Help me pls

>6/10 looking arab
>a bit autistic
>she's 1-2 years older than me
>a bit taller?
>potentially lesbian or asexual
>more intelligent
>white and middle class
>same school faculty, different years and levels
>we don't know eachother at all

how do i subdue her to end up dating me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>more intelligent than you
>taller and older than you
>you don’t know each other
I mean, you pretty much answered your own question.

there's a way to do anything right?
she's out of my league but that shouldn't be a deal breaker

Ask her out and you'll know.

Stop being retarded, dont assume anything, stop overthing bullshit and ask her casually on date. Ice cream and park.

If she doesnt even know you exist, just introduce yourself, ask her how is she doing and then ask for her number.

>inb4 ramadan
Pic related, just replace jezus with kebab.

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how? do i try to ambush her when her friends aren't closeby? do i put a note in her locker asking for a meetup or my number? what do i do?

where do i take it from there? regular dates if it clicks?

You don’t. You go the hell back.

this is my home now user
your women and your sons will be mine

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Apparently not, you inbred autistic Muhammad cock sucking faggot

Jesus, kiddo. How old are you? 16?

you're reverse-psychology motivating me to ask her out, aren't ya?

i won't dissapoint, chum!

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for convenience sake assume i'm as unexperienced as one

Actually your women all belong to white men. None of them want to be forced into an arranged marriage, they want to be drunk sluts. This happens to every immigrant from a strict society once they get exposed to western degeneracy. Sorry, your sisters have already been partying and sucking cocks.

I said stop overthinking bullshit. Simply get her number and then casually invite her to casual 1vs1 activity.

If in doubt, smile at her like retard.

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I have one half-sister and she's in Iraq
also you're implying i want gentrified piece of shit girls who chase white guys and sinful relationship

>if in doubt smile at her like retard
I will try my best, user, wish me luck

Allahu akbar go the fuck back

just ask her out, brother
leagues are a meme

ps: guys, not all arabs are muslims, you know?

>not all arabs
What is next? Not all water is wet?

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Yes but all arabs are nonwhite, and they have to go back.

You'll die alone and a virgin then because nobody wants to convert to your religion. You need to adapt and start drinking beer and eating bacon. Then you will have a chance with white girls.

>subdue her
You know what, i gave you the benefit of the doubt until you used that word.

i don't care about her faith as lon as the children go to the mosque

lack of a better word, if i make any chance getting with 'er it's subduing her figuratively (or literally alternatively)

This is how Islam manages to sneak into Western society. The males can marry non muslim females, but not vice versa.

I hope that you guys do manage to take over the West. Thus will begin an age of technological decline because you won't have any new innovation, amd those that go against the norm will be killed. Kind of like the Middle East.

>6/10 looking arab
>white and middle class
Well which is it?

>Thus will begin an age of technological decline
And That's A Good Thing

>6/10 looking arab
>white and middle class



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Oh lawdy

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Your kids will still drink and have casual sex.

>a couple of illiterates from the desert will overthrow a civilization with hundreds of years of history and hundreds of millions of people
Back to Jow Forums with you.

>And that's a good thing

If you're OP, I really hope that it will happen. Imagine the world today without the West. No vaccines, no air conditioning, no phones, no nothing. People would be living like it was a thousand years ago. The arabs did nothing but steal ideas from the Persians, Greeks, etc. I hope it comes to bite you in the ass, when years later some mysterious disease kills all of the populace because no one knows how to solve it, or some Abdullah Muhammed prime minister shoots a nuke at a country for "not following Islam" etc.

Holy shit do you really not recognize a meme when you see one
Imagine being this buttblasted all the time

They will. Declining birth rates for the Westerners, Western altruism, more immigration, etc., they will eventually overpopulate the West. There's a Muslim mayor in the heart of the U.K. for heaven's sake. They will take over, slowly but surely. I'm not a poltard for believing this can't be reversed. Most of the population is stupid and can't see what's going on, and actually support it. Try to critisise Christianity, and then Islam. The critisism of one will not be accepted at all. It is, after all, a religion of peace.
Either they will conquer all and their stupidity will be their downfall, or the Asians will conquer them because they have the balls to.

