Let me ask you a genuine question Jow Forums: Why is race so important?

Let me ask you a genuine question Jow Forums: Why is race so important?

I have yet to see enough evidence that would convince me that races are so significantly different that one is superior to any other. I am aware that there are differences in things like overall intelligence, or general physical capabilities. However, I don't see how these small differences can possibly be extrapolated to the entire race. I believe that the differences, where they are, are mainly due to societal differences. For example, blacks in America are typically growing up in slums and poor areas, but not all. Its the ones that grow up in higher class areas that are more successful in life. The same is true for whites and other races. So when I see posts about "race x will be fucking white women in the future," or "Are (((they))) giving black people bigger penises?" I have to wonder why some people are stupid enough to get offended at that, or why race should matter at all. This is even more worrisome when people are calling for action against certain races from either side. So tell me Jow Forums, why does race matter at all?

TL;DR Race doesn't matter, society does.

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>I have yet to see enough evidence that would convince me that races are so significantly different
huh. Well get out more, you'll see.

>I don't see it, so I'm right.
That is a low IQ argument
Race is correlated to IQ, and low IQ correlates to crime and degeneracy.

But at the same time it’s ok for japan to be filled with Japanese people

I'm more so saying that "I don't see it, so if you do see it show it to me"

Also, if IQ is tied to race and is significant enough to make a difference, why are some black people, the ones that have statistically lowest IQ, successful?

what i just said isnt a hypothetical scenario, it is what's happening in malmo, sweden and women parts of the city dont even serve pork anymore, maybe even your favourite restaurant

Race IS society. Culture is racial. Politics is racial. Blacks in America are also a terrible example, 1) because of the rapid decline in the health of their communities in the wake of 70s/80s and 2) the peculiar institution is not just a euphemism. American chattel slavery and its consequences seem to be one of the strangest and indecipherable social conundrums faced by a civilization in recorded history. The peculiar institution had produced peculiar results.
>why are some
1) Sports ball
2) some.
Its like you're not even trying tbqhwy

What is the bell curve and where are you on it?
What is affirmative action?

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Because Europeans belong in Europe, Africans belong in Africa and asians belong in asia

Blacks are 13% of the population and commit 55% of murders. These are the facts on the ground, we can argue about the causes but this is the racial correlation at the moment.

There are well established correlations between iq and race, let alone cultural problems that build upon their low iq.
Take your wall of ignorant text back to plebbit, you faggot.

I 100% agree. There is only one race: The human race. There are differences between humans based on their place on the planet and evolutionary factors and we all have different cultures. This does not make any group better or worse - just different.


Blacks are not human. They should be segregated the same way we stay away from gorillas.

You...haven't spent much time around blacks, have you? And I don't mean your upper society black, I mean your average black.

I agree that race is used in politics often (I think thats what you mean anyway,) but I don't agree that race is based in culture. The best you could say is that politicians enact laws or other changes that cause races to stay defacto segregated.

Also, in sportsball the ideals are reversed. More physical capabilities vs. more IQ. Yet there are some whites that compete.

>Theres a difference between high and low society
You have set the record for furthest distance from the point possible.


A supposedly intelligent person claimed that blacks are at least as intelligent as whites because they are so ‘innovative.’ His example was that blacks would take an old steel oil-drum (which whites considered to be rubbish) and turn it into something useful – a steel drum. Leaving aside whether or not a steel-drum band of muds is, in any way, shape or form, ‘useful,’ let’s look at his argument.

The white man had made the steel oil-drum as a means of transporting oil around the world. This involved creating an industrial technology, and developing mining industry to a point where oil wells could be sunk in the North Sea (or Gulf of Mexico), and crude oil successfully removed. Then a world-wide trading network had to be established. Let us gloss over the need for international economic transactions, international credit and banking, electronic money transfers, telephonic and satellite communications, and the stable economies and governments needed to make this possible.

