Why are Lefties obsessed with this guy?

Why are Lefties obsessed with this guy?

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because he's a lefty

He's nuts. Just a confused boomer with a PhD that is trying to piece together some kind of philosophy to overcome whatever personal issues he has. Guy clearly seems unstable to me.

The whole lobster analogy is ridiculous. I don't think you can make accurate assessments of human social behavior based of the hierarchical order of sea-dwelling invertebrates.

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Charlatan. It's infuriating how rich he's gotten off this whole thing

This. It's no fair maids make less than a man who tells you to clean but doesn't even help

Because they are not used to hear a "no" as an answer.

Lefties hate him because he isn't a nihilistic asshole who wants destruction.

Alt-Right hates him because he is socially aware enough not to go on a public rant about the jews and he believes in individual agency.

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He actually does give tons of advice on how to unfuck your shit. It's just hidden in hour long lectures that Jow Forums knuckle draggers don't have the attention span for.

>politely dismantles your narrative

I mean i don't hate the guy. I can appreciate that he's a better alternative than your average academic dingbat, but it doesn't mean he's right. His whole radically individualism shit is so flawed it's not even funny. There have been no "radically individual" peoples in all of history. For the myths of rome he loves to quote so much, he really doesn't seem to understand roman or greek social organization.

>It's infuriating how rich he's gotten
are you sure you're not on the left?

>Alt-Right hates him because he is socially aware enough not to go on a public rant about the jews
or maybe people hate him because he is pro demographic replacement? Why does everything have to boil down to da jooz with you morons?

>4 hour podcast on why cleaning your room and keeping your living conditions tidy help foster responsible habits overtime via neural plasticity and habit formation sloppily merged with strange and irrelevant takes on Christianity and mythology.

It's just a self help book that could have been 100 pages and written by eckart tolle.

Peterson is cool. I don't agree with him on everything, but he's pretty good.



>The whole lobster analogy is ridiculous. I don't think you can make accurate assessments of human social behavior based of the hierarchical order of sea-dwelling invertebrates.

All he is saying with the lobster thing is that dominance hierarchies are very very old and we most definitely live in one. We can observe it even in lobsters. Lobsters low on the totem pole get less serotonin, don't breed, and have short lives. The same is generally true with with all species of animals.

To deny that humans see our world though the lens of the dominance hierarchy is idiotic


That's a certain portion, yeah, but I think there is also a large portion that understand that his attempts to merge his radical individualism with the history of the west and christianity is entirely flawed logic.

>fundamentally opposed to them
>operating in an institution they believe they own by right, making him a sort of class traitor
All of these reasons.

They're not. Juden Peterstein is being astroturfed by the Jewish media, he's controlled opposition, a kosher "rebel" that tells young men to wash their balls while sucking off the based Jews and how collectivism is bad (except when non-whites and Jews do it).

>radically individualism
I think he makes a pretty airtight case for the promotion of the individual above the collective as being the core of enlightenment values

Is he though? I don't see him going out on the stump for mass immigration.

You can't say everyone who doesn't tend to talk about it is pro demographic replacement

I can't tell if people are just genuinely too stupid to understand the point of the lobster analogy or if they're just trolling at this point.

The right don't care about Juden Peterstein. No one actually care. Justm another e-celeb for mutts

>needs to listen to a four hour lecture by some academia boomer to get his shit together

Clean your room. Brush your teeth. Get in shape. Get a job. There, I just saved your four hours and lots of money. Do you need more self-help advice you smelly neckbeard?

>His whole radically individual shit is so flawed
literally everything is flawed

I'm not denying the notion of dominance hierarchies. That's fine. I just think if he wants to make such a grand claim about humans he should probably do more than make some vague analogy about a creature that barely has a brain. This is the problem with psychology. They can go off and make these grand claims with nothing to back them up and people take it as total truth.

Why do you goddamn niggers keep spamming this faggot?

Because he has 20x as much influence as a national news program with dozens of employees and a budget of millions.

It reminds me of the people who say "if we evolved from monkeys why do monkeys still exist?"

>His whole radically individualism shit is so flawed it's not even funny. There have been no "radically individual" peoples in all of history
There have in western civilisation mate. Classical liberalism, which I think is what Peterson describes his own ideology as, has allowed such independent and influential thinkers as Plato, Newton, Darwin, etc. to prosper.