Facts and figures do not agree with you at all. Besides, look at America which is in every way far more "taken over". They are still standing.

not on my watch
i will be a capable parent and my kid will marry an english aristocrat and have a lot of attractive babies

not me

nothing beats a bunch of troglodytes trying to have academic tier, intellectual discourse but falling through the floor

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>subdue her

Okay I'm betting this is trolling, but for anyone else who formulates thoughts and plans using such terms, a piece of protip:
if you have to ask people for advice on how to "subdue" others, you're shooting way above your league. Socialize and figure it out, because if you're gonna do it by just following somebody else's instructions, just forget it. You might pull it off, but you don't have the charisma to maintain it.

>you don't have the charisma to maintain it
do you need charisma? just don't be a dickhead and keep her interested

r/K selection. Although you're partially right, what is going on now is more like civilizational suicide.
The US is a zombie, it stands for nothing but materialism and continues on through sheer momentum.
>i will be a capable parent and my kid will marry an english aristocrat and have a lot of attractive babies
Oh, this is just a larp.

y-y-you mean girls dont look like this in real ... l-liife?

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Not in England, I'm afraid.
Unless, of course, you go to Londonistan and start flirting with walking drapery.

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I dated an Iraqi guy, thought he was cute but all my friends said he was ugly so you might have a chance. I was taller and much more well off than him

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what happened?
also there's no girls on the internet and there's no gay iraqis so what sorcery is this

If she was better off than him chances are she just bailed when he started being pushy about marriage kids and sharia.

user, maybe you should just try to become her friend first and see if you two have a connection?! Good luck, she sounds like a nice girl! You just have to get to know her first!

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wow what a Nice poster :D

Thank you for acknowledging this, that makes you a nice poster too! I hope you have a comfy day and even if some things bring you down and make you feel bad, I hope there will always be small nice things and glimpses of hopes in your day!

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White girls racemix the least and at the bottom of the barrel is your race so good luck.
You have no chance, stick with your own cousin.
And ye you have to go back

Blacks are at the bottom, though

He broke up with me, saying his mental health was the issue. He did indeed have really bad problems but it turned out the main reason was he was in love with some other girl and he was just using me as a second opinion and got tired of me.

Feels bad, only guy I ever had deep feelings for, and we only dated for a month.

>deep feelings
>dated for only a month
>race traitor
Checks out

water is not wet :^)
it makes things wet, but you cannot either dry or wet water
send my back little shit

I think this would change if you could smell them through tinder

I must admit my taste in men sucks (regardless of their ethnicity), but how am I being a race traitor when Arabs and me, a Slav, are both Caucasoids? Also we never had benis in vagina sex, he was scared of it for some reason

>how am I being a race traitor when Arabs and me, a Slav, are both Caucasoids
Arabs are Semites, only the US census groups them in with whites. I'm mostly Slavic, too.
>Also we never had benis in vagina sex
Oh, great, a whore too. The fact you had to highlight this only tells me you did something else.

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paying attention to race in a negative way shows your virginity and bitterness, incel-boy

I still consider to be in the same race group.

Also what do you mean with your second point? What else did I do?

>I still consider to be in the same race group.
It's not. Admittedly, it is much more preferable than coalburning, but it is still outbreeding--hell, mixing with a Bosniak is bad on religious grounds alone. Leave them to their pedophile prophet.
>What else did I do?
Undoubtedly other sexual activity that "didn't count". Protip: it does.

Why are you so hung up on the fact that I for a short while dated someone from a different ethnicity and religious background lol

Yeah we did do some sexual activities together, as is normal for a couple. If that makes me a whore then okay.

Sorry OP, didn't mean to get your whole thread derailed

>Why are you so hung up on the fact that I for a short while dated someone from a different ethnicity and religious background
Because you freely gave up your people and opened the possibility of lasting genetic damage to them. If all racemixers were sterilized then I wouldn't have much issue with it, but their mongrel kids are an irreversible change to society.

>Yeah we did do some sexual activities together
There we go, from your own mouth.
>as is normal for a couple
What is normal is not what is good. You're just in company with the legions of whores and manwhores in the world, you can rot with them, deservedly so.

>worships nazi ideology
how much lower than 80 iq can one be?

you're the one throwing semite, slavic, whore, coalburning, outbreeding and other words around from Jow Forums lingo

stop posting, nobody wants to talk to you asshole

>what is normal is not what is good
and what is good is subjective. end of story

>mongrel kids are an irreversible change to society
mixed race children perform better overall also, i'm sure you're an olympic swimmer, black belt wearer and a chess master with three P.h.D's that you can so retardedly obsess over genetics and race

i bet you're fucking hercules man that's why you're on Jow Forums shitposting as "literally Hitler"

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Generalplan Ost was just an assessment of expected casualties. Obviously the Germans didn't treat slavs well, but in any case broad NatSoc ideology is sound when applied to another nation, adjusting for context.
Look up the ROA. Half of my grandparents were in Germany in WWII, and one of them even tried to sign up for the Luftwaffe.
>strawman in all caps
There it is. Go back to tumblr.
>stop posting, nobody wants to talk to you
You seem eager enough.

