Hi, Jow Forums, first thread I've made on this board. I'm progressive but not full SJW (I agree with them on social issues but don't agree with redefining racism/sexism to be "prejudice + power" or the hate speech laws or deplatforming). Trying to talk to Jow Forumstards is hard for me. How can I break through their brainwashing? It's like talking to a brick wall with them.
Basically, how do I reason with an indoctrinated political extremist that has gone full neo-Nazi?
Hi, Jow Forums, first thread I've made on this board...
Here is some advice that works for pretty much every group humanity has ever created.
>do not try and force your views/beliefs on others
This is the best advice for real life, but Jow Forums is kind of where you go to do just that isn't it?
You don't
The purpose of arguing is to convince those who are on the fence to pick a side. Those who are locked in rarely get out, usually something has to happen within their belief system that contradicts their personal morals
This is why you must be rational, patient, and understanding in a debate. Not to change the minds of those you are arguing, but to present your idea as something favorable to those searching for answers
the methods of 'reasoning' you are probably thinking of is 'how do i show this person that they're wrong and i'm right'. Getting people to believe that their position is wrong is incredibly difficult. So much, in fact, there's actual college courses based around the methods of persuasion (mostly in law school).
Look up 'How to convince someone' in google and find a wikihow. That'll probably give you a basic breakdown of a complicated process.
Don't waste time trying to convince someone who's already made up their mind. Unless you know exactly how to change their point of view it's just not worth it and a waste of time.
People who go to Jow Forums and SJWs, both ends of the spectrum, enjoy arguing and already think they're right and nobody else is.
>How can I break through their brainwashing?
You don't. If they were interested in listening to anybody's perspective but their own they would be shitty Nazis. Keyboard warriors are one thing but actual real life Neo-Nazis deserve what every other nationalist and shit-eating racist extremist deserves; a swift boot to the face. The goal is not converting them. The goal is making them afraid to leave their houses. The goal is to make sure every one of them understands that flying their flags or flashing their symbols comes at the price of an ass kicking. The time for reasoning is over, OP. Either you're on the side of protecting innocent people from violent hate mongers or you're not. Additionally, for anyone that wants to dole out the ol' "WOW U-USING VIOLENCE MAKES YOU J-J-JUST AS BAD AS THEM" understand that tolerating intolerance is a paradox. WWII wasn't won with words. Communities weren't protected from KKK lynchings and arson with reasonable debate. I think its about time the world stops pretending to respect each others views for the sake of fake civility and admit to themselves that there is a right and wrong. The only way to stop nazi violence is to cut off its head and put it on a pike as a warning to anybody else who thinks that deciding to be a racist hunk of shit doesn't come with a price.
The thing is that these are twenty-somethings. They're lonely male virgins whose first exposure to politics was literal Stormfront propaganda. They don't know what they're talking about. I'm all for beating the shit out of Don Black and David Duke, but murdering random scared and confused Jow Forumstards just serves to recruit more people to their cause, and to validate their persecution complex. Don't cut off a piece of the skin, cut off the head.
>believing the side that won was any better than the side that lost
>Don't cut off a piece of the skin, cut off the head.
Agree completely. However, like I said, the main goal of any body who considers themselves anti-racist should be to protect innocent people. I'm not going to pretend like I understand the solution to hate or to nationalism. I'm not a leader. All I know is that anybody who builds up the courage to walk into public with their swastikas and harass and intimidate people needs to taught that their allegiances come with a heavy price. Additionally, I don't think lonely male virgins are going to be so excited to sign up for the cause if they get a front row seat to what happens when racists decide to take their hate spewing outside. Their spaces need to be taken from them. They need to be made to feel unwelcome literally everywhere. Nobody can control what people do in the comfort of their basements but if Jow Forumstards are discouraged so much by the push back of the real world that they decide to stay home during the next "Unite The Right" rally then I'm okay with that too. I'm not asking them to change their beliefs but merely to decide whether or not their beliefs are worth bleeding for.
Honestly, it's worthless. I've argued with Holocaust deniers, Jow Forumstards and the like and its always the same.
These people are not interested in what you have to say, they don't want to understand and engage in a discussion. They want to spew ebin redpillz left and right, not much else.
You can't because they are right and you are wrong and a brainwashed s o y boy commie faggot.
Are you retarded? Those nationalists that go in public and do marches don't harass anybody, if anything it's the lefty antifa and other groups that cause the fighting and drama everytime.
Look at blackshirts in the Uk jews/lefties causing riots during Oswald Mosley speeches and gatherings before and during ww2 the same way antifa are counter protesting trump marches today.