Instead, let’s look at the need to produce oil tankers to transport the oil. The need for computers to navigate the ships, the level of technology needed to produce the ships, the schools needed to educate those who will serve on the ships, the engineering skills and training for those making them.

Let us now think about the products kept going by the oil. The plastics, the chemicals, the cars, and so on. And all this on a world-wide scale, over generations. And we haven’t even touched on road and rail systems, intensive farming and refrigeration to feed those in the industrialised cities, the factories, the building trade, power generation, written and computerised record keeping, or a thousand and one other things, all associated with the world oil production and trade.

And of all this, the oil drum is a minor by-product, a practical but simple and fairly primitive form of storage whilst in temporary transit.

And if, by some chance or accident, one of these oil drums washes up on the shore of dusky Africa, what do the native inhabitants do? Use it in their own oil industry? No. Use it as a spring-board towards future development? No. They turn it upside-down and hit it with sticks! Call me pedantic, but that doesn’t make them my equal. Not one of the dozens of items I listed above has appeared in Africa, ever. Not even writing. A continent surrounded by ocean, watered by massive lakes and rivers, and the black natives never dreamt a sail. Thousands of miles of flat grasslands, and they never fashioned a wheel, nor domesticated animals. Surrounded by stone, they never constructed a building better than a hut. Acres of diamonds and the world’s largest gold fields, and they never glanced at them until shown their beauty by white men. And all this for tens of thousands of years, thousands of generations living with no change, no progress. But they are our equal.

> (You)
>I agree that race is used in politics often (I think thats what you mean anyway,) but I don't agree that race is based in culture.
You seem to have typed that backwards, firstly. And secondly, you're welcome to disagree all you want, but the evidence doesn't. People vote based on race. They mate based on race. People are born racist. Are you white? How have you not noticed that black peoples BO literally smells different? That's not society thats biology.
>The best you could say is that politicians enact laws or other changes that cause races to stay defacto segregated.
No the best I can say is that society is racial and such policies are the consequences of that fact, not the cause. Because that's what the science says.
>Also, in sportsball the ideals are reversed. More physical capabilities vs. more IQ. Yet there are some whites that compete.
>racial groups are classes in an RPG. If races were different how do some white people have +9 dex? Checkmate bigot

>Why is race so important?
without it you can't divide and conquer as easily

He said average not low
Yes there's a difference between high and low society but he didnt use the words high and low. He said upper society and average.
If your average black is in a lower society then that tells you a lot about blacks doesn't it?

Go to a white neighbourhood.
Nice isn't it?
Go to a black neighbourhood.
Got robbed didn't you?

In short it does matter. Niggers aren't human. They treat their environment bad, they treat people bad, and they also treat each other bad.

race/ethnic creates diversity of culture. Race is society.

And what of the rest of the world? When the Negro has been moved he has made no progress. Educated by whites, perhaps trained woud be a better description, as whenever he is left to his own devices he immediately falls back into barbarism, and destroys everything he has been given. Take the island of Haiti, in the West Indies. Settled by the French, and mainly French Nordics. In the 1700’s they had a system of public sanitation in the capital, water-flushed toilets and excellent public hygiene. Then came the French Revolution, and a ship full of muskets, gunpowder and musket balls arrived (it is still not known where from), to be handed out to runaway slaves, and the majority of the whites were butchered. Today, 200 years later, there is no public sanitation in Haiti, no sewage system beyond emptying buckets into the road, and hasn’t been from the day the blacks took over.

Not that it is just the Negro. The white man, especially the Nordic, has been the driving force in civilizing the globe, from the days of earliest antiquity down to the present. In South America, when Cortez arrived, he found a civilization in decay, practising massive levels of human sacrifice, embroiled in civil wars, many cities deserted, others decaying. Most of the great buildings were old. And the natives worshipped him as a god, because he looked just like how their history said the great culture-bearing gods looked – White, Aryan, Nordic! These culture-bearing gods had given them architecture, religion, agriculture, artwork, mathematics. They had either been driven out by jealous natives, or had merged with the native population. Progress halted, then went backwards, and the lower races waited for the whites to come back and save them.