>what is good is subjective. end of story
Then shut the fuck up, since your opinion is just as irrelevant as mine. But you don't honestly believe this, since we both recognize that there exist objectively better ways of accomplishing given tasks, like structuring a stable and happy society.
>mixed race children perform better overall
Yeah, more mental illnesses, how wonderful.
And more "diverse" societies are also less trusting.
>" immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the US suggests that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’. Trust (even of one's own race) is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friends fewer."
Note the "long-run" optimism that he needed to add even though it isn't what he measured.

>i'm sure you're an olympic swimmer, black belt wearer and a chess master with three P.h.D's
You bet! Huwhite power!

Blow it out your ass, parasite.

>a stable and happy society
where consenting adults can't have sex with consenting adults

piece of shit

>mixed kids perform better overall
The guy who went on a stabbing spree in London last ramadan and Elliot Rodgers woukd like a word with you

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>natsoc is sound

you're a literal subhuman in that ideology

what's your standing in society? how wealthy are you? what do you work as?

let me guess

- barely talks to people outside his house, unmarried, kissless virgin, never had female friends
- bad to average looks as a result of bad genes
- either doesnt work or 9 to 5 job at walmart like company, poor or lower middle class
- compensates for his experienced inferiority by larping on Jow Forums, as he cannot standout in the same way on Jow Forums
be honest and tell me how many of my predictions are true

Good is not subjectve. Order is good and chaos is bad. Promiscuity begets chaos, and is thus objectively bad.

>where consenting adults can't have sex with consenting adults
A strawman. You can do it, but you will be condemned and will face consequences--I've explained that fornication isn't something which can be feasibly dealt with using heavy-handed tactics, although adultery is.
But what determined the capacity for consent? Why can't I promise a 5 year old candy in exchange for a blowjob? The 5 year old can already have his dick cut off.
The answer is that you don't have one, you're just venting hot air that someone has a coherent ideology you don't like.
> stability and happiness
I'm sure you've seen the sources, but relationships are far more stable and happy when the partners wait.
>you're a literal subhuman in that ideology
In the German version, yes, although that was largely a political maneuver to take back Eastern territories and bash the Soviets. Refer to my previous post, Slavs supporting Germany is not some new thing. But would I repeat the atrocities of the Eastern Front towards Slavs? Hell no.

I want to apply it to whites as a whole in the US and each European ethnicity.

-don't have to, yes, yes (it would be silly if I wasn't), no (had one, we talked last weekend)
-can't say, but had a few girls back in HS approach me
-not a NEET
-I post on Jow Forums too and argue with them about the same things, just without the trip

But none of these things have any bearing on the arguments I make.

You're just attacking his character instead of his arguments
You are infact the subhuman.

>two people are representative of a whole race
stop derailing my thread

if you try to enforce it there'll be secrecy and from secrecy the chaos quietly eats your society from the inside out victorian era style

>you're just attacking his character instead of his arguments
>calls him a subhuman too

why do you want to prod your nose in other peoples business? you keep on repeating this whole "good for society" thing like it means something. society knows what's good for society. if you want to change "society" become a politician for your revolutionary ideas which are brilliant and thought out and many people will appreciate and acknowledge as having academic credibility

but you won't because it doesn't have academic credibility and because nobody agrees with you so you're larping against some shitskin (me) who wants white bobs and vagen about how it isn't moral like i give a fuck

stop finding scapegoats for your own inadequacy, you've changed absolutely nothing in the time you spent lecturing us about things that are very questionable of being true and credible

you will find one academic loosely mention something about race and how we're different in the end and will warp it to suit your needs

liberty or death, you will never succeed

>>calls him a subhuman too
There is a difference between insulting someone and invalidating their arguments because of the insult. He called you a subhuman for what you did, and didn't pass judgement on your "arguments" one way or another.

>why do you want to prod your nose in other peoples business? you keep on repeating this whole "good for society" thing like it means something.
It does mean something, that't the entire reason for politics, to enforce certain behaviors on groups.
> society knows what's good for society.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Dipshit of the millennium right here.