Just because he doesn't talk about "muh white genocide" doesn't mean he is "pro demographic replacement" you fucking idiot.

I have never watched or listened to one of his long lectures all the way through because they're too long. I have watched a lot of shorter videos and interviews of him speaking though. My point being that you don't have to watch the long videos if you don't want to.

He's still a smart guy and he counters a lot of the toxic bullshit coming from the radical left.

Why shit on the guy so much? I'm guessing you're either on the left or you're an edgy teenage neo-nazi. I don't see why else he would piss you off so much.

The lobster thing is legit. I don't think you realize what he means by it.

Yes, the enlightenment was a small fraction of the history of the west and even then just to the upper-class intellectuals. You want to tell me that the hundreds of thousands of men who died in WW1 and the Napoleonic wars were fighting because they were "strong individuals"? He doesn't understand history very well from what I can tell and he's just attempting to anachronistically apply his own theories to events that didn't unfold that way.

He helped me with a major problem I was having. I didnt have to go to a doctor or any outside help. I was able to take care of the problem myself, this means (((they))) had no way of intervening.

I don't always agree with JP but he helped me and I respect him. The left can't handle anything that doesn't require a group to intercede.

>You can't say everyone who doesn't tend to talk about it is pro demographic replacement
then why constantly bash people for talking about it? Why preach the evils of collectivism, as if not wanting to be a minority in your own country makes you a nazi or a communist? Why disinvite Faith Goldy because of her opinons and ties to ethnonationalist groups? Why refuse to debate ethnonationalist when you preach the importance of debate? Why all the incoherence when you caim to be a paragon of logic and coherence?

Because he's one of them, and he said something slightly wrong. Nothing pisses them off more.

because he kicked his wife her child out of the house because wanted to fuck his "friend"

anyone else remember when Jow Forums used to suck his cock?

holy fuck you're actually retarded
it isn't a vague analogy it's a direct argument for biological essentialism
do you know what evolution is?

You are the only one mentioning white genocide. I refer you to my other post

When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.

The ideas of the far-left are so bad that when they are put into practice, everyone tries to leave because their lives are under threat. However, today there are some people who march in the streets with hammer-and-sickle symbols, which represent these terror states of the 20th Century, like the Soviet Union. When will politicians denounce and disavow the far-left imagery? After all, killing on the scale of several tens of millions is something that must never happen again, the political activity which took place under the hammer-and-sickle.

It is obvious you didn't read the book.


I don't think it is. The West has a long history of valuing personal freedom and individualism FAR MORE than probably any other culture on the planet.

Good post, I think you're right.

When this is the only thing you can say because you don't have an argument, all you're showing is that you're a complete and utter idiot.

>he should probably do more than make some vague analogy about a creature that barely has a brain.

That's kind of the point of the analogy.

A creature that is extremely ancient and has a very basic brain still shares these fundamental traits with us.

All life is connected and we pretty much share the same brain blueprints. Our brains just have a lot more shit tacked on.

For the usual reason - he is highly effective at countering their entire life existence. An existential threat.

You can't explain the lobster thing to leftist. It's a real problem that they can't understand his basic point.

>I don't get it so nothing backs it up
>the lobster thing is his only argument for competence hierarchies being natural in human beings

>Why shit on the guy so much?
Because he's advocating for more white cultural atomization while every other culture bands together ethnically.

>racial individualism

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He doesn't bash people for talking about it. He has even discussed his concerns about Islamic immigration and how it will mix with western culture. You don't have to a full blown white nationalist to be against mass immigration

You're one of the dumbest fucks I've seen in a while. Congrats.

I remember before they were swayed by Murdoch Murdoch memes

>The West has a long history of valuing personal freedom and individualism FAR MORE than probably any other culture on the planet.
The British certainly do. Most of Continental Europe was pretty faggy about this, and in in some ways still are, just differently than before.

>muh dik

He's a pretty good psychologist.
Pretty mediocre in everything else.

I would recommend that people read JBP's psychological stuff a little then jump on over to Carl Jung, the source, once they've been adequately eased in by JBP.

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>The whole lobster analogy is ridiculous. I don't think you can make accurate assessments of human social behavior based of the hierarchical order of sea-dwelling invertebrates.
The lobster analogy is the only really interesting thing he's said. The rest is either obvious shit or jewcuck shit.
On second thought the lobster analogy is pretty obvious too; stand up straight, don't be such a pussy, wash your dick and clean your room.