> However, I don't see how these small differences can possibly be extrapolated to the entire race. I believe that the differences, where they are, are mainly due to societal differences.
I can see that you haven't wandered out of your white suburban community, or you are too brainwashed to see reality.

The same legends survive in China. The founders of China were light-haired, bearded, and grey-eyed. Not Chinese! Burials have been found in Northern China and Siberia of these people. Not only white, but Nordic. As they died out, interbreeding with the Chinese, Chinese culture stagnated, then degenerated, and the world’s greatest empire became a colony of their neighbours – Indians, Japanese, Mongols, later the European powers.

Japan has a large Aryan element in their population; indeed the southern islands of Japan were mostly white only a few hundred years ago. Perhaps this explains why the Japanese are undoubtedly the most intelligent and civilized of the Asian peoples? India’s Hindu empires were the results of conquest by Aryan invaders, and all Middle Eastern civilizations were Aryan, including Egypt, despite claims that the Pharaohs were black. The only blacks building pyramids were thousands of toiling slaves who interbred with the white Egyptians, eventually destroying that civilization as they did with Rome, Persia, and most other ancient empires.

>I have yet to see enough evidence
>I'm too fucking retarded to write homicides by race into google

The Aryan is the standard bearer of civilization. Without us, the world will decay and collapse. With us, all races have a secure future. These facts of life, which are the facts of race, must be learnt by us all before it is too late. A polluted race can never be reborn. We must fight, and we must win, regardless of odds, because if we don’t we will die, and there is no doubt of this at all.

>People vote... based on race
Yes but my original question is why they should, and why race matters. If a black person can do the job as well as a white person, shouldn't there should be a 50/50 chance of them getting the job as I see it.
>No the best I can say is that society is racial and such policies are the consequences of that fact, not the cause. Because that's what the science says.
But you still haven't proven that societal differences are because of race

>TL;DR Race doesn't matter, society does.

Yeah and I would never live in a black-made society.

Race determines the ability to create and maintain society...your argument is a circle.

So you you're pointing out and noticing that the worst of the black community are impoverished.

So it's likely the poverty...which is mainly linked to the communal collapse of the family incentivized by welfare dependence.

Trust me.
Kill the Welfare and the "nigger" problem dies with it.
anyone riots for the Gibs?
shoot em…

After that it'll be married women, working men,
disciplined children and no more horse shit.

Remember, the black community is a social lab for the government test and prod before using subversive tools on the wider(Whiter) society. mark my words, nigga

Your argument is immediately debunked by pointing out that even the poorest white areas have lower crime than the richest black areas. thedailybeast.com/poor-white-kids-less-likely-to-be-jailed-than-rich-black-kids

But the best argument against racial equality is by simply looking at South Africa. Before blacks demanded equality the country was one of the most developed countries in the world with a world class economy. Today its a third world shithole with an economy designated as junk status by the IMF. This transformation took place over just 30 years. You can't explain that away as a purely cultural phenomenon since blacks were granted equal rights under the leadership of the rainbow nation.

Its also worth pointing out that poverty is largely a function of racial characteristics. The reason poor ghettoes become ghettoes in the first place is because blacks move into them. Case in point: Detroit. When whites lived there it was a pleasant white suburban utopia. As soon as blacks moved into the area, whites moved to escape the rising crime rates and the area quickly deteriorated. This can be observed in virtually all majority black neighbourhoods throughout the US. Furthermore, lack of investment is not the issue. During the 1970s numerous studies were conducted showing massively increased investment in black schools hardly raised performance whatsoever.

Niggatry wouldn't have expanded to its current levels without the Government subsidizing it.

You think 75% single motherhood is a natural occurrence?
course not...it's artificially propped up.