>if you want to change "society" become a politician for your revolutionary ideas which are brilliant and thought out and many people will appreciate and acknowledge as having academic credibility
Democracy is a joke for the above reason. "Appreciate credibility" my ass, care to explain why Drumpf was elected?
>it doesn't have academic credibility
Public Opinion by Walter Lippman. Credibility is manufactured in the world of opinions.
>stop finding scapegoats for your own inadequacy
Baseless assumption.
>that are very questionable of being true and credible
Then go ahead and bring sources of your own. Nobody does it. Nobody can. You can argue that "diversity" is good from a monetary standpoint, but that's not what I care about. As for the credibility, that's not mine, that's the authors of the published, peer-reviewed sources. Go rant at them for giving fuel to some tripfag on Jow Forums, fag.

>liberty or death, you will never succeed
Can't wait for the next civil war, shitskin.

Your existence is against my morals. You can continue to exist, but you will be condemned and face consequences.

I assume he's not the result of racemixing. Since he advocates racial purity (a huge meme of the last two centuries, lacking scientific and historical foundations) and he's racially pure, a society of people like him must be ideal.
He is part of his own arguments. Now imagine of our society were people that were just like him.
Full of hatred towards people who don't the share race as him, even though he's gentically closer to an Iranian or Turk or Arab than he is to a German.
Staying home all day. Not participating in society. Estranged from the real world.
Would you take advice from a person, who doesnt partake in society and who mainly socialises online, where he shares his fringe beliefs, because he is unable to do so in real life?

It's like a person born deaf talking about his favourite vocalist.

He thinks he is God Emperor of Dune. Try throwing it back at him, him being a NEET is certainly not good for society.

Existence is by definition a series of consequences. But in any case thanks for endorsing my line of thought, just remember to incorporate an end goal and reasoning for reaching it. "Morals" aren't just "anything I think".
Actually, I'm a Mischling. One-quarter kike. so you can toss that baseless assumption, too.
Now can you get back to addressing the posts instead of engaging in pointless speculation, or is that too difficult for you?
>Full of hatred towards people who don't the share race as him
"Hate" is a meme term these days anyway, but I don't hate anyone for their race alone. I do hate certain actions like miscegenation, but I wish the best for other peoples and societies.

this is you
this is what i'm supposed to be scared of

trust me, if a civil war ever breaks out i will fucking kill any stormfront assailant

come at me bro

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I do go outside and have a friend circle. I told him already people rarely mix, white girls least of all.
Maybe in America it's different but at the uni I'm at in the Uk races live very seperate apart from a few solo. Asians/whites/blacks whatever tend to be within their own groups 90% of the time. With white groups maybe have one diversity friend.
My group is like 5-8 white dudes and 3-4 white girls when we go out drinking etc.
There are only 1 other in the group that shares my politics the rest are slightly right and centrist, one lefty girl.

tell me why two productive members of society who abide by the law, pay their taxes and pray to whatever entity they're worshipping or not worshipping, getting married results in the collapse of your sweet tart society?

the United States of America is the fastest growing nation with the biggest economy and the greatest academias, it is also the land of the free built from countless of origins, creeds and crews

you assume that
A) nobody is thinking long term about their choice of partner
B) people are fulfilling their desires impulsively
C) other races and cultures mixing with european culture would result in a degenerative result
D) people would unanimously accept a moral code that suits you and that society is blind to what it needs

In this modern theatre we live in, the law rules all, most countries have freedom of sexual orientation, religion, congregation and speech. you have all the tools necessary to succeed. you are responsible of your own family, what i end up doing with mine isn't your concern.
Trump got collected because he is a good politician, the fact that people chose him instead of the huge coalition of other politicians goes to show people want change, want their country to be sovereign and want the status quo to be repealed

your opinion doesn't matter as long as it isn't heard in the ministry, the parliament or in the ears of the citizenry who's going to vote

why you are vehemently opposed to a society where you can have a discussion with others without being persecuted and where the government can be held seriously accountable for breaking your rights or privacy i have no idea of.

opinions have no value but to obstruct the way of seeing the objective truth which is that the only way to know something for sure is to go through with the scientific method and empirical evidence. not with tripe about race, about morals and other nonsense
the governing unit doesn't ever consult the general populace's opinions but their attitude

No need to address your points. What do you expect here, an academic discussion with a sub 80 iq mongoloid on why racemixing is good and why we shouldn't kick all the niggers out?
There is no point in arguing with you, even if I showed you objective truth you would deny it.
I mean, just the definition of white and non-white is arbitrary, completly made up, devoid of any scientific substance. Using the term miscegenation, actually advocating for racial purity when it has been time and time proven again that the opposite, a wide variety of genes, are necessary for a healthy society.

