Is it really better to have a girlfriend/wife who's inexperienced?

Is it really better to have a girlfriend/wife who's inexperienced?
So many of the guys on this website talk about how they can't be with a "slut" who's fucked too many other guys. Personally I can dig a girl who's experienced. Atleast she won't be all shy and indecisive. I just feel that it's super attractive to see a girl who knows what she's doing and what she wants.

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Well yeah. For a fuckbuddy and cumhole you’re supposed to go for used goods.

But if you want a good wife then she shouldn’t be tainted.

Bullshit. After 10 fucks your virgin gf will be a pro. I am not one of the purists here but as chance would have it, my current gf was a virgin when I met her. Yeah, she was inexperience but now after more than a year she sucks dick like a pornstar.

The idea that a woman needs to have sex with multiple men in order to be experienced is retarded. But if you are okay with that then more power to you, literally no one cares about what you do with your dick. However, there are benefits to virgin gfs like 0% chance of them having a disease.

Personally, I wouldn’t want a partner who has been with a lot of guys because I’ve only been with one girl, but honestly it’s a sign of low self esteem if you can’t look past the fact that your partner has had past sexual partners. But I have low self esteem so what do I know.

Yeah that's just an incredibly stupid double standard. Nobody in their right mind actually wants to stay abstinent until marriage. I want to fuck a lot more women before I ever settle down so why wouldn't females want to as well?

OP here
I guess I'm not necessarily saying she has to be "experienced" but if I'm marrying someone who's a virgin, I feel like it's almost more likely that they would cheat. Like they would just want to see what other people are like.

I think the bonus is not the disease-free guarantee but rather that you get to spend time with your girlfriend/wife experimenting. If you grab a girl who has already down the experimenting with other guys, all that fun is gone.

This is not gender specific too. Swap male and female and same deal.

>f I'm marrying someone who's a virgin, I feel like it's almost more likely that they would cheat.
To be quite honest if you marry someone before you fuck them you are pretty much retarded. But again, more power to you. That said, I am reminded of a story of a girl who waited until marriage but then when she had sex with her husband she felt nothing, immediately dumped him and chased BBC for years until she got depressed and tried to go back to her ex-husband. Crazy shit. Never marry a hole you have not fucked.

I agree, I am just mentioning the one thing that no one, not even the sluts in this board that support OP's view, would disagree with. 0% chance of disease is an objective benefit no one can deny. But obviously there a lot more benefits, it is just that as I said the sluts in this board get defensive about that shit because it makes them realize they are used goods and will never get a husband worth his salt for it.

How exactly does having sex taint someone?

Baggage. I am not ashamed of who I am like yourself so I can easily admit that every now and then I think about the girls I've fucked in the fact. I sometimes even get horny from it. That means I have baggage. Everone who fucks anyone has baggage from that person. The question is how much baggage are you willing to accept because higher baggage means higher chances of cheating.

Those guys are REALLY insecure and are worried they won't compare favourably to past experiences. They'll throw all sorts of stats at you about divorce rates etc. but that isn't why they really want a virgin gf.

They do have a point about STDs though - I won't pretend virgins aren't a lot less likely to have any.

Thanks for the answer. No thanks for the erroneous assumption that I'm ashamed of myself. May I ask what makes you say it makes cheating more likely though? Like another user said, the reverse is also plausible - that people with fewer past sexual partners can wonder what they've been missing out on.

>May I ask what makes you say it makes cheating more likely though?
If remembering your past affairs get you horny that increases the chances of you slipping someday you actually meet those people again. More people implies higher chances of meeting at least one of them which implies higher chances of cheating. It is simple cause and effect.

> the reverse is also plausible - that people with fewer past sexual partners can wonder what they've been missing out on
Yes but that is a character flaw. That is another thing. Someone who has this character flaw AND has slept around will have even higher chances of cheating. Of course, if a virgin girl is constantly craving and thinking about other dicks then that is also bad and you should avoid those types of people at all costs but that is separate from past sexual partners.

Also, it is simple economics. The only way to judge the future success of a company is by examining its past. The same is true for people because no one is able to read minds, but we can at least approximate how a person will behave if we know enough about them. If a person was a slut in the past, you could predict they will be a slut in the future. While if you have been reserved and modest in the past, your man should assume you will keep being modest and reserved instead of ridiculously assuming you crave other cocks because you've been "missing out".

Glad to see not everyone in this thread is so throwed off. I can't argue the STD thing obviously but yeah that's probably true about their insecurity

How can someone be this retarded?
I can't even begin to grasp how someone can be so bitter that this makes any sense to them in any way.

Did you make this up or read it somewhere and took it as gospel?

You make it seem like a girl who's had multiple partners over the years is guaranteed to cheat while a virgin is far more likely to be loyal.

There's no reason to get personal. I am just arguing the position I have observed to be true. But as I said in my first post, I personally don't care for virgin girls. Pussy is pussy but I am entitled to my own standards and I would prefer a girl who was not a slut. Sorry if that hurts you in some way.

