Mud huts are the ultimate solution to the housing problem

>mgtow dumps city thot
>buys land in remote area
>builds a cob house and harnesses natural resources to get free power and water
>attracts a trad gf

Benefits of cob house:
>fire proof
>termite proof
>bullet proof:
>low/no maintenance
>stupid easy to build
>lasts for thousands of years. the oldest cob house still standing is 10,000 years old.
>literally dirt cheap to build (~$3000)
>high thermal mass
>absorb toxins in the air
>resists mold growth
>can't punch a hole in the wall because cob is too strong

Attached: hermit17.jpg (480x360, 54K)

If everyone lived like that the Earth would be a desolate hell-scape of pollution and misuse of resources. But whatever.

>harnesses natural resources to get free power and water
enjoy starving to death of you dont freeze to death first

>trad gf
There is no such thing
trad girls dont shack up with men they are not married to

>If everyone lived like that the Earth would be a desolate hell-scape of pollution and misuse of resources.
Wow that is so radically different to what is currently happening.

Most of the land is untouched and used for pasture/natural preserve. If we didn't hole all the normies up into subdivisions and apartments it would be trashed l.

The normies already use massive amounts resources just to make their paper coffee cups. Regardless, keep the normies out of my woods. Fuck city niggers.


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Oh yes, try taking any first world country back to your mudhut. She will either think you’re going to rape her, you’re insane, or both.

both would probably be true
i have to question the sanity of anyone who would do this sort of thing voluntarily.