Right wing people are open to discussion and it's left wing that want to silence. How do you silence people? By force.
>Are you retarded? Those nationalists that go in public and do marches don't harass anybody
As someone that grew up in an area with a heavy racist presence and seen exactly what those "harmless" nationalists and nazi punks do to people your skewed view of the world means absolute shit to me. Your false equivocation of anyone who is anti-nazi as "left wing" also tells me your brain is made of wet tissue. You can wallow in delusion all you want but I refuse to sit idly by and let Nazis think they can wander in my town with tiki torches and swastikas and walk out unscathed. I don't give a shit if the left wing starts the violence, you'll never get me to shed a tear for a dead Nazi. Silencing Nazis is an American tradition, shit head.
>Right wing people are open to discussion
Why bother?
It is perfectly possible to have a successful friendship with someone whose politics you disagree with. You just agree to disagree and not talk about the topic.
>t is perfectly possible to have a successful friendship with someone whose politics you disagree with
Believing that anybody that isn't a member of your race is a sub-human who doesn't deserve the same rights as you is not a political opinion, its an affront to human decency. If you are friends with someone like that and simply make a choice to ignore those views and not talk about it you're a spineless hunk of shit.
See look how violent you are, you are happy for me to die based on my views.
I don't want anyone dead, I want peace for everyone and an ethnostate for whites, different races can't coexist in the same area, always drama, distrust for each other etc. Ofc if niggers are gonna be stealing your shit the locals are going to get angry eventually, same with Muslims raping white girls and blowing themselves up here in the UK.
Jews are happily practicing nationalism in Israel right now without any repercussions, why can't white people? They are busy building a wall, shooting Palestinians, bombing the neighbours and castrating African immigrants all the time.
Lefties seem pretty silent on this though.....
>silencing Nazis is an American tradition
May not have been if you knew the truth as one of your generals hinted at after the war.
You can laugh but I'm not wrong.
Ignoring genetics and studies done is delusional, different races have different strengths and weaknesses, races are different on the outside why is it a stretch to say the inside is any different?
I find it difficult sometimes to ignore that someone close to me has such a hatred for niggers. Like a legimitate hatred that everytime a nigger is close to him, he complains about it and takes offence if he has to do something in the same room as a nigger. I'm conservative myself, but even I find it difficult to be around someone like that.
I find it difficult to read someone who considers himself advanced and squeezes the word nigger in 3 times in one sentence
>See look how violent you are, you are happy for me to die based on my views.
Nope, I'm happy for you to die so that people of all races can exist in peace free from your toxic existence and everybody else like you. You can have my home and my community for your ethnostate when you take it from my cold dead fingers you piece of shit. You're free to move to whatever white haven you want, I won't stop you. Like I said, if you come marching into my town with that shit then you're going to be met with force. Period.
>You can laugh but I'm not wrong.
I'm laughing because you are wrong.
>races are different on the outside why is it a stretch to say the inside is any different?
Different ethnicities have different biological makeups, sure. It is objective science and I agree with it. However, deciding to pervert hat concept to create propaganda and peddle false narratives about how white people are biologically superior to other races means you deserves a bullet. Like I said, I've seen what happens when you and your ilk get all riled up and brainwashed. Normal, decent people have the right to exist together in whatever racial mixture they so chose, free from the scourge of people like you. I, personally, have dedicated myself to doing anything I can to preserve that ideal.
>Ignoring genetics and studies done is delusional
You know as much about genetics as my cat knows about trigonometry.
Yea, I do see myself as someone above someone who thinks people with a different skincolor as subhumans. I don't think that's weird. Nigger is just a word and is fitting in this context.
>I see myself as above someone who thinks people of a different skin color are subhuman but I see no issue in using dehumanizing language specifically created to designate people of a different skin color as subhuman.
If I were to call someone a nigger to their face, sure, that would be degrading and racist in that context, but I don't think there is any offence when I talk about who that person hates, niggers.
People of all races will never co-exist in the same area peacefully, racists exist on all sides not just "white nazis".
There are and were black Nazis too by the way.
Racism is just a natural defense mechanism from tribalism and evolution. Every race has it and nobody likes invaders.
I know enough to see the evidence infront of me. See the Olympics for just a few.
Whites win swimming, strength games.
Blacks win all running long and short distance
Asians win at martial arts.
Look at the average iq for each country and race. Whites aren't even at the top but we are close.