>You make it seem like a girl who's had multiple partners over the years is guaranteed to cheat
Nope, I did not say they are guaranteed to cheat. I said that they have higher chances of cheating and I explained why that is.

True. It just shocks me so much I don't ever know what to say. My inner dialogue is like wtf?

Your preference for previous partners is not a problem and not what I quoted. It was your bad science and logic for that conclusion. I don't want someone with a lot of partners either but I'm not enough of an moron to believe what you just wrote above.

Well, why don't you both of us a favor and explain where exactly you thinkmy logic fails.

Also, you keep getting personal which in my opinion shows you think I am personally attacking you. You should not assume that when someone talks about sluts they are talking about you.

Huh? I am not taking your comment personally. I am saying that you are making a lot of weird assumptions and in response you just make more weird assumptions.

You say that once a girl has sex with someone they will always crave for that person again. If they sleep with more people they will crave all those people again. And that there is a really high almost guaranteed possibility they will go seek out that person for sex again and cheat. And not only that even if a girl is a virgin she will still crave sleeping with a bunch of other guys.

Sorry but just because maybe one girl cheated on you or someone you know you've come to the conclusion that all women are this way. And you try to back it up with "economics" That is what is retarded. You are so insecure about this that you are making up some sort of statistical reason behind it so you can justify your insecurity. And when one calls that out your first thought it "It must be one of those sluts replying to me."

Yeah sure I'M the one making this personal lol

I mean good luck with all of that but you biggest concern shouldn't be being cheated on, it should be having a personality that would even attract anyone in the first place.

>You say that once a girl has sex with someone they will always crave for that person again
I did not say that. I said that in my experience even I find myself thinking about my past partners and it is that type of behaviour pattern that increases the chances of future promiscuity. Just thinking about it, if some girls in particular were to come to me and asked if I wanted to fuck again I'd be very tempted. I am not saying I would cheat on a present partner, but the temptation is there which increases the chances of one day fucking up.

>If they sleep with more people they will crave all those people again
The more people you have in your past the higher the chances the previous behaviour pattern I described will result in promiscuity.

> And that there is a really high almost guaranteed possibility they will go seek out that person for sex again and cheat
I never said almost guaranteed. You can ALT+F me on that. This is your own projection.

>And not only that even if a girl is a virgin she will still crave sleeping with a bunch of other guys.
That is actually the opposite of what I said. I said that if a girl has been modest in the past, it is only right to assume that she will be modest in the future. It was actually you who suggested virgin girls would crave what they were "missing out on" which I said was ridiculous.

>you've come to the conclusion that all women are this way
It is not women who are this way. It is humans who are this way. Consult with any sexuality expert on this.

> so insecure about this that you are making up some sort of statistical reason behind it so you can justify your insecurity. And when one calls that out your first thought it "It must be one of those sluts replying to me."
Here is you getting personal again. I personally don't mind because projections bounce off of me real quick.

>you biggest concern shouldn't be being cheated on,
I never said that being cheated on was a big concern of mine. That's more projection.

Homie you are straight up autistic

Well, I respect that. It takes guts to admit you are wrong and if calling me autistic is enough to cope with that then more power to you. My arguments stand strong while all you have is projection and insults. There is really nothing else I have to say.

You know, I've actually been trying really hard to get you to actually push back on me. I really wanted you to give me a robust argument about why you think my perspective was wrong. There is nothing with healthy debate but I see there is nothing of value I can extract from you. That said, I do invite anyone else who shares her opinion to try to poke holes in my arguments.

>I'm a whore who prefers whores.

Nah man that's the other guy you're talking about. I just feel like you are a socially awkward person because you have such a fucked up opinion.

Statistically speaking, that’s bullshit

Well, when you grow up and get involved in politics you will learn that there is actually very little correlation between opinions and personality. I can teach you a lesson though, it will help you a lot in your life if you are able to engage in discussion in good faith, without assuming that opinions contrary to yours imply character flaws.

Roastie detected.

I find there's typically an opinion that can be the better answer.

I actually agree with this, I am just telling you that there is very little you can know about a person's personality from just knowing their opinions.

Two different people dude xD

But again with the weird assumptions.
Anytime a guy says it is economically wise to find a modest virgin girl and hope she doesn't cheat has some issues and more than one person would notice. Check the ip if you're still in doubt.

It's okay, I believe you. All boards should have codes though to avoid this kind of shit.

>Anytime a guy says it is economically wise to find a modest virgin girl and hope she doesn't cheat has some issues and more than one person would notice.
I'm almost sure you did not write this sentence correctly.

Guess again faggot.

To you it’s stupid.

But to me it only makes sense. Some women are just sex toys. Other women are meant to be wives & mothers. That’s just how I was raised.

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I agree with this sentiment. A lot of people have character flaws and women are not an exception. And someone with severe character flaws is not wife material, but they still have a pussy. Nothing wrong with using that pussy.

>mfw I realized women hate slut shaming because it’s their equivalent of alpha fucks beta bucks

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