We all know this but OP is a faggot and immune to facts and logic.

it's not race itself that's important, it's being part of a tribe, we're a tribal species. When you try to remove that, bad things happen. The easiest way to group up is by race because you can instantly tell who and who isn't your enemy

IQ exsists on a bell curve, there will always be outliers who are more or less intelligent than the base average.
It just so happens a vast VAST majority of blacks lie within the IQ level that psychologists consider “the sweet spot for criminality”
In short, intelligent and successful blacks are few and far between even if some do exist.

>>People vote... based on race
>Yes but my original question is why they should, and why race matters.
Because it matters to people, firstly and foremostly. Systems are made to fit people, not the reverse. Secondly because most racial differences arent skin deep. Most exist in the nervous and endocrine systems.
>If a black person can do the job as well as a white person, shouldn't there should be a 50/50 chance of them getting the job as I see it.
No. Why are free people obligated to coinflip when presented with a member of an ingroup and a member of an outgroup? And secondly, the attempts to eliminate racism in society are so monumentally destructive. The costs of such a belief (one entirely rooted in falsity to begin with) outweigh the benefit of the small number of ethnics who now get a job they want so thoroughly that you'd have to be a buffoon to argue that in good faith.
>>No the best I can say is that society is racial and such policies are the consequences of that fact, not the cause. Because that's what the science says.
>But you still haven't proven that societal differences are because of race
Begging the question. I've demonstrated clearly the connection between society and race. Ignore everything else. PEOPLE ARE BY NATURE RACIST. OK? Society is a collaborative effort by people. Ergo any given society is built from its constituent members. So all societies are racial? Not to get into the other things above. Get it?

>even the poorest white areas have lower crime than the richest black areas.
Thats a good point, my only question would be if the difference in the sample size has an effect on the percentage. Otherwise fair point.
>the best argument against racial equality is by simply looking at South Africa
Your point about development may be true about white society in SA, but black society still believed in magic and voodoo and killing eachother. My argument is that if the blacks were as developed and advanced as the whites in SA, they wouldn't have had as much as a problem.
>The reason poor ghettoes become ghettoes in the first place is because blacks move into them.
I believe this is because they bring their culture with them, the culture that promotes gangs and such, not inherent to the culture. i.e. if whites brought a culture that glorified murder, the same thing would happen.

Humans are a species to brainlet. Whites are at the top. Weve created the most powerful, long lasting and productive cultures and civilisations. Weve dominated, enslaved and ultinately had to free other races. We had to free blacks, we had ti free jews. We nuked top teir asians into submission and weve economically pummeled all the other asians into submission. Weve been to the moon, we put robots on other planets. Whites are the architects of humans progress.

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>if whites brought a culture that
Numerous highly advanced white societies glorified murder.

>TL;DR Race doesn't matter
If race doesn't matter, then why are the jews so intent on preserving theirs and destroying ours?

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>he doesn't know about ethnic nepotism

lurk for 25,000,000 years before posting

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Okay, I agree that people are by nature racist. But my point is that they should try their best to not be. I don't think that there should be any political change to make that happen. I just think that people are capable to treat eachother as close to equally as possible, and that attempts to go the other direction is wrong morally.

>I believe this is because they bring their culture with them, the culture that promotes gangs and such, not inherent to the culture

Its been over 150 years since slavery was abolished and over 50 years since the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. If it hasn't happened by now, it isn't going to happen. The reality is culture is a product of race. Hence why if you visit China you'll disover a distinctly Chinese culture with uniquely Chinese characteristics. Similarly, if you visit Japan you'll notice a similar phenomenon. With blacks, its the same. You'll notice its also the same with jews (who, incidentally, are the group trying to convince you otherwise - a uniqely subversive jewish characteristic).

>I believe this is because they bring their culture with them
Twin studies have been conducted debunking this myth. Identitical twins, one raised in a rich white family, still show markedly lower performance on test scores than white adopted children.