I found him through his lectures, he's good as a professor but leaves a lot of logic holes in his monologue that he just smooths over. His political views are tailored to a public audience and I very much believe he hides his power level and does it well.
Overall he's a fool with a torch but one worth the time to listen to.


He said radical, not racial

He's an average respectable conservative (cuckservative) promoting cuck culture rather than cuck politics. In a word: he's silly.

>He has even discussed his concerns about Islamic immigration and how it will mix with western culture.
You see, this is my issue with him. He fears islamic immigration because of its cultural impact, yet never mentions and actively silences the discussion about ethnicity and demography.
His only concern is the fact that we might end up with sharia law, and while that is a concern I share, it is far less concerning and far less realistic than being replaced by third world migrants, be they from the middle east, africa, asia or south america. He has zero problem with that as long as they "integrate", yet doesn't care to point out the complete failure of integration in most European countires that has been going on since the 60s, since any significant number of visible minorites cannot hope to be integrated.

He is far more dangerous than rabid leftists, since he sounds reasonable when he advocates for my replacement

beta sheeple faggots enjoy a subversive kike masquerading as an alpha to tell them what to do, such as “clean your room”.

as a classical liberal, I agree with him almost 100% of the time.

though I haven't watched That much from him.

AMA if you want lads, im interested in exploring this..
seeing how close the left and right truly can be.

im a leftist. no idea who he is

>white cultural atomization
Fuck off. He's universal in his opposition to tribalism and collectivism. Adhesive tribalism moves from other groups are something to be resisted because they threaten the Individual, not ignored because "it's not our business" or something like that. He has absolutely put people like black identitarians on full blast.

What is one non-white country that must receive immigration?

I used to hate Peterson but the fact that there are bi-hourly attack threads wherein Shareblue shills LARP as stormfags and spam the exact same scripted attacks ("Peterstein!", "controlled op!", "gatekeeper!", "Zionist shill", etc.) has made me absolutely love him.

It's because the whole leftist line of thinking stems from them being unsorted and so they reject personal responsibility for their lives and security and hand over to the authorities. Peterson unravels that mindset completely by showing there is another way: to clean your room bucko

>s a classical liberal

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Leftists don't believe in inequality on a fundemental basis. It's a irreconcilable difference.


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He forced himself at the end to drink the koolaid instead of entering the Void. He's a coward but I won't hold it against him as most men are, hell I was the last time It presented Itself to me.

Must receive immigration?
What does that mean?

and yes a classical liberal
further information

-I make more money than you as a higher level guy in business. (I know the ins and outs of the business world)
- I think progressives have plenty of things wrong.

Jeez, Peterson fanbois are intense. I'm not even a leftist. I have a masters in biomed and i have no problem with dominance hierarchies.

To state that you can use a lobsters nervous system as a homologous model for the human brain is patently absurd and no real scientist would take that seriously. I really don't have a problem with the conclusions he comes to in this analogy, but the method of getting there is typical of psychologists.

"See even LOBSTERS, have hierarchies AND SEROTONIN!!"

Oh wow, and just in case you guys were wondering, the neurochemical model of human consciousness is a lot more complicated than he makes it out to be. Serotonin is a NT sure, but he's ignoring so many other physiological processes that are running to control our emotional states. Does he touch at all on how Local Field potentials might actually work to potentiate individual cell activity and how they modulate their NT release or receptivity? Does he mention how this might work in a Lobster brain, a creature that has a drastically more simplistic nervous system? I"m not asking Peterson to be a neurologist, I'm just asking him to know his limits.

He's a 90's leftist. 2000's leftists resent him for it.

You realize that the disagreement here is significantly more fundamental than what your summary talks about, right?

to elaborate though, im searching for things that he believes in that I disagree with.

just haven't seen any yet

>what is a traitor
Traitors are especially bad, user. Time to put on your big-boy pants and fight the war that's in front of you.

But to put it simply he is a liberal and I am not

and not liberal in the american sense

>as a homologous model
That's not the claim, retard.

He believed that Charlottesville was something bad that "the right" did, user. The legally permitted protest rally was broken up by anti-white street thugs (extreme far-leftists) and Mr Peterson blamed the pro-white nationalists who had the permit! He's an anti-white cuckservative, user. And worse than that, he is a self-hating traitor.