You're an idiot. Either you use dehumanizing words or you believe that people of other skin colors should be treated like humans. You can't have both. The words nigger is degrading and racist. It was designed specifically for the purpose of degradation and racism. You don't get to change the definition and impact of the word for the purpose of your contextual convenience. If you respect people of different colors then don't refer to them with humanizing terms you fucking moron. I suspect, however, that you don't respect them. If you actually did then you probably wouldn't believe in such an idiotic concept.
Whatever you think, user, context always matters.
>People of all races will never co-exist in the same area peacefully, racists exist on all sides not just "white nazis"
I'll take up arms against any racist. Doesn't matter to me. Anybody who thinks being a certain race entitles them to intimate and attack people of another race are fair game.
>There are and were black Nazis too by the way.
And what relevance is that supposed to hold for me? I'd curb stomp a black Nazi just the same as a white one but seeing as how black people were unilaterally oppressed and grouped along with jews in Germany under Nuremberg laws and there is absolutely no historical evidence whatsoever that "black nazis" exist its not a problem I'll have to deal with.
>Racism is just a natural defense mechanism from tribalism and evolution.
Just another shitty justification that shitty people use to create a framework for their shitty beliefs. Blow it out your ass, user. Not interested in your propaganda bullshit. That is also what is commonly referred to as the "appeal to nature" fallacy, wherein you claim that something being "natural" is equivalent to it being justified.
>I know enough to see the evidence infront of me. See the Olympics for just a few.
Imagine being so retarded you think watching the olympics is equivalent to being educated in genetics.
I actually live with an Ugandan flatmate at the moment and he is reinforcing my racist views.
He steals and uses my stuff even when I've told him to buy his own repeatedly. Ive taken to keeping condiments and my soap etc in my room now. Zero consideration for others. He is also an actual African not an american version with white ancestry and genes from slavery.
He also uses the word nigger more than anyone else I've ever met.
>Whatever you think, user, context always matters.
Either you respect people of different races or you refer to people of different races using dehumanizing racial slurs. You can't have both. There is no context in which referring to a black person as a nigger isn't incredibly insulting. Your logic is faulty, user.
>I met a shitty black person, therefore I am justified in being a racist!
Lol there are photos of blacks in ss uniforms from ww2 you uneducated retard.
Hitler was also allied with the grand mufti in Palestine.
You are just ignoring what is right infront of you. Heres some data on muscle genetics.
CC is mostly found in africans
CT is highest in Europeans, East Asian, Latino and South Asian.
TT is highest in South Asian as well
Clear differences not to mention bone density (higher in Africans hence they don't swim)
#the not all x argument again
Funny when you look at grooming gangs in the UK, muslims under 10% of population but make up 80% of the grooming gangs.
Its also funny how they all seem to do it in groups of 10-30 almost like they see it as normal behaviour.
Back to R*ddit with you. How about you come up with a valid reason why whites should be a minority in their own countries?
>protip: you can't
>that works
No, it doesn't. Legal systems are the polar opposite of this so-called "moral", and all it does is encourage apathy and hedonism.
You can't oppress minorities that don't exist. The end goal of nationalism is to remove such chances for "oppression" in any form. And no, this has nothing to do with violence per se. A threat of force is necessary for any system lest it be destroyed, but removing minorities can be done peacefully through the use of paid compensation and creation of rump states or autonomous zones pending reconciliation of borders.
You're hysterical regardless, and throw assumption after assumption into your rejection of "Nazis".
>Just another shitty justification that shitty people use to create a framework for their shitty beliefs.
That's a long way of saying "I don't agree with you but don't have an argument".
>hat is also what is commonly referred to as the "appeal to nature" fallacy
Not quite--he is also pointing out the use of a natural function. For example, men peeing standing up is a naturally convenient thing to do, and shouldn't be banned, but the Swedish Left party disagrees.
Here's the link, because I just know you'll disingenuously ask for a source to avoid acknowledging the point.
Similarly, having a monoracial, monocultural society is a natural and very effective way to increase solidarity and decrease internal tensions. Look up Robert Putnam's (a pro-diversity Harvard professor) study of public trust and "diversity" in the US--every time, when you increase diversity, public trust goes down, not only across racial lines, but within them, The lowest public trust in the country was in LA, hotbed of "post-racial" progressivism. Go ahead and vent about "ebil nazis", but the only enemy is one you've created in your own mind.
>5 hours after OP
Uncharacteristicly late to the party holmes
I was asleep, forgive me.
my stormfag friend was a fucking retard but he was fun to talk to before he died.
live and let live.
And you call other people niggers
Goddamn, user, OP here. Really love how you tore the stormfag a new one.
