Socialism bad

>socialism bad
>national socialism good
Explain yourselves retards.

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i- i- it's not real socialism oK?!!?!?

They are fundamentally different in terms of economics.

well you see its not socialism because its racist

that makes it totally different, obviously

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Nazi Germany during the height of it's power compared to the Soviet Union during the height of it's power.

Jow Forums is more than one person.

Who won that again?

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>Might makes right
reported to the CSIS for holding fascist views in the current year

America at the hieght of its power was objectively far greater, marxism eteranlly btfo.

>international socialism
Doesn't work - no matter how many times you try to do the same thing regardless of how much you say that we are doing it different this time.

>National Socialism
Worked excellently in the USA until federal reserve jewish take over.
Worked in Nazi Germany before the world decided they couldn't have a government that worked so efficiently.

>A leaf



Friendly reminder that Zimbabwe was a national socialist country and what they were doing to the white farmers was the same as what the Germans did to the Jews dispossession of their wealth and assets while killing those that resisted.

Nazi Germany losing the war was ironically their saving grace, in that they then had an excuse for why their country fell apart instead of waiting a few years till the natural socialist cycle completes and send the country spiraliing into collapse.

>Worked excellently in the USA
Worked excellently in Venezuela too, until you know the enevitable happens and the system becomes too big and collapses on itself due to failing to meet obligations.

NS =/= Marxist socialism
if you can't tell the difference you're a nigger monkey with an IQ of 83

Can he have less of a chin? Is that possible?

Basing an ideology based on something entirely materialistic is bound to be selfish and overall destructive.

Basing it on something spiritual as the nuclear family and community and it's good. If commies weren't so materialistic I would agree with them.

But you already know the answer.

People here arent against socialism but against judeo bolshevism

No niggers in our gay bath houses

>People here arent against socialism
I've been posting here since /n/ and I'm 100% against socialism because I'm not poor nor a moron.

>socialism: you pay for your government to replace your people with immigrants, it has a disgenic effect

>national socialism: you pay to help your fellow race, it has an eugenic effect

NatSoc explained:

I'd rather give tax money to fellow whites than a spic-nig cycle.

I hear this everytime, yet not one of you nigger monkeys can tell me the difference, just "muh jews".

Nationalism without solidarity is pointless and useless. In the doctrin of fascism Mussolini describes socialists policies as necessary to wipe out individualism and to archive true long lasting nationalisim and harmony

>hey goy, pay for these poor retards existance
Yeah, nah. Fuck off cunt.

For a socialist socialism is the end goal, for a natsoc socialism is but a tool to archive absolute collectivism

Socialdemokraterna are the best party for the people.

So its a commie fag house? Yeah, nah fuck off cunt.

The whole world VS Germany won.

>justify yourself


I prefer Syndicalism tbqh

The absolute state of muslim education.

Well it's simple
Socialism is in actual form is bad because it gives wellfare to foreigners
On he other hand the national one preserves its own people and only them by the same means
One is used to destroy a nation by destroying its identity and its public finance the other preserve the integrity of the nation

Is it dialectic?

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Is that Nordic Chad Yousef? Haha

>describes socialists policies as necessary to wipe out individualism

I have no doubt that's the aim, but all that does is create useless drones and inherently why the system collapses.

I'm sure you've heard the saying "give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for life" Socialist policies give out fish, to the point where no-one either knows or wants to go out and catch more fish, which then lends to everyone starving.

because nationalism is necessary for prosperity meanwhile if you try globalist socialism it doesnt fucking work
christ the answer is right fucking there i hate natsocs how stupid can you guys be

Socialism is gibsmedats for poor people so niggers start invading your country just for that and in the end it's 80% niggers sucking on the welfare system.
National Socialism is gibsmedats for the poor but not for niggers, and for the poor in order to get back on their feet and start working for the society. Remeber they had the category "workshy" for concentration camp inmates. No gibsmedats for people who abuse the system.

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>Killing the Jews good
>Not killing the Jews bad

Use the fucking internet. The two are very different political platforms. Shouldn’t you be cleaning urinals or something anyways?

>literal mouthbreather

your chin recedes like that, you are a fucking cuck and not allowed to join us

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Do not bully, chang

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>the only kind of socialism is monetary
Kike mindset

bait thread

Venezuela could've fixed a lot of its problem but it would have affect Chavez legacy, they tried to solve it another way and failed.

look at that super human being

a true Aryan specimen

How come whenever the left praises socialism, it's not the same as NatSoc, but whenever the left wants to convince "neo-Nazi" that socialsm is good, suddenly it is the same as NatSoc?

It's very reminiscent of Jews pretending to be white selectively to shame white people, then backing off and saying they're not white when called our for white people shit.

It's quite simple. Nurturing your own is good. Collectively working together to make your people as strong, healthy, and happy as possible is a noble goal. That is national socialism.

Extracting resources from one people to nurture a parasitic, invasive, nuisance population (regular old Jewish socialism) is bad.

wow the absolute state of the lad

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Syndicalism relies on democratic syndicates. A syndicate is made up of the unions of an industry. For example you have the steel syndicate, the railroad syndicate, the agricultural syndicate, ect. Even the army and navy are syndicates who elect leadership and officers democratically.

The government is then a syndicate of syndicates taking representatives from all national syndicates to discuss the interests and needs of their group. Very de-centralized governance but not anarchic.

>so you know about socialism?
>correct, I know about socialism
>what about national-socialism
>I know about socialism
Every socialism-natsoc thread. Because it's never a honest question because OP is a faggot as always.

damn right, the only similarity is a large state and the name

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go on

>Explain yourselves
direction: national socialism is supposed to promote a certain kind of improvement for the people and nation; most other forms of socialism are directionless and promoting a very specific kind of (((interests))) that don't align with the ones of the nation or people.

This is a bait thread but I can’t take anyone remotely serious that argues for socialist policies and at the same time open borders.

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REAL National Socialism hasn't been tried yet

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Dima go back to work!

It's the difference between enacting socialism for the sake of pursuing equality as opposed to enacting socialism for the sake of pursuing social cohesion/order.

One of Lefty socialism's many problems is that it eventually becomes too costly and burdensome on the producers while being an incentive for the less productive to live of its benefits while still being a drain on the economy. When you philosophy is "equality" then of course you let the lessers get away with dragging the betters down with their laziness or incompetence.

A proper national socialist system mitigates the cost by various programs like compulsory employment programs to make sure everyone contributes, or eugenics programs to make sure those with genetically caused health issues don't kill their health care system and so one. Of course there can be other criticisms made towards such systems, but at least National Socialism had a method to deal the common economic problems of socialism. It seem to work in many respects, and frankly when you look at other nations, many have adopted many of the ideas of National Socialism, though only in piecemeal and sold it differently.

They can't. Nazis are just the lower-class type of urbanite socialists. They just wish they were the socialists in charge but they're too busy paying child support to the woman who's kid they tried to have aborted and, as such, they blame the system for "siding with the lying whore" rather than realizing that they themselves are failures and should be executed.

Canada is a perfect example of national socialism pre 1970. We used a nationalized bank to lend money interest free to government infrastructure projects. Thus reducing unemployment to

You mean when you were still European.

Thank the Gods.

There is a sane human being in the thread.

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>sane human being
>political view based on fanfic written by a lazy bum whos predictions never panned out
>le cultural marxism. bdsm soibois welcome
take your jackson pollock loving ass and take a long hike off a short pier. then suck a fractal of dicks

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It actually has been you faggot.

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