Okay well then he can't use any of western history as an example because "classical liberalism" was a tiny blip on the radar that was enjoyed by the wealthy intellectual class.

Do you really want to argue that ancient Greece and Rome valued the individual above all else? What followed the enlightenment? Napoleonic wars of conquest and WWI. None of that seems very "individual" to me.

I like him a lot but where he says 'Men don't have responsibilities because they're villainized and need something to do' at first motivated me for about a year and a half, then once I entered the race again, I just realized why the fuck am I doing anything when other men do it much better, I don't even need to be here, everything is sorted out and even in surplus. Should've stayed in my fucking room.

He isn't wrong, but there always has to be losers. What am I supposed to do with 89 tested IQ in Petersons world?

All rhetorical, not here for an ass licking.

Oh that faggot who was hoisted up as a legend in pol like six months back, I think his name is Peterson, right? Why would you bring that up OP if you "did not" want people to be obsessed with him, I dare say Tumblr hasn't taught you how to blend in.

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Hmm okay..
But if he believes thousands came together in the name of a stupid ideology then he has the right to say they were wrong.
having a perceived pro white Nazi rally can be condemned by anyone logically
Especially with our countries patriotic history.

It means you MUST receive immigration dumbass

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While true, that all doesn't quite hit my point. The two significant points of disagreement are whether or not visible minorities can integrate, and what constitutes as replacement. Saying that he's in favor of your replacement makes it sound like he agrees with you about birth if those issues, but actively and maliciously wishes you harm.

Uuuuuhhhhhhh acshhhhually theres no sucsh thing as an alpha wolf

When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.

Oh, youre asking if countries should be forced to receive immigrants in general..

the answer is it depends on the country.
Some have the infrastructure to handle it, some don't.
Some have a history and are built upon certain principles some are not.

Is immigration a problem in the US? No. it really isn't. more so pussies crying.
Is it a problem in say western Europe? at the moment yes it is.

>Why disinvite Faith Goldy because of her opinons and ties to ethnonationalist groups? Why refuse to debate ethnonationalist when you preach the importance of debate?
Petersonites will ignore this and instead reply "edgelord" to every basic insult.

Conservation principle in evolution you dumbfuck.

>anyone else remember when Jow Forums used to suck his cock?
He has the almost the same contingent of cocksuckers he's always had.
He's always been a contentious figure here.

Lefties don't like him because he says to take self responsibility, pol doesn't like him because he says to take self responsibility. Pol = lefties?

You're asking me how I feel about extremists..
How do you think?

But to compare that to even the extreme progressive left in America (which is about 2% of liberals -that conservatives pretend are 98%) is pretty stupid.

Peterson trying to avoid a media firestorm.

You know they're just waiting to put him on blast for anything they can get their hands on.

The ideas of the far-left are so bad that when they are put into practice, everyone tries to leave because their lives are under threat. However, today there are some people who march in the streets with hammer-and-sickle symbols, which represent these terror states of the 20th Century, like the Soviet Union. When will politicians denounce and disavow the far-left imagery? After all, killing on the scale of several tens of millions is something that must never happen again, the political activity which took place under the hammer-and-sickle.

>Okay well then he can't use any of western history as an example because "classical liberalism" was a tiny blip on the radar that was enjoyed by the wealthy intellectual class.
He's talking about fundamental issues of human nature. That didn't suddenly change during the enlightenment.

>Do you really want to argue that ancient Greece and Rome valued the individual above all else? What followed the enlightenment? Napoleonic wars of conquest and WWI.
Napoleon as the result of Continentalism (specifically a sort of nascent Marxism) co-opting things and suppressing people following enlightenment ideals. Napoleon took advantage of the ensuing chaos. Blaming that on the enlightenment is as retarded as blaming the actions of the USSR on Russian monarchists.

yes, that is why they use lobsters instead of mice or monkeys for human neuroscience research. You don't know what you're talking about.

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>The two significant points of disagreement are whether or not visible minorities can integrate, and what constitutes as replacement.
And he actively refuses to debate on both. The fact that minorities cannot be integrated can be esily deduced by visiting any country in western Europe, looking at our crime stats and prison stats as well as simply talking to the minorites. As for what qualifies as replacement we can look at a simple demographic pyramid and see that when 30% of your 1 years old is foreign it clearly is a sign of replacement.
But let's at least have a debate on it and not shut it down as if there was something to hide, you only give credit to conspiracy theorists that way.