Trump .... AHBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Seriously defending a total retard.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WTF

Send help ... I can't breathe

Well tell us this, who would you vote for in the 2016 US presidential election?

No one, I don't ever vote. Voting is for sub-150 IQ idiots

By not voting, you enabled Trump to win.
You are a Trump supporter.
Give it some thought.

>IQ of 156
>writes like teenage girl

Listen guy, not voting is not giving a fuck because you realize from the start the system is rigged.

Actively defending a corrupt piece of shit like Trump - that's enabling.

You're a Trump supporter. Today you learned.

I feel like arguing with a wall. It's fun for a while but then it just gets too boring

You say you don't give a fuck, yet here you are giving fuck after fuck after fuck.

I'm on my lunch break, in about 5 minutes I'll close this tab and forget I was ever here

On the other hand, your subconsoius will cry itself to sleep tonight because someone told you your idol is a retarded idiot which deserves negative respect

I win

What kind of fanfic shit is this?

originally it was just a joke
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
this is how memes become reality

oh look, someone from a vassal state trying to participate in a real country's politics.

A young boy and his bear: volume 1

You say real country but really it's turning into a Banana republic. The fact that you're proud of it makes me gag with laughter. Fix your state first, then brag, LMAO

You're embarrassing yourself, I have a feeling it will be easy to get you to keep posting here even after your "lunch break" is over.

Hi comrade. We should be proud about ideology - specially about how's succeeding in so many countries. Climate Change policies, controlling market by the government, more taxes for the benefit of our collective. And we should know more about what is Communism and socialism, and the best way to understand how it works is to read Karl Marx's book entitled: The Communist Manifesto. Here's the link:
And here the most important part of this book: the 10 Planks of Communist Manifiesto (also you can find it on Page 26 of the linked book):

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank
with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the
bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally
in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of
all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s
factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial
production, &c, &c.

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You don't even live here, eat a cock