>immigration and ethnic diversity is bad

every big empire, from Rome to the US proves you otherwise. It's a two edged sword, it can be the cause of either very good or bad. What determines a good society is culture, wealth and unity. Immigration and ethnic diversity can increase all of that, but it can also hurt all of it. It's all about handling it correctly.

>miscegenation causes mental issues/sickness

Total bullshit, that's the result of bad genes/environment and not of racial difference. The same could've occured with a probably higher probability with people from your own "race".

It is like trying to argue with a flat earther. You are too stuck in your mentality, it's a waste of time.

>"Morals" aren't just "anything I think".
You have literally just pulled the rug out from under your own feet. That is literally how you define morals when it comes to you.

>tell me why two productive members of society who abide by the law, pay their taxes and pray to whatever entity they're worshipping or not worshipping, getting married results in the collapse of your sweet tart society?
Moving the goalposts. I never said it caused collapse, I said it's a net negative.
>the United States of America is the fastest growing nation with the biggest economy
False and mostly false. China has the highest PPP, and US growth is sluggish. Not like evaluating nations by money is something I'd do.
>A) nobody is thinking long term about their choice of partner
They usually aren't. Exceptions exist, but they hardly justify throwing out the rule.
>B) people are fulfilling their desires impulsively
That's exactly what they do, or are you going to claim that sexual libertinism in the past 50 years isn't directly related to this?
>C) other races and cultures mixing with european culture would result in a degenerative result
By definition, it degrades the native European culture and people.
>D) people would unanimously accept a moral code that suits you and that society is blind to what it needs
They don't need to "accept" it, and yes it is. Stop being so naive.

>In this modern theatre we live in, the law rules all, most countries have freedom of sexual orientation, religion, congregation and speech.
Oh, please. Most countries don't have it, and even those that claim to are mre than willing to mobilize against opponents. Have you forgotten the US funding coups of governments it didn't like? Nation-building when it saw fit? Ram that back up your ass where it belongs.

>opinions have no value but to obstruct the way of seeing the objective truth
Objective truth toward subjective ends, retard. What makes your end better than mine? I have a goal and reasoning for it, you have your feelings and lust for white women.

>not with tripe about race, about morals and other nonsense
Morals are tripe, huh? Then why have freedom in the first place? We have supercomputers already, why aren't we fine-tuning them to dictate every aspect of society in the most efficient way possible? Oh, you don't like it? Well, that's a worthless opinion.
>the governing unit doesn't ever consult the general populace's opinions but their attitude
And it shapes their attitudes regardless.
>No need to address your points.
So you can't?

>even if I showed you objective truth you would deny it.
I already did post the negative consequences of diversity here Fuck off.
>I mean, just the definition of white and non-white is arbitrary
Pic related, fuck off.
>when it has been time and time proven again that the opposite, a wide variety of genes, are necessary for a healthy society.
Even Iceland has a stable genetic pool, fuck off. You need to go down to a few hundred individuals before inbreeding becomes a problem.
>every big empire, from Rome to the US proves you otherwise.
Both of which reached their peak under domination from one group, the Latins and Whites. Rome was dying when they let in hordes of Germans, they had been declining for over a century. "Proves", my ass. You have a middle school understanding of history, and you dare to call me stupid. Go fuck a goat.
>Total bullshit, that's the result of bad genes/environment and not of racial difference.
Nature AND nurture, lefty. Minnesota adoption study.

>It is like trying to argue with a flat earther. You are too stuck in your mentality, it's a waste of time.
Back at you, fag. And so far I'm the only one who bothered to post sources (so much for "academic credibility", huh?)
Frankly, I think this little episode is one of the best arguments there is against democracy. No matter which one of us is right, it's obvious that people are on the whole retarded, arrogant, and delusional--hardly an enlightened electorate.

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no, you are the retarded one, not me

Excellent argument.

>white girls racemix the least
white women are the name of the game when it comes to racemixing. I think you're thinking about asian chicks. The most they'll do is fuck white guys, on the rarest of occassion anything less than that.