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Waste of triple 3s
>Okay, I agree that people are by nature racist. But my point is that they should try their best to not be.
Why? You can treat someone with respect without incorporating them into everything. You respect your coworkers. Do you want them in the room when your wife gives birth? Do you want them at the cemetery when you put family in the ground? Race is family extrapolated. I have 0 obligation to treat people equally, I merely have an obligation to treat people with all the dignity and respect they personally deserve.
>I don't think that there should be any political change to make that happen.
Except societal and cultural differences aren't racial I thought? If that was so, then the differences that exist are themselves already a product of such political changes. If these differences are the result of policy, how can they be resolved by anything but policy?
>I just think that people are capable to treat eachother as close to equally as possible, and that attempts to go the other direction is wrong morally
People aren't equal. We don't, and shouldn't treat them as such. Its morally wrong to suggest we should. Would you treat your drinking buddy and a low functioning autist the same? If so you're a piece of shit. Would you treat another child the same as yours?

It's a way to feel superior to other people for just being born then looking at your own abilities and talents.
Basically to make your pathetic self feel better

Go on....

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You seem to think that I'm arguing something that I'm not
>You respect your coworkers. Do you want them in the room when your wife gives birth?
I never said that anyone should do that, just that they should be given as fair of a chance as any other race if everything else was equal.
>the differences that exist are themselves already a product of such political changes.
Why would they have to be? Couldn't the differences have just happened naturally over time? I'm talking specifically individuals treating other individuals in day to day life.
>Would you treat your drinking buddy and a low functioning autist the same?
Again, individualism. If I had just met one person who was normal, and one person who I knew was autistic, I would initially treat them the same. As I learned more about them, I would adapt if a change was needed, like if I needed to speak slower for the autistic person.

>I just think that people are capable to treat eachother as close to equally as possible

This is the root of modern cancer. You could apply the same logic to anything: family, gender, faith. The end result is the same. The destruction of any meaningful differences that make us who we are. The erosion of everything better in the name of acceptance.

Throwing up your hands and saying “we are all human” is a the death of all that makes you exceptional.

Have a good time returning to the mean.

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Nope that's it. Most hardcore racists are really pathetic when you peel back the skin.
Others do have good reasons though. Even if misguided

>I have yet to see enough evidence that would convince me that races are so significantly different that one is superior to any other.
If you don't think every other race is superior to Africans you're lying to yourself.

Do you even know where the word "racist" came from nigger?

Attached: racism.jpg (656x960, 94K)

>You seem to think that I'm arguing something that I'm not
>I never said that anyone should do that, just that they should be given as fair of a chance as any other race if everything else was equal.
Why? You refuse to answer this question. Why?
>Why would they have to be? Couldn't the differences have just happened naturally over time? I'm talking specifically individuals treating other individuals in day to day life.
No you were talking about race and society. You've shifted the goalposts now.
>Again, individualism. If I had just met one person who was normal, and one person who I knew was autistic, I would initially treat them the same. As I learned more about them, I would adapt if a change was needed, like if I needed to speak slower for the autistic person.
>like if I needed to speak slower
Or filter what you say. Or keep track of your body language. Also you missed the forest for the trees. The point wasn't about autism, it was about treating people different. Treating people equally is morally abhorrent concept, and this is verifiable in the historical record.

>Do you even know where the word "racist" came from nigger?
Just cause he made up the word(I heard it was Karl Marx or someother communists) it doesn't matter it always existed.
Tribes/Europeans have been hating eachother for centuries.

And that's a good thing.

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>...I am aware that there are differences in things like overall intelligence or general physical capabilities...

Curious as to which race(s) you are aware of that are the least intelligent and physically capable to you?

IQ scores have decreased over the last few decades while crime has also decreased. The Bell Curve is taken out of context as Charles
Murray argued that the cognitive elite would control society when barriers like race, class, and gender were removed.
Either way, IQ is pseudoscience.
It's really just some blacks in select areas created by redlining from whites that hinders their social mobility so they turn to to gangs. Crime stats don't mean that much like they used to has rates have declined considerably over the last couple of decades.
Cause then...why aren't most blacks in prison?

Would you rather live in an all black neighborhood or an all white neighborhood?