>I really love how you repeated my opinions!
>There is no context in which referring to a black person as a nigger isn't incredibly insulting
I'm not referring to a person as a nigger by saying I know someone that hates niggers, now am I. I'm sorry to anyone I've offended here that identifies as a nigger, if it is the case.
>How about you come up with a valid reason why whites should be a minority in their own countries?
Not OP but why care at all? Species replace other species. Then the sun dies and everybody will be dead too.
The only option is to live in peace today.
>Why care at all if I kill someone? They'd die eventually anyway.
Out of compassion.
And this doesn't extend to groups? Why bother with animal conservation, or dog breed pedigrees?
NotHiNg mAtTeRs lmAo
>m-muh racism is based in fact! There's totally merit to these arbitrary groupings, and human genetic variation totally isn't a gradient!
>I got a fleck of green playdoh in the red pile, better mash them together into a big brown lump
The edges are not set in stone, that doesn't dismiss the reality or utility of the group as a conceptual whole.
I didn't say that "nothing maters". I'm white and I don't care if it only blacks or asians will be living here in 100 years.
I only care if they will exist in peace and reduce the moronic cycle of humans hating and killings each other.
They wont.
>thinking that sudden "diversity" being pushed by major corporations and governments is benign
>thinking that humans are going to stop killing each other, ever
Babby's first philosophy. Greater "diversity" only decreases public trust, even within racial groups in multiracial areas.
At best, it is an irrelevancy (which isn';t supported at all by reality), one which many people happen to care about. At worst, it is an active ingredient in human conflict an division. Thus, you have no reason to support racial mixing it if you truly don't care. And friendly reminder that white nationalists (although they didn't call themselves such at the time) opposed slavery from the beginning in the colonies/US, on the grounds that it undercut poor white labor. If they had their way and gotten their pure society, we wouldn't have had anything from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Jim Crow. You can't oppress minorities if you don't have minorities.
I think they will. My goal is not arguing anyway, better get back to work since it impacts the future more than trying to persuade somebody on Jow Forums.
Go visit Netherlands. Stuff you are describing is a US cultural problem.
I'm not even right wing. I'm just one of those assholes who likes to see the situation for what it. Because of this I can't talk to a lot of my friend group about certain topics or even use humour in some ways because they don't have open minds, they've got really closed ones built upon populist feel good social media SJW rubbish which they've accepted fully and and uncritically. Most of them are literally looking for a target so they can point score and show the rest of the group what good progressive liberals they are. I can't change their minds, in their minds any conversation which differs from what they believe and have accepted as truth makes me 'one of them' and I instantly become the idiot figure in some meme they saw.
Whatever, I just don't try to change their minds and we get on just fine. Most of them are ineffective hypocrites anyway, they are just following fashion.
The only people who need constant feminist discourse and the analysis of the perspective of new marginalised groups in low level western popular culture are academics who need to keep students coming to university and taking on debt.... but, but it must be real, I paid all this money. No, you just followed something branched off critical awareness and reflection of the world around you through the lens of a certain set of theories, great job, there are loads of other ones just as 'real'.
PVV would seem to disagree.
Europe is more fucked at the moment because you don't have relics like the first amendment keeping the most overt suppression from happening--for example,
>muh culture
is a weak argument, if you can call it that. This happens anywhere you mash different groups of people together.
I see it through the need for ever increasing growth through capitalism and the commodification of human activity. Cohesive societies who look after their own and build capital in families and interpersonal connections don't need to buy as much and aren't as isolated and susceptible to the offerings of multinationals who have no local capital in the form of family or interpersonal dynamics. You can't tax the wealth that comes from building good personal connections. Capitalism seeks to undermine and remove any barrier to us being world citizens and world consumers who go to capitalists at the first sign of a need instead of our own. I don't care that somebody wants to move here because where they are is fucked, we probably did it to them because of capitalism, they want to come here because of capitalism, but if they come here and I don't know them, I don't know their family and we aren't going to do business then both of us share no locality and have no social capital. It dilutes us both and weakens our culture which is great if you are selling something and struggling to commodify culture.
You at least have a good grasp on the driver of our problems--but allowing its effects to continue lubricating the machine is a mistake.
> Netherlands
> memeing Sweden
Europe is not a country
Oh totally. Except to people around me I'm blaming immigrants when I'm not at all. I'm blaming capitalism or at least multinational, limited regulation, little financial oversight, profit driven capitalism as it is currently practised.
I'm not sure it is possible to reform it, it is just a lot of my friends are completely unwilling to give up their relative comfort and privilege, instead believing it is enough to pay lip service to the notion of being aware of your privilege and offering up no practical solution to the problems faced by communities being exploited by capitalism.
I'm not even a libertarian or anything, I don't know what the fuck I am, but the root problem of almost everything is inequality. I'm pretty shocked by how many of my very left wing friends believe we are overpopulated when really it is just resource management and overconsumption. They might not be one of the 8-10 families who own 80% of the worlds wealth, but they are certainly consuming more than the bottom 50% of people.
The thing is, the answer isn't to let those people come here so they can do what we do. We don't even exist in a meritocracy. We've got a work shortage. Productivity is falling year by year. We are literally making up jobs to keep people busy to keep societies stable to keep the machine grinding onwards. We've got people working round the clock to convince people they need to over consume ethically.
The EU is a thing. I just gave an example of how you convince yourselves you're "progressive" enough to not have the same problem that crops up every single time two different groups are forced together in the same space.
Also, nice job dodging the mention of the PVV.
You gave zero examples beyond the Sweden meme, there are other countries. Even Belgium is different in handling and integrating immigrants (worse than in NL). Norway is very different (better) from Sweden. Travel Europe and you will see yourself.
>look at all these different piles of shit
Your point? It's all headed in the same direction, that's why you have Europe-wide cordon sanitaires of nationalist parties.
>You gave zero example
I gave you the third-largest party in your legislature, which exists pretty much entirely due to the Muslim problem.
At the last census in 2011 the UK was 87% white, 6% South Asian, 3% Black, and 4% other. In 2016 Germany was 93% white, 5% Middle eastern, 1.5% East/Southeast Asian, and less than 1% black.
Most immigration in European countries comes from other European countries. So while Germany is 93% white, it's only 81% ethnic German. Whether that's okay or not I guess depends on exactly what sort of racist you are.
The US was 90% white just 55 years ago, and?
Those numbers are dropping like rocks, and it's only going to get worse.
Norway can go and fuck itself with its smug sense of self satisfaction, imagining that it is somehow doing everything right through a natural ability instead of turning a blind eye to the constantly ticking interest on the oil money which makes everything easy mode. Check your privilege. Also having been there most of your young people just have sad little apartments, smoke way too much hash, talk about the superiority of norway and then want to go out into the woods for weird masculine power fantasies.
Woah, USian calling Western Europe shit! right, this kind of delusion brings people to nationalism.
Thanks for reminding me why I shouldn’t ever argue with you guys.
Also I’m not from EU (Slav) but traveled there and to both coasts of the US. The US can only dream getting on Netherlands level.
UK is white retard
Birth rates are going down because people are CHOOSING to not have children. You can either allow immigrants in to keep population numbers up or your country dies. You have to pick one.
You can either:
>allow in these immigrants, who will learn the language of their new country and adopt aspects of the new culture, thus sustaining the country
>don't let immigrants in and let births fall below replacement rates, thereby dooming the country
Do you want your country to survive (long-term benefits), or do you want no brown people in your country (short-term effects)?
I know that statistically population drop looks terrifying, also the rapidity within which is can fall off once you stop reaching replacement rate, but it can also bounce back quite quickly if the conditions are right.
'keeping the country going' is basically what the goverment and business want.
Keeping the country going is literally why the government is letting all these immigrants in.
It's a desperate attempt to keep births above replacement rates. Japan is starting to do the same thing because they've got even lower birth rates.
Again, capitalism. Constant growth. Don't worry about what humans want. Worry about what business wants. Mould people to fit systems, they are just capital, resources etc.
If you don't let immigrants in to repopulate your country so those at the top behind the barbed wire can continue to maintain the status quo you are a racist.
I never said we weren't worse off, I'm saying that the only reason Europe is better is that they're earlier in the process of being replaced. Fuck off with your meme hate of Americans, I hate the US too.
>You can either allow immigrants in to keep population numbers up or your country dies.
>you need an infinitely expanding population
You don't even need a level population, but of course the internationalists are desperate to keep their ponzi scheme of debt going, so they need more bodies. That's literally what social security is, it's relying on future growth to fund present spending.
If a system fails when you stop relying on an impossible course of action, then you don't keep pumping in resources to prop it up, you tear down the damn system and build a new one. And I don't give one flaming fuck about numbers in a computer when they're compared to blood.
>yay, the stock market was saved
>oh yeah whites are now extinct teehee
Give me a break. Take your stocks and shove it.
And before you start prancing around saying I want people to starve, would you prefer a guaranteed income or the